
The causes of reduced potency in men at a young age, and methods of correction

Reduced potency occurs for different reasons. Today, this problem is correctable, but the treatment may take a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to react to the slightest signs of decreasing potency.

If earlier this problem was encountered mostly men after forty, but now it has become much “younger” and more and more often occurs in young people up to 25 years.

The causes of this phenomenon can be divided into two groups: physiological and psychological. Depending on the causes, methods of correction differ significantly. It is therefore important to diagnose and identify root causes of erectile dysfunction.

Psychological causes of potency reduction

Reduced potency at a young age is often caused by psychological reasons. Men aged 25-35 years old tend to reach a certain position in society. Lack of proper rest, long working hours and lack of sleep, sooner or later will lead to decrease in sexual activity.

Due to constant overload at work exhausts the nervous system of the man. First, reduced libido, and then potency. In this case it is not necessary to resort to medication, sometimes it is enough just to refuse excessive workloads, and to establish a regime of work and rest.

The psychological reasons for the decline of potency include:

  • conflict situations at work and at home;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • stressful situation;
  • excessive mental and physical stress;
  • General malaise;
  • complexes;
  • depression;
  • the failure of the first sexual experience.

Irregular sexual life negatively affects potency. While rare sexual intercourse in the pelvic organs blood circulation, which leads to reduced potency.

Important! The cause of the weak erection can be not only lack of physical intimacy, but spiritual. Frequent scandals and misunderstanding between the spouses affects the virility.

Inferiority complex does not allow a man to enjoy sexual intercourse. Too high concentration on how to deliver partner pleasure, can play a cruel joke. At the most inopportune moment erection may disappear. In this case you need to consult a therapist to help get rid of complexes.

Physiological causes of poor erection

After forty years of endocrine system male significantly reduces the synthesis of testosterone, and the amount of the female hormone estrogen greatly increases. This leads to reduced potency.

Hormonal failure can occur at a young age. This contributes to unhealthy lifestyle and constant stress. Therefore, when the first signs of declining potency blood on a particular group of hormones.

Often the reason for the decline in erectile function become cardiovascular disease. Neurological diseases can also lead to reduction of potency, but can affect other organs and systems.

To physiological causes of reduced potency include:

The state of potency worsens the malnutrition. Large amounts of sugar and salt, fatty foods, processed foods and fast foods have a negative impact on erectile function. You should also stop Smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation.

Methods of correction of the reduced potency

First, before treatment, it is necessary to find the cause of the disorder. If erection dysfunction is caused by psychological factors, it is enough to organize the day and to avoid stress. Often doctors recommend in such cases to take a vacation and relax. Relaxation normalizes work of the endocrine, reproductive and nervous systems.

If the reduced potency caused by physiological reasons, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. Vascular obstruction often eliminate surgical methods. Prescribe diet to reduce cholesterol.

Important! You must treat the cause of the disorder, rather than to eliminate symptoms.

Proper nutrition and physical activity
  • it is necessary to include in the diet foods containing selenium, zinc, vitamins C, E and b group;
  • not to abuse very spicy and fatty foods;
  • not to overeat.

The risk of lower potency is reduced by 70% if you exercise regularly. Particularly effective exercises to enhance erection. With their help, practicing pubic-coccygeal muscle and increases circulation in the pelvic organs.

Normalization of weight

Overweight affects the production of testosterone. In adipose tissue is formed the female sex hormone – estrogen. This leads to erectile dysfunction and sexual desire. To reduce weight, you need to stick to a diet and increase physical activity.

Normalization of sleep

Testosterone is produced by only subject to sleep mode. Need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Drugs to increase potency
  • drugs for systemic use – Verona, Yohimbine, Tentex, Spiegel. Stimulate the filling of the penis with blood;
  • inhibitors fosfodiesterazy-5 – Levitra, Viagra, Cialis, Zidena. The drugs increase blood flow to the cavernous bodies;
  • antidepressant – Trazodone;
  • hormones – injections of Sustanon-250, testosterone patches, pills Andriol.
Folk remedies to increase potency

Tincture of ginseng root with honey. Mix 350 g of honey with half spoon of crushed root. To insist week and a half. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

Infusion enhances the potency and the synthesis of testosterone.

Infusion of nettle. Tablespoon of dry grass, pour a glass of boiling water. Drink before meals in three divided doses. Use immediately before sexual contact. Enhances erection and sex drive.

A mixture of nuts and honey. Mix the nuts honey in equal proportions. The mixture, take a spoonful three times a day, half an hour after eating for months.

To the potency problems arise, you need to eat right, to get rid of bad habits and lead an active lifestyle.

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