Comes the second half of the year, and we have on the table, there are many fresh and sweet fruits. In particular, one of the most popular fruits in Russia – Apple. However, the consumption of this fruit can cause such unpleasant phenomenon as an Allergy.
Benefits of apples
Apple tree relates to the woody plants of the family Rosaceae. It is widely distributed in countries with temperate climate. In Russia the Apple tree and its fruits – apples have long been respected and widely used in food, including, and children.
Apples contain many healthy substances. This vitamins (especially vitamin C), pectin, antioxidants, flavonoids, organic acids, anthocyanins, carbohydrates, various minerals, primarily sodium and potassium. Consumption of apples is useful for digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Can be allergic to apples?
For a long time, apples were considered a hypoallergenic fruit, or at least some of hypoallergenic. But in fact it is not. Studies show that approximately 5% of people suffer from allergies to apples in varying degrees. Although this type of Allergy may not always have a clear severity and occur in severe form. Perhaps that is why there is a perception that apples are no allergies.
Most often allergic reactions to apples are observed in children. This is due to the fact that the child is not fully developed immune system and digestive system. However, in adults, there can be a Allergy associated with fruit.
You shouldn’t mix Allergy to apples with a food intolerance of this fruit. Intolerance to apples usually means that the digestive tract does not produce enough enzymes for the processing part of the fruit nutrients. Intolerances often cause only a pseudoallergy – acne, deterioration of health and problems with digestion.
What causes allergies?
What is the mechanism of developing an Allergy to apples? Unlike some other fruits, apples are found substances that do have the ability to cause allergies on human exposure. First of all, this type of protein Mal d1, Mal Mal d3 and d4. Most of these proteins contained in the skin of the Apple. That is why the skin of apples is their most allergenic part. As scientists assume, the function of these proteins – protect the fruit from viruses.
Interestingly, proteins homologous Apple protein Mal d1, Mal d4, detected in the pollen of birch, alder, hazel and other trees. Thus, an Allergy to pollen from certain trees can cause a cross-allergic to apples. Also allergic to apples may appear due to allergic to Apple pollen. Protein type Mal d3 is less likely to cause allergies, but it is more resistant to heat treatment and is not destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract.
Perhaps allergies can cause and other substances contained in apples, for example, carotenoids and anthocyanins. Most likely, this peculiarity is connected with the fact that most often causes allergies-apples with red skin, not white or green because the red apples more pigments.
A lot of apples and simple sugars – fructose, glucose and sucrose. These substances themselves do not cause allergies, but can cause fermentation in the digestive tract, which in turn leads to increased allergic manifestations.
If you use pears, quince, peaches there is an Allergy, you may develop cross-allergic and apples, because these fruits contain allergens similar to those that are contained in apples.
The Allergy to apples is greatly influenced by heredity. If the parents suffer from this type of Allergy, there is a high probability that it will appear in their children. Women during pregnancy are also more likely to suffer from similar allergies.
What else could cause an allergic reaction when eating apples or products from them?
It is no secret that many of the fruits sold in stores are processed with chemicals designed to increase the shelf life of fruits, to preserve them from destruction by the larvae of insects, rot and mold. These substances can also cause allergies in sensitized individuals. In the use of Apple cider vinegar or possible Allergy to the yeast contained in these products. Baby Apple juices and puree can contain a variety of allergenic additives – preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.
Allergic to apples belongs to the category of food allergies, which means that signs of inherent allergies to other food products, typical for this type of Allergy. Symptoms of Allergy to apples can affect skin, respiratory organs and digestion.
The main symptoms, accompanying allergic to apples:
- rash, redness, hives;
- itching, burning of the skin;
- negative digestive symptoms, upset stomach and intestines, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting;
- allergic stomatitis, swelling of the mouth;
- lacrimation, rhinitis;
- bronchial asthma.
It is not excluded, especially in young children, such dangerous complications of Allergy, such as angioedema and anaphylactic shock.
What can be done to avoid allergies
Most contained in the fruit protein allergens is destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, people with allergies are advised to eat baked apples. Also, given the fact that the largest number of food allergens contained in Apple peel, it is recommended to cut it and eat only the Apple pulp.
Of the varieties of apples are considered the least allergenic apples with green or white rind (Antonovka, White filling). Usually in green fruits, less carbohydrates and antioxidants, but it kompensiruet an increase in the concentration of other useful substances, such as pectin. In addition, it was found that more acidic varieties tend to be less allergenic effects because they contain substances that neutralize allergens.
Also, instead of fresh apples to try to eat different foods from them – juices, jellies, compotes. Although it is worth remembering that the greatest amount of vitamins and biologically active components contains still in fresh fruits.
If the consumption of fruits apples causes acute attacks of allergies, then this fruit must be excluded from the diet. In addition, the diet of a patient suffering from Allergy to apples, should not contain other potentially allergenic fruits such as citrus, peaches, melons.
For acute Allergy attacks, the patient is recommended to take antihistamines – Tavegil, Suprastin, loratadine, Cetirizine, Terfenadine. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs based on corticosteroids. For the withdrawal of the allergen from the gastrointestinal tract, are used chelators – Polisorb, activated carbon, Smectite, Enterosgel.
Apples are very useful, and so it makes no sense to abandon them completely, even people who have a tendency to allergies. However, to reduce the probability of occurrence of allergies related to apples should adhere to the following rules:
- to use less allergenic fruit varieties with green or white skin color or slightly unripe;
- eat the fruit after removing skin;
- do not buy in the store too shiny apples, as they can be treated with chemicals;
- use chopped apples, and baked fruits.
People allergic to apples may undergo desensitization in which the body regularly injected allergen in microscopic doses, so that the immune system gradually got used to him, and the Allergy attacks would no longer bother the person.
ORVI in children
It is well known that children’s bodies are more reactive to most allergens. Meanwhile, apples and products made from them are often used in baby food. Moreover, mashed apples are often used by mothers for feeding babies. The question naturally arises whether these mashed potatoes included in the diet of the baby, cause his Allergy?
This is unlikely, because the apples before you get to the puree, processed (pasteurized) and contains few allergens. However, when applesauce the baby can still receive some Allergy symptoms. To avoid this, you should not introduce solid foods too early, earlier than 4 months from the date of birth of the baby. In addition, in many cases, the guilty are not apples, and other fruit mixtures of components, such as preservatives and dyes. Therefore, in this case, it makes sense to try products from another manufacturer.
If the Allergy persists, then you should consult a pediatrician, who will conduct a skin test will determine whether the baby is allergic to apples or something else. It must be borne in mind that an Allergy to apples can also appear in breast-fed babies whose mother uses apples in large quantities.