The sooner you begin treatment for stomatitis, the faster the recovery will come. The doctor should prescribe the appropriate course, as each case may differ.
It takes into account the causes of the disease, type, features of the course, the degree of spread and the age of the patient.
Stomatitis in children is treated with antiseptics, sometimes antibiotics are required. Frequent rinsing and treatment of the oral cavity and the lips area with oil solutions, antimicrobial or antiviral ointments will help to cure stomatitis at home. Also included in the course are agents that increase immunity and painkillers.
Treatment recommendations:
- Before each meal it is recommended to anesthetize the oral mucosa. You can apply ointments or gels that are used as painkillers for teething, for example, Calgel or Camistide.
- After each meal, rinse the mouth.
- It is necessary to rinse your mouth every 2 hours with solutions that have anti-inflammatory effects, such as furatsilina solution, decoction of oak bark or chamomile. Young children who cannot rinse themselves are recommended to irrigate the mouth cavity from a can, putting them on the side.
- In the case of microbial and hepatic stomatitis, after rinsing, the wound is treated with antimicrobial or antiviral ointments prescribed by a doctor. For traumatic stomatitis, instead of an ointment, it is recommended to use oils that promote healing, for example, rosehip and sea buckthorn. Means are applied with a finger wrapped with cotton.
- If there is a crust on the lips of the child, before applying the ointment, it should be soaked with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or an oil solution.
Folk remedies for stomatitis
The most common remedy for stomatitis of fungal origin is simple soda. 1 tsp product must be dissolved in a glass of water and regularly wipe the mucous membrane of the child. Do it better with a piece of gauze wound on a finger.
In the fight against wounds helps 1% solution of greens or a solution of methylene blue – 1 tsp. in a glass of water.
Well helps to cope with aloe sores. If there are many of them, it is recommended to chew the plant, and if there is one, then it can be applied to the site of injury.
Egg protein solution has antibacterial properties. To make it, you need to whisk the egg white from 100 ml. water. The solution is used for rinsing the mouth.
It will help to heal wounds and restore the mucous mixture of Kalanchoe juice and rosehip oil. She needs to lubricate the mucous several times a day.
Stomatitis is a whole group of diseases of the oral mucosa. It can affect both small, just born children, and schoolchildren. Each child suffers from severe pain that causes him to give up drinking and eating. Each type of stomatitis is peculiar to a certain age. There can be many causes, each type of disease has its own causative agent or factor.
Types of stomatitis and their causes
- Herpetic stomatitis. Most of the children suffer from this type of stomatitis, especially at the age of 1-3 years. It is caused by the herpes virus, which can be transmitted through contact with the infected, through objects that he used and by airborne droplets. Viral stomatitis in children begins to manifest at 4 or 8 days after infection. The child becomes moody, irritable, lethargic, he may have a fever, a cough or runny nose. The gums begin to redden and rashes appear in the mouth and on the lips. The disease can occur in mild and acute, in which there may be a strong fever and painful rash.
- Fungal stomatitis It is also called candidiasis. This species is more common among newborns. Its source is Candida fungi, which develop in the baby’s mouth in milk residues after feeding. Signs of stomatitis in children of fungal origin – the appearance of redness on the mucous membrane, which turn into a small loose white rash. It begins to grow in size, covered with white bloom and bleed. Since the wounds bring pain to the kid, he can be very naughty and refuse to eat.
- Microbial stomatitis. It becomes a frequent companion of pneumonia, otitis, sore throats, or allergic diseases. In children prone to colds, stomatitis can appear several times a year. They are sick of schoolchildren and preschoolers. Its pathogens are staphylococci and streptococci. In microbial stomatitis in children, a yellow crust forms on the lips and the temperature rises.
- Allergic stomatitis. This type of disease can have different manifestations and occur for a variety of reasons, for example, a reaction to medications.
- Traumatic stomatitis. Develops after injury of the oral mucosa. For example, burn hot food, biting his cheeks and causing damage to a foreign object.