
Acne on chin in women: causes and treatment

What makes a woman beautiful and well-groomed? Of course healthy skin. It is difficult to feel confident when on the chin appear treacherous spots. Mask rashes tonal resources is not a option, it will only aggravate the situation. First of all, you need to find the reason because of which acne appeared

What are the different types of acne?

It is known that on the chin in a large number of concentrated sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum (sebum), which is supposed freely to be ejected to the outside. However, in some circumstances, sebum changes its properties and density. In the end, the sebum clogs the excretory duct of the gland and can not come to the surface of the skin. So causes acne.

Acne on the chin can be different. Some women worry about black spots, pimples and other internal, third – pustules.

Dermatologists distinguish between these types of acne:

  • Comedones – it is nothing like black dots. Comedones are formed in situations when sebum accumulates in the pore at the surface of the skin. Partially contacting with the external environment, the sebum oxidizes and becomes black.
  • The Milia are small white pimples, “corn Bunting”. Milia are formed when sebum clogs the skin pore at the bottom. This grease tube sits very deep and can not force his way out through the skin, tightening the mouth of the pore.
  • Papule (nodule) is a rounded formation on the skin is red, painful to the touch. Formed when the pore with sebum get bacteria, leading to inflammation.
  • Pustules – this is the so-called pustules. Formed when inflammation of sebum is pushed out. The pustules look like a pimple with a white head – accumulation of pus.
The probable causes of acne on the chin

With the types of acne figured out, now I have to find out the cause of their appearance. The roots of evil can be diseases of internal organs, lifestyle and improper skin care. To identify the underlying cause is extremely important. After all, external treatment of acne without affecting the cause by and large meaningless.

Pimples on the chin: which organ is not in order

Often the problem of acne on chin women turn to the beautician. In turn, a qualified specialist will always guide the client with these symptoms on reception to the gynecologist. The fact that the functioning of the reproductive organs depends on the production of sex hormones. Well, hormones has a tremendous impact on the skin.

Women with diseases of reproductive organs are often faced with acne. For example, such disease as polycystic ovaries noted the increased production of male hormones androgens and a decrease in the synthesis of the female estrogens. An excess of androgens leads to changes in the properties of sebum. Sebum becomes more viscous and dense. This leads to the appearance of pimples on the face, including the chin.

The fair sex hormones are volatile. The level of certain female hormones changes depending on the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. In fact, many women notice that pimples just before my period and it is natural. As a rule, after the end of menstruation rash not to bother.

Not last role in occurrence of acne play, and thyroid disease. Thus, when hyperthyroidism – hyperthyroidism is an increase in viscosity and density of sebum. In addition, in patients with thyrotoxicosis increases heat production, causing them to sweat heavily. This further exacerbates the problem and contributes to pimples.

Do not underestimate the influence of the digestive system on the skin. During normal operation of the digestive tract useful substances from food are absorbed and harmful substances are excreted outside. If you have problems with the digestive system harmful substances remain in the body. And in order to expel them out are connected to the excretory system, for example, leather. All this is certainly not the best way affects the purity of the skin.


Probably, all women, heard that on the skin is affected by nutrition. But for some reason, few refers to this principle in all seriousness. And a very good reason.

It is known that acne results abuse of such products as:

  • Chocolate;
  • Flour products;
  • Spicy and smoked foods;
  • Fast food;
  • Fat fried foods;
  • Dairy with high fat content;
  • Coffee.

If pimples on the chin, that is, tortured, at least try for the sake of experiment one month to be on a diet. This refers to the healthy food with the exception of the above-mentioned products. You will be surprised, but after a month the skin is greatly improved, become less Shine the skin and the number of spots will also be reduced.

Improper skin care

Acne on chin in women with oily and combination skin types. Rashes appear in the so-called T zone, where there is the greatest number of sebaceous glands. This is the forehead, nose and chin. The skin should be cleaned regularly. However, it is impossible to go to extremes and dry it, this will entail the dehydration and the aggravation of the situation.

In each case, to correctly pick up beauty cosmetics will help cosmetologists and dermatologists.

But there are General recommendations for those with combination or oily skin:

  1. Clean the skin using foams or gel cleanser twice a day;
  2. Use the toner after cleansing to close the pores of the skin;
  3. Prefer moisturizing medium easy texture to emulsions, fluids;
  4. Carefully choose cosmetics, check the ingredients on the subject of comedogenicity;
  5. Choose tools with salicylic acid and zinc in the composition;
  6. Often change facial towel, and in any case, nor with whom they do not share;
  7. Get rid of the habit of constantly touching your face.

Treatment of acne on the chin

It can be long and tedious to try to cope with the problem of acne on my chin. But in the best case, the medication will be ineffective, and at worst, harm. Therefore optimal immediately consult a dermatologist or beautician to effectively resolve the problem.

Medicines for acne on the chin

Dermatologists develop a customized treatment regimens for each client based on their features. So, some women may be confined to means for topical treatment. But in other situations without the use of pills is not enough.

In General, for the treatment of acne on chin use such groups of medicines:

  1. Antiseptic (Zinc ointment Metrogyl gel);
  2. Antibacterial agents (ointment Levomikol, Streptocid, Duac, Zener);
  3. Retinoids reduce the secretion of sebaceous glands (Retinoic ointment, gel, Tazorac);
  4. Probiotics for the correction of the intestinal microflora (capsule Linex, Bifiform);
  5. Chelators – remove toxins from the body (POLYSORB, Enterosgel);
  6. Hormones (Hydrocortisone ointment).
Beauty treatments

In combination with medication work effectively cosmetic procedures. The simplest thing can make a cosmetologist is a mechanical cleaning of the face. Regular cleaning will help to get rid of the hated pimples.

In the case of purulent acne cleansing ever carried out, because it can lead to the spread of infection.

Also in the fight against acne will help hardware procedures:

For carrying out treatments the skin must be pre-prepared and treat. Such manipulations are not carried out during exacerbation of the inflammatory process or the presence of lesions on the skin.

Folk remedies

To help in the fight against acne on the chin can folk remedies. Some herbs have antiseptic and healing action, although not as pronounced as pharmaceuticals. Of herbs prepared decoction for washing and steam baths, tinctures for compresses and lotions for face wiping.

Get rid of comedones on the chin will help a steam bath with chamomile. Pour into the pan two tablespoons of chamomile pour a liter of water. Pot put on the fire. After boiling, make a quieter gas and liquid let it cook gently for another fifteen minutes. The passage of time remove the pan from the stove and go into the bathroom to wash my face and remove makeup. You can now lean over the pot and cover head with a towel. To steam the skin should be within ten minutes.

Under the influence of steam, skin pores dilate and blackheads are pushed out. Sebum is wiped from the skin using cotton swab soaked in antiseptic, such as hydrogen peroxide. No matter how scratched hands, don’t squeeze pimples. So you only injure the skin and bring infection.

A couple of times a week can make a special mask for the face. You should pay attention to the mask with cosmetic clay. The tool perfectly cleanses the skin and removes excess sebum, dries a bit, and also promotes the contraction of the pores. For oily and combination skin is best suited white clay. A well-known recipe, clay mask with tea tree oil. For its preparation you need a tablespoon of clay to pour warm water until a thick creamy mass. A finished weight, add a few drops of tea tree oil and fresh lemon juice. Apply the mask on clean, wet face. Twenty minutes later wash with water. This procedure can be done twice a week.

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