As a rule, arthrosis, a pathology that occurs in older people, occurs as a result of age-related changes, a sedentary lifestyle, or, conversely, excessive physical exertion, as well as malnutrition.
With the development of modern technologies in all areas, another type of arthrosis has appeared – metabolic. It occurs due to the consumption of a large number of preservatives, hormones, dyes and various harmful food additives.
Therefore, dishes that are prepared for patients with arthrosis should not contain chemical and artificial additives.
The main goals of maintaining proper nutrition are:
- reducing the load on the sore knee by reducing weight;
- reduction of the inflammatory process;
- normalization of metabolic processes;
- slow down the process of premature wear of cartilage.
The main enemy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is considered overweight, so the diet for arthrosis of the knee joint is an integral part of the complex therapy of pathology. But it is also important that the nutrition is complete and fortified, filled with all useful trace elements. Since the nutrition of cartilaginous tissue and its metabolic processes depend on the lifestyle and eating habits, the lack of an element can disrupt the normal function of the joint.
What trace elements are needed first
Of course, one diet will not help to cope with the problem, but by including certain substances in your diet, you can improve the nutrition and functionality of the joint.
Collagen is one of these elements; this protein is found in large quantities in ligaments, skin, and cartilage. The importance of collagen can hardly be overestimated, it creates a kind of framework for cartilage with its fibers, giving it strength and supporting it. If its amount in the body, insufficient cartilage tissue becomes more vulnerable.
Most collagen is found in jelly, both in fish and meat. It should be remembered that such a dish is rich not only in this protein, but also in cholesterol, which does not bring benefits to the body. Therefore, the jelly should be present in the diet once or twice a week, not more often.
The menu should include:
- lean meats;
- a fish;
- legumes;
- dairy cuisine.
Another way to replenish the supply of substances is the use of fruit jelly, gelatin, which is one of the main ingredients, in fact, there is collagen, only of artificial origin. In order for the body to be able to independently produce this element, it is important that the diet for arthrosis of the knee joints be filled with proteins of plant and animal origin.
Sulfur is considered to be an equally important trace element in the work of joints, it participates in the production of collagen, without it, a substance simply cannot be produced.
Also, sulfur components moisturize the cartilage tissue, without an insufficient amount of it, the joint becomes fragile and brittle. Sulfur acts only in combination with selenium, without it, the effect on the musculoskeletal system does not occur.
Sulfur contains:
- radish;
- cabbage;
- apples
- radish;
- gooseberries;
- legumes;
- the eggs.
Selenium contain:
- sea kale;
- кокосы;
- almond;
- shrimp and other seafood.
Its content is slightly lower in milk, cod, garlic and whole grain bread, but if these products are constantly present on the table, this will be enough.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The third essential component for proper joint function is omega-3 fatty acids. They have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and activate restoration processes in the cartilage.
The substance is found in fatty varieties of fish, especially in herring, mackerel and sardine, as well as flaxseed oil, which is rich in fatty acids.
B vitamins
Of course, all vitamins and minerals are important for the proper functioning of the body as a whole, but group B, especially.
B1 is in the following products:
- peas;
- beans;
- whole wheat bread;
- baked potato.
- cream;
- cream;
- cottage cheese;
- bananas
- the eggs.
AT 6:
- chicken meat;
- bananas
- nuts
- potatoes.
B12 or folic acid:
- cabbage;
- lentils
- bananas.
These microelements are of two types simple and complex, here the first should be excluded from the menu, and the second, on the contrary, should make up half of the total diet during a diet with arthrosis of the knee joints. Simple carbohydrates include various sweets, buns, sweets, pastries, cookies, these products are quickly processed into fats, leaving behind only extra pounds.
But complex carbohydrates are various vegetables and fruits, the absorption of their components occurs slowly, without turning into fat. They fill the body with energy, improve metabolic processes and are important for weight correction.
Stop Products
A diet for arthrosis of the knee joint should not contain a number of products that can negatively affect the patient’s condition.
These include:
- pork and lamb;
- alcohol;
- convenience foods and fast food products;
- pasta;
- sugar;
- confectionery;
- semolina;
- preservation and pickles;
- sauces, seasonings;
- smoked products;
- too sharp dishes;
- White rice.
With arthrosis of the knee joint, some vegetables and fruits are also not useful, these products are:
- Tomatoes
- bell pepper;
- citrus fruit;
- cherry.
Food should not be cooked on a large amount of fat, it is better to resort to cooking, carcass or baking and avoid frying, vegetables are best eaten raw.
As well as juices from these vegetables and fruits.
Useful Tips
In addition to the fact that nutrition with arthrosis of the knee joints must be balanced, it is important to adhere to certain recommendations:
- Do not overeat to avoid the development of excess weight;
- exclude all alcoholic beverages from the menu;
- eat from a small dish, a psychological technique that has helped many losing weight;
- take small pauses while eating;
- chew food thoroughly;
- in the absence of hunger, do not eat;
- do not eat before bedtime;
- monitor the regularity of the stool;
- switch to fractional nutrition, better often, but less;
- replace sugar with honey and dried fruits;
- exclude all products from the highest grade of flour;
- you should not skip breakfast, it is a guarantee of energy for a day, and the calories consumed with it are burned much faster;
- if swelling of the joints is observed, diuretic fees should be used;
- it is important to limit salt intake and vice versa, increase the amount of fluid consumed.
Not every diet is good for arthrosis. Mono diets are excluded, for example, losing weight by consuming a single product, as well as vegetarianism and low carbohydrate nutrition. The diet must be balanced.
It is good to combine a diet with a complex of therapeutic exercises, but it should be performed during the period of remission of the disease. With arthrosis of the knee, jumping, running, aerobics and weight lifting should be avoided. It is better to give preference to swimming, water aerobics, walking. Special gymnastic exercises are best performed under the supervision of a specialist.
If you encounter the problem of arthrosis of the knee joint, you should immediately take a set of measures to eliminate the inflammatory process. For this, one should resort not only to medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercises, but also to diet, which has a positive effect on the level with other methods. Improving metabolic processes in the body, filling it with the necessary complex of microelements, thereby reducing body weight and reducing the load on sore joints, you will soon notice positive changes in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.