It is considered that about their appearance women more concerned than men. But it’s not. Many men worry about their appearance and in particular about how their hair looks. A problem like appearance of acne on the head of hair is quite common in men and, of course, gives them a lot of trouble. What are the possible causes of this disease?
Causes of acne on the head
Acne on the head is a manifestation of a dermatological disease called folliculitis. Latin folliculitis translates as “inflammation of the hair follicle”. The follicle is nothing but a hair follicle composed of root hairs and its surrounding soft tissues.
Disease caused by different microbes. Thus, the development of folliculitis can cause:
But most often the culprit for the development of folliculitis is Staphylococcus aureus. Germs get into the hair follicle when microfascism scalp. This is possible with continuous scratching of head, use the comb with sharp teeth, shaving the head, rubbing on your collar or cap.
In addition, the emergence of folliculitis are also contributing factors such as:
- Contamination of the scalp failure to comply with hygiene;
- Sweating;
- Using other people’s combs, towels;
- The decrease in immunity that occurs when the endocrine and other diseases, depletes the body when hypovitaminosis;
- The impact of chemical substances on the scalp: kerosene, gasoline, industrial oils. So folliculitis often occurs in people of certain professions that come into contact with such chemicals.
Symptoms of folliculitis
On the skin are always different microbes. When trauma to the scalp bacteria can easily penetrate inside the hair follicle. Here the microbe causing the development of inflammation. It is manifested by the appearance of red nodules papules on the head, which also hurt. Soon transformirovalsya papules in pustules – pustules, the centre is riddled with hair.
A few days later pustules independently opened. In their place are formed the wound covered with a crust. The further development of events depends on the form of the disease. Depending on the depth distribution of inflammation distinguish deep folliculitis and superficial (ostiofollikulit).
When ostetricia pustules disappear, except that there is still a little peeling. But with a deep folliculitis on the site of the pustules formed a small scar. In this phase the hair won’t grow back because the papilla is completely destroyed. In the absence of adequate treatment and compliance with hygienic measures folliculitis may be complicated by the development of boils, carbuncle and even abscess.
Treatment of folliculitis
To completely get rid of acne on the head, we need to influence the pathogen and to conduct etiotropic treatment.
To determine the microorganism technician selects the pus from the pimple and holds microscopic examination and, if necessary, bacterial culture. Identification of the pathogen will allow the doctor to prescribe effective therapy.
Group of drugs used in the treatment of folliculitis:
- Antibiotics (Levomycetin, Erythromycin, Cephalexin) – in case of bacterial folliculitis;
- Antimycotic drugs (Ketoconazole, fluconazole) – for fungal folliculitis;
- Antiprotozoal agents (Metronidazole) – Demodex folliculitis;
- Antivirals (Acyclovir) – in viral folliculitis;
- Antihistamines (loratadine, Zyrtec) to reduce itching;
- Sedatives (Valerian, Gidazepam) – reduce itching.
Treatment starts with the topical use of funds. So, when bacterial folliculitis the man credited with treating scalp with Miramistina, Levomycetinum or salicylic alcohol, Chlorhexidine, ointment Baktroban, etc These agents have antiseptic effect. But the chronic course of the disease, and when folliculitis is observed in other parts of the body, the patient is administered antibiotics for oral administration.
Folliculitis on the head is often observed in the demodicosis. In this case, the scalp is treated butylbenzoate cream, Ichthyol and sulphuric ointments. Wash your hair with a special shampoo against demodicosis or tar soap. Also prescribe a course of treatment pills Metronidazole.
Treatment of folk remedies
Long known that certain herbs have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. Therefore, after prior consultation with the doctor decoctions of these herbs can be applied for the topical treatment of acne on the head.
For example, you can prepare an infusion of marigold flowers. You need to pour in a bowl a tablespoon of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. The dishes cover. Twenty minutes later, strain the infusion, raw squeeze. In the received infusion to wet the cotton wool and treating pimples on the head four times a day.
Even easier to use tea tree. Enough to buy at the pharmacy bottle with the tea tree oil. Oil necessary to wet the cotton wool and treat her pimples on the head. Also, a few drops of tea tree oil can be added to the shampoo during shampooing.