Epinephrine injection may slow or stop the allergic reaction. Epinephrine stops the production of chemicals that cause an allergic reaction. Epinephrine relieves symptoms such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, itching. It also normalizes blood pressure and reduces swelling of the hands, feet, eyelids, tongue and throat.
Why a child may need an injection of epinephrine?
If a child has had an acute allergic reaction in the past, the chances that it will repeat are great. However, people react differently to the allergen that causes the reaction.
Contact a specialist clinic “Eurolab”, which will tell you when to give the child an injection of epinephrine.
In the set for self-injection of epinephrine is a syringe with a certain dose of epinephrine. It is designed for quick and easy introduction.
Observe the specific rules for storing the kit for epinephrine injection:
- Protect the kit from light exposure, store it in a special tube.
- Store the kit at a temperature of 15 ° C to 30 ° C. Do not store the kit in the refrigerator.
- Regularly check the shelf life of the kit. Replace the kit if it has expired.
All parents whose children had acute allergic reactions, know how dangerous these reactions are. Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, itching and swelling can appear instantly and threaten the life of the child. An epinephrine injection can slow down or stop an allergic reaction altogether. Therefore, it is important to always have with you a kit for self-injection of epinephrine, as well as to know how to give the injection correctly – this can save your child’s life.
Before you inject, pay attention to some points:
- After injection, be sure to consult a doctor for help. Symptoms of an acute allergic reaction may recur or worsen after epinephrine injection.
- The injection should be done only in the lateral part of the thigh. Do not inject into the buttock or vein.
- You should know what the symptoms of an acute allergic reaction are. If you see that symptoms begin to manifest, act quickly. The sooner an injection of epinephrine is made, the more likely it will be quite effective.
- If necessary, have someone hold the baby while you give the injection. If this is not possible, put the child on his back, sit on top. Hold the baby’s leg with one hand and give the injection with the other.
- An epinephrine injection kit should be available in all situations. One set should be kept at home, the other in school or kindergarten. An adult child can wear a set in a belt wallet.
- Keep two doses of epinephrine in the kit in case you need a second shot.
- The child should always wear a special medical bracelet or key chain informing others about the child’s allergies.
- Inform the staff of the school, kindergarten, and friends about how to inject epinephrine. At school, an epinephrine injection kit should always be close to the child, and not locked with a key in the cabinet of the first-aid post.
- Explain to the child why and in what cases the injection helps, how epinephrine works, and also describe what you will do when an injection is required. This way you will prepare the child.
- As soon as the child grows up, teach him to inject himself, as well as to seek medical help.