
5 myths about massage

Everyone at least once in life resorted to the healing effects of massage. This, of course, not only on the professional sessions, how about the possibility to ease the pain or discomfort in the body, just crushing and heating of a particular part of the body. This knowledge mankind has, since ancient times, and is constantly improving the relevant skills.

The millennial practice allowed to form a huge number of types of massage when the impact takes place hands, feet or with the aid of auxiliary objects, when massaged all over the body, the individual portions or the impact on specific points. But even in the case of the classic types of massage in the whole volume of human knowledge most people are sincerely wrong in the useful properties of this procedure.

There is a huge number of myths about how, when and where to use effects on the body. Let us examine the most common misconceptions about massage.

Myth 1. Any massage is useful for health

Not everything that is called massage, is one. In the hands of careless masters can’t wait for curative effect, but also to a serious injury. Similarly, hardly be called a massage is performed automatically by the procedure in so-called massage chairs or with other stationary and portable wonderful tools. But even at the reception of the qualified professional you will specify the conditions under which resort to the massage you should not.

As with any other medical procedure of massage, there are contraindications. These include fungal and pustular skin diseases, infected wounds, or any infectious disease, arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism in the active phase, the presence of tumors. Such chronic diseases as ulcers, cholecystitis and colitis in the acute stage also refer to the contraindications of massage. And especially for health and life is dangerous to massage the body for bleeding, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

It would seem that with such a wide list of contraindications, how to call the massage treatment procedure: to eliminate any diseases and conditions human it can be sent? The kneading and rubbing of the body activates the metabolism in the body that relaxes or tones the muscles, improves circulation of blood and lymph, reduces inflammation in the joints and warms up the ligament. Much also depends on the type of massage. Classic focuses on the muscles, main vessels and nervous bundles, Swedish mainly affects the joints, different types of exotic massages – on the biologically active points of the body.

Myth 2. Massage not to do in youth

Indeed, perfectly healthy young man, leading an active lifestyle, massage can deliver is that fun, but people with perfect health does not happen. In addition, each procedure a professional massage, in fact, can be compared with physical exercise, which for many is laziness. On the other hand, those who are engaged in fitness, you may need the help of a massage to remove muscle spasm, reduce pressure on the spinal nerves, develop the ligaments and tendons in the problem area, and just determine you exercise.

Their hands, the therapist is able to work on strengthening muscular system, joint mobility and elasticity of the skin, the cardio – vascular system. In addition, a good massage can effectively deal with stress and physical overloads, restores the immune system and recharges vital energy. With this aim to achieve a better effect during the procedure can be used aromatic essential oils. Even a single session of such a massage is able how to shake a young and healthy body.

Myth 3. The massage should be done as often as possible

The effects of massage on the human body is so pervasive that, of course, such procedures cannot be carried out haphazardly. Daily massages will negate its therapeutic effect and can be the cause of fatigue and aches throughout the body. Such intense exercise is simply counter to the body.

It is believed to hire the services of a masseur is not more than a day, and the optimal mode – 2-3 times a week. And much depends on the goals pursued. A good specialist will always help to choose the most appropriate program, based on the testimony of the patient. In the case of therapeutic massage the main course may consist of 5-7 sessions less intense relaxing massage require 12-15 sessions. At the end of the course, the frequency of treatments decreases.

Myth 4. The longer the massage the more effective the procedure

Everything in our life is good in moderation, this rule fully applies to the duration of the massage. It is scientifically proven that the most effective effect on the body is in the first hour. Then the skin and muscles are adapting to tactile manipulation, reduces the sensitivity and overall response of the body to the procedure. In the right hands short session would be sufficient to get the desired charge.

In addition, too long term effect on the body in certain situations can lead to health problems. So, at elevated pressure the patient may experience discomfort until a hypertensive crisis due to acceleration of blood flow, with reduced long stay in a horizontal position on a massage table can cause dizziness and nausea.

Myth 5. During the massage the person should not feel pain

Body pain can be a signal for the start of the massage, but not have to constantly accompany the procedure. Some massage techniques may cause discomfort, but people should not feel constant pain during the massage. Not only superficial relaxing and deep therapeutic massage aimed at alleviating the physical condition of the body, and with the right approach it comes not through overcoming pain.

Very common is the misconception that cellulite massage can not be painless, supposedly, a specialist should be as much direct influence on subcutaneous fat, literally stretching it. However, it is now proven that subcutaneous fat is not amenable to direct physical impact, and the desired anti-cellulite effect can be achieved by acting on the General metabolism in the body.

Accelerating the movement of lymph, increases tone of muscle tissue and positively affecting the emotional state, properly executed massage thereby executes the program body to lose weight. Therefore, hematoma and pain under the skin after a session of anti-cellulite massage is not indicative of its quality, but on the contrary indicate the lack of professional competence of a specialist.

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