
Diet for blood group

Diet for blood group. One of the main achievements of nutritionists was the opening of the diet for blood group. The best part is that the person doesn’t have to limit yourself to something, buy scales for weighing portions and counting calories.

Enough to give up some products, and the weight will start coming back to normal slowly, naturally, as expected. In the heart of the concept of this diet is a certain blood type.

One of the most renowned food diet for blood groups, invented the famous doctor-naturopath Peter D’adamo. He created the concept of the “4 blood types – 4 ways to health” became the basis of many theories and of scientific publications. His research proved that people with the same blood group there is a General predisposition to a number of zabalawi, they have a common biological modes of sleep and rest, similar resistance to stress.

This implies that people with different blood groups are genetically require different foods. And that is the consumption of foods that are not suitable for people with a particular blood group leads to negative results: excess weight, digestive issues. The organisms of people with the same blood group react to the same variety of food.

According to research by the American doctor James d Amado, all products, depending on the compatibility of different blood groups, can be easily divided into useful, neutral and harmful. That is, the use of the same ingredient many different people leads to quite opposite results. Some are beginning to part with excess weight, while others, on the contrary – to gain weight. Thus, nature tells man what foods are favorable for him at this stage of development, and which are not.

Diet for blood group – what products can be used

According to the results of clinical trials, it was found that representatives of different blood groups have their own characteristics and eating habits.

1) Diet for blood group I

Type 0 (I group) – “Hunter”
This blood type is the oldest. From it in the process of evolution happened the rest of the group. 33,5% of the population belongs to this type. Strong, self-sufficient leader.

– Strong digestive system.
– Strong immune system
System designed for efficient metabolism and preservation of nutrients

– It is difficult to adapt to changes in diet and environmental conditions
– Sometimes the immune system is too active and operates against the organism (allergies)

Risk groups
– Blood clotting problems (poor clotting)
– Inflammation – arthritis
– Increased acidity of stomach ulcers
– Allergy

Dietary recommendations
Diet for blood group I – high protein (meat-eaters).

Good: meat (except pork), fish, seafood, Vegetables and fruti (except sour), pineapples, Bread – rye, in limited. the Quant.

To limit: groats, especially porridge, wheat and products from it (including white bread). Beans and buckwheat – you can.

To avoid: Cabbage (except broccoli), Wheat and all products from it. Corn and all products from it. Marinades, ketchup.


Good: green tea, grassy teas from a dogrose, ginger, mint, Cayenne pepper, licorice, lindens; Seltzer water.

Neutral: beer, wine red and white, chamomile, ginseng, sage,Valerian, raspberry leaf.

Avoid: coffee, strong drinks, aloe, St. John’s wort, Senna, Echinacea, strawberry leaf

The weight loss program:
Exclude: fresh Cabbage; Bean; Corn; Wheat; Citrus; Ice-cream; Sugar; Marinades; Potatoes;

Helps: Sea seaweed (brown kelp); Fish and seafood; Iodized salt; Meat, especially beef, mutton, liver; Greens,salads,spinach,broccoli, radishes, Vitamins and nutritional supplements Vitamins, vitamin K. Calcium, manganese, iodine. Licorice root (liquorice), seaweed. Enzymes of pancreatic gland.

Avoid: vitamin a, vitamin E.

To maintain a good physical form and especially the loss of body weight – very intensive exercises: aerobics, skis, run, swimming

Special recommendation
I Programme loss of body weight
For type “0” the main problem is low metabolism. The following factors, allowing to raise speed of a metabolism and thus reduce weight:

1. To clean from a diet wheat and all products from it, corn, beans, lentils – they block the production of insulin and thereby slow down the metabolism.

2. Remove from the diet all kinds of cabbage (except broccoli) and all products made from oats – they inhibit the production of thyroid hormones (thyroid hormones) and thereby slow down the metabolism.

Increase the intake of foods containing iodine – seafood, seaweed, greens (salads, spinach, broccoli), iodized salt, and foods that stimulate the production of thyroid hormones – radish, radish, daikon. Well prepare juice from them in half with carrots.

3. Eat meat (red), liver. These foods also increase the metabolic rate.

4. Intense physical exercise.

II To solve the problem of blood clotting (if any) – foods containing vitamin K: greens, salads, seaweed, meat, liver, oil cod liver, eggs. To avoid yeast food; at infringement of balance of intestinal bacteria – take acidophilic and bifidobacteria.

III to be careful when taking aspirin (it raises acidity and dilutes blood) and Gingko Biloba (the effect of increasing blood circulation is due to its thinning).

2) Diet for blood group II

Type A (II group) – “Farmer”
This type has arisen at transition from the most ancient style lives (hunters) to more settled, agrarian style of life. 37,8% of the population – the representatives of this type. Characteristic features – consistency, sedentary life, good adaptation to job in collective, organisation.

– Adapts well to change of diet and environment.
– Immune and digestive systems are effective, if enforced appropriate diet (vegetarian)

– Gentle (sensitive) digestive tract
– A weak immune system, open to all infections.
– Hypersensitivity of the nervous system

Risk groups
– Heart disease
– Oncology
– Anemia
– Diseases of the liver and gallbladder
– Type I diabetes

Dietary recommendations
Diet for blood group II – full vegetarianism.

Dairy products – limited (low-fat cheese, dairy products). Replacement – soy products: soy milk, tofu, soybean curd.
Fruits (except for sharp – orange, Mandarin, rhubarb, papaya, bananas, coconuts). Pineapples!
Fish (exclude flounder, halibut, herring, caviar, and seafood)
Sugar – in moderation.

Recommended: coffee, green tea, red wine. Juices – carrot, pineapple, grapefruit, cherry. Water with lemon juice.
Avoid: orange juice, black tea, all soda drinks

The weight loss program
Avoid: Meat (a little chicken and Turkey); Dairy products; wheat; Peppers (any); Ice cream; Sugar; Oils, corn and peanut.

Helps: Vegetable oils – olive, Flaxseed, canola (rapeseed);
Soy products; Vegetables; Pineapples
Vitamins and supplements Vitamins b, C, e Calcium Iron Zinc Selenium Chromium
Bifidobacteria. Herbal supplements and teas from them Ginseng Echinacea Astragalus Valerian Hawthorn Thistle (Thistle) Bromelain Quercetin

Limit: vitamin A Reception, is better to In-carotene from food

Quiet and focusing – yoga, tai Chi

Special recommendations for type And

1. Since this type has the digestive system that is configured to vegetarianism (ie has a low acidity of gastric juice), then it has serious problems with digestion of meat, which requires high acidity of gastric juice, as of type ). It is recommended to avoid meat (allowed a little chicken or Turkey). This will allow you to maintain a normal weight. People of this type, unlike type 0, meat slows metabolism and promotes fat deposition. Vegetarianism will also contribute to gain energy and protect the body against diseases – a weak immune system is suppressed by malnutrition.

 2. Due to the fact that the digestive tract mucosa is very delicate, avoid all kinds of spicy food (pepper of all kinds, vinegar, ketchup (and in General tomatoes), sour fruits and berries, mayonnaise and spices); fermented and salty food (salty fish, a herring, cucumbers, cabbage (both salty and fresh, except broccoli) and potatoes. It is good to eat garlic and onions, carrots.

3. Dairy products – ogranichenno, it is better sour-milk and low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, cheese. Protein source – soy products in any form. Eggs are also necessary, as a source of protein, vitamins and microcells (Zn, Ca, B, B-carotene).

4. There are no special recommendations for the program of weight control. Observe appropriate diet and exercise routine. Limit the sugar and chocolate

3) Diet for blood group III

Type In (III group) – “wanderer, nomad”
Approximately 20.6% of the population of the Earth. Balanced, flexible, creative. This type occurred as a result of migration of races.

– A strong immune system.
– Flexible system to adapt to changes in diet and environmental conditions.
– Balanced nervous system

No innate weaknesses, but imbalance in the diet can occur autoimmune diseases and instability to rare virus

Risk groups
– Diabetes of the 1st type;
– Chronic fatigue syndrome;
– Autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis

Dietary recommendations
Diet for blood group III – combined (balanced). “Nomads” are omnivorous.
Meat (except chicken, duck).
Dairy products (better sour-milk, degreased).
Eggs – very good.
Cereals (except buckwheat and wheat).
Vegetables (except corn, tomatoes, pumpkin, olives)
Fruits (except coconut and rhubarb)

Seafood (clams, crabs, shrimp)
Pork and products from it, chicken meat.

Recommended drink:
Green tea, herbal tea (licorice, ginseng, gingko biloba, sage, raspberry leaf), cranberry juice, cabbage, grape, pineapple.

Neutral: orange juice, beer, wine, coffee, black tea.

Avoid: tomato juice, soda drinks

Control program weightand
Exclude: Corn, Lentils, Peanuts, Buckwheat Wheat, Tomatoes and Pork products.

Helps: Green salads, herbs; Eggs Liver of Veal, Liquorice (licorice) soy Products – neutral
Vitamins and supplements are Magnesium, Lecithin, Licorice, Gingko Biloba, Echinacea

Digestive enzymes – bromelain

Combining physical and mental balance: walking, Biking, Tennis, swimming, yoga, tai Chi

Special recommendations for type In
For type In the greatest factors in weight gain are corn, buckwheat, peanuts and sesame grains. All these products suppress insulin production (type b), and thereby reduce the efficiency of metabolic processes. The result – fatigue, water retention, hypoglycemia, and increased weight.

Type In, as well as type 0, reacts to gluten wheat – decreases metabolism. When food is not efficiently digested and burned as fuel for the body, it is deposited in the form of fat. Glutein to type In not as dangerous as type 0. But if you combine wheat and products from it with corn, lentils, buckwheat and peanuts – the result will be dramatic.

If you want to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight – remove from the diet of the above foods, limit fat and sugar intake, exercise. Experience shows that people with blood type In, following these recommendations, live a long and healthy life.

4) Diet for blood group IV

Type AV (IV group) – “Riddle”
7-8% of the population. This blood type emerged as a result of evolution at merge of two opposite types – A and B.

– The youngest group of blood.
– Flexible, very sensitive immune system.
– Combines pluses of types A and B.

Sensitive (gentle) digestive tract)
Too “open” immune system, unstable to microbial infections.
– Combines the disadvantages of types A and B.

Risk groups
Heart disease;
– Cancer;
– Anemia

Dietary recommendations
This diet is for blood group IV – moderate-mixed diet
Meat – lamb, rabbit, Turkey.
Fish, except seafood. Dairy products (lactic, low-fat cheese), Tofu – soy Bean cheese – in moderation Olive oil, cod liver. Nuts – peanut, walnut. Cereals (except buckwheat and corn) Vegetables (except pepper, black olives, corn) Fruits (except sharp and sour)

Recommended drinks:
Coffee, green tea, teas of chamomile, ginseng, ginger, rose hips, Echinacea, hawthorn.

Neutral: beer, fault, tea from mint, don-Kuei, Valerian, raspberry.

Avoid: aloe, Senna, a Linden and teas from them.

The weight loss program

Avoid: Red meat, ham and bacon, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, pepper, wheat and corn.

Helps: Fish Dairy products Greens Kelp Pineapple Vitamins and supplements Vitamin C Hawthorn (Hawthorn) Echinacea
Valerian Thistle (Thistle) Milk thistle Zinc Selenium
Digestive enzymes – bromelain, quercetin

Special recommendations for type AV
When you start a process of weight gain, type AV appears under the influence of a mix of genes And and In types. Sometimes this creates special problems. For example: you have lowered the acidity of gastric juice (sign type A) simultaneously with the usual type of adaptation to the meat. Therefore, although you partially programmed to consume meat (type b – omnivorous), you do not have sufficient acidity for efficient digestion of meat, which leads to excessive deposition of fat.

For weight loss need to reduce meat consumption, increase consumption of vegetables and tofu (excellent source of protein for types A and b).

The same problem with legumes, buckwheat, corn and sesame seeds. For type A is great food, but the genes involved In type leads to the fact that these products reduce the production of insulin, which slows down the metabolism. Type AB should avoid buckwheat, beans and corn.

The type AB is not such a strong reaction to glutein wheat, like types 0 and B. However, to reduce weight must avoid wheat and its products.

Diet for blood group – what products should not be consumed

The “hunters” it is strictly forbidden to eat: pork, cabbage (except broccoli), wheat and corn products, tomato ketchup, citrus, sugar, potatoes, marinades and ice cream.

“Farmers” should be excluded from the diet: citrus fruits, bananas, eggs, seafood, poultry, meat, Turkey, chicken, whole milk, pepper, sugar. As well as strong black tea, orange juice and soda beverages.

Travellers should avoid: corn, tomatoes, olives, pumpkin, seafood, pork and chicken meat, lentils, wheat and buckwheat.

Representatives of the “mixed type” suggest exclude: seafood (in moderation), corn, sour fruits, black olives, red meat, bacon, ham, sunflower seeds and wheat.

Diet for blood group – sample menus

So, we offer to your attention an example of the 7 day menu painted on the four blood groups. After a week, you can repeat the circle, adding in its sole discretion similar ingredients. Over time you will learn how to select the right foods, as the saying goes, “the eye”.

Sample diet menu for owners of 1 blood


– Breakfast: any fruit of your choice, except citrus, unsweetened tea.
– second Breakfast: a glass of natural juice
– lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, 150 g of fried or baked fish, 1 Apple, tea
– afternoon snack: herbal tea
– dinner: 200 gr. fried liver, 1-2 slice of rye bread, 1 orange, tea


– Breakfast: 150 gr. grapes, tea (preferably herbal)
– second Breakfast: a glass of juice
– lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, 200 gr. meat in any form, 100g. vegetable salad with butter
– dinner: 150 gr. salad of seaweed, 150 gr. any dish of fish, 1 piece of bread with butter, tea


– Breakfast: any fruit tea
– second Breakfast – a glass of juice
– lunch: soup with vegetables and meat 250 g, fried meat 150 g, 1 piece of bread, cucumber salad, tea
– afternoon snack: glass of juice
– dinner: 100 gr. shrimp in any form, fried zucchini 150 gr., unsweetened tea


– Breakfast: banana, glass of milk
– second Breakfast: herbal tea
– lunch: vegetable soup 250 g cottage cheese 250 gr.
– dinner: meat 200 gr. any salad 150 gr., banana, tea


– Breakfast: fruit, herbal tea, a slice of bread with butter
– second Breakfast: 200 gr. juice
lunch: thick soup 250 g of bread, 200 gr. calamari, tomato salad with oil
dinner: fish any (baked) 150 gr. salad with beetroot 100 gr. tea


– Breakfast: two boiled eggs, piece of bread with butter, tea
second Breakfast: juice 200 gr.
– lunch: vegetable soup 250 gr., fish 150 g bread
– afternoon snack: herbal tea with honey or juice
dinner: boiled chicken meat 200 gr. salad of cucumbers and tomatoes 150 gr., tea


– Breakfast: fruits or berries, tea
– second Breakfast: vegetable or fruit juice
– lunch: soup-puree 250 gr., the fried liver 200 gr. vegetable salad with butter, bread
– afternoon snack: juice
– dinner: grilled fish 200 gr. any salad 150 gr., tea

Sample diet menu for holders of group 2 blood


– Breakfast: 100 gr. cheese, 1 fruit (except bananas, coconuts and citrus), tea
– second Breakfast: a glass of cherry juice
– lunch: 200 grams of soup, fish in any form (except herring, halibut, and flounder) 150 gr. one Apple
– afternoon snack: herbal tea with honey
– dinner: 200 ml of any fermented milk product, cabbage salad 100 gr. bread


– Breakfast: yogurt or fermented baked milk 200 ml, a slice of bread with butter
– second Breakfast: a glass of pineapple juice
– dinner: soup 250 gr., 100 gr. tomato salad
– afternoon tea: tea
dinner: boiled fish, 150 grams of bread, salad with seaweed


– Breakfast: any fruit tea
second Breakfast: carrot juice
– lunch: 250 gr. soup, salad, vegetables, rye bread
– afternoon snack: cherry juice
– dinner: seafood, 200 gr. sea cabbage, 100 gr. grapes


– Breakfast: milk and fruit
second Breakfast any juice, cheese
– lunch: cereal grains 200 gr. vegetable soup, tea
dinner: salad of squid with vegetables, bread, yogurt 1 Cup


– Breakfast: kefir or yogurt 200 ml., bread with butter
second Breakfast: carrot juice
– lunch: soup with beans 250 gr., baked fish 150 gr., bread
– dinner: 150 gr. cottage cheese with yogurt or sour cream, salad, vegetables, berry-fruit mix 200 gr.


– Breakfast: eggs of 2 eggs, a Cup of coffee with cream and sugar
– second Breakfast: pineapple juice
– lunch: vegetable soup 250 gr., 200 gr. seafood, bread, tea
– dinner: 150 gr. boiled chicken, salad from sea cabbage and mushrooms, tea


– Breakfast: a choice of fruit, tea
second Breakfast: juice carrot-Apple
– lunch: porridge with rice milk 200 gr. steamed vegetables 200 gr. bread, tea
– afternoon snack: glass of juice
– dinner: grilled fish 200 gr. carrot salad in Korean, a glass of red wine

Sample diet menu for owners of the 3 groups of blood


– Breakfast: any fruit, unsweetened tea
– second Breakfast: a glass of grape juice
– lunch: soup cereal 250 ml, grilled meat with onions 200 gr. Apple, tea
– afternoon snack: herbal tea
– dinner: scrambled eggs, 200 gr. fries, oranges, bread


– Breakfast: 150 gr. grapes, tea
second Breakfast: juice cranberry with sugar
– lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, 150 gr. baked with sauce fish, 100 gr. salad from the radish
– dinner: stew 200 gr. bread, 150 gr. cabbage salad with butter, tea


– Breakfast: crackers, fruit, and tea
– second Breakfast: pineapple juice
– lunch: soup with croutons 250 gr. meat roasted in its own juice, any green salad
– dinner: fish boiled 200 gr. a glass of ryazhenka


– Breakfast: fruit mix or a fruit salad dressed with yogurt, tea
– lunch: tea or juice
– lunch: 250 g of vegetable soup, 200 gr. cottage cheese
– afternoon snack: a vegetable juice from the cabbage or carrots
dinner: seaweed salad with boiled potatoes, bread, banana, tea


Breakfast: citrus fruits, tea
– second Breakfast: a glass of grape juice
– lunch: cheese soup 250 gr., bread, baked fish 200 gr. tomatoes, tea
– dinner: vegetable salad with crab meat 200 gr. fish, tea


– Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, 1 egg, tea
– second Breakfast: cranberry juice
– lunch: vegetable soup 250 gr., bread, boiled fish 150 g, tea
– dinner: cottage cheese 150 gr., vegetable stew with meat 250 gr.


– Breakfast: any fruit tea unsweetened
– second Breakfast: pineapple juice
– lunch: soup with croutons 250 gr. 200 gr. fried liver, bread, a glass of kefir
– afternoon snack: grape juice 1 Cup
dinner: cheese 70 gr. rye bread, fried fish 200 gr. tea

Sample diet menu for owners of the 4th group of blood


– Breakfast: green tea without sugar, fruit
– second Breakfast: ginseng tea
– lunch: mashed potatoes with gravy (not red meat) 250 gr. 100 gr. tofu, bread, tea, herbal
– afternoon snack: green tea with honey
dinner: boiled fish with tomato sauce 200 gr. a Cup of yogurt, bread


– Breakfast: 100 gr. grapes
– second Breakfast: chamomile tea
– lunch: vegetable soup 250 ml, fried fish 200 gr. cucumber salad, tea
– dinner: 200 gr. boiled meat of a rabbit or Turkey, braised or roasted cauliflower, bread


– Breakfast: sour fruit, tea
– second Breakfast: a decoction of rose hips
– lunch: soup with potatoes and barley 250 gr., fried rabbit 200 gr. bread, a salad of radish
– dinner: 200 gr. boiled rice with plums. oil, a Cup of yogurt


– Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 1 banana, a Cup of green tea
second Breakfast: juice or decoction of hawthorn
– lunch: 250 gr. soup vegetable on the meat broth 200 gr. baked fish, rye bread, tomato salad
– dinner: 200 gr. braised lamb, 150 gr. coleslaw


– Breakfast: 2 slices of bread with cheese, green tea
– second Breakfast: grape juice
– lunch: soup-puree with mushrooms 250 gr., salad with vegetables and fish, 250 gr., tomatoes, bread, tea
– afternoon snack: Apple, tea
– dinner: 200 gr. cereal (any), beet salad 150 gr.


– Breakfast: boiled eggs 2 PCs., green tea
– second Breakfast: ginseng tea, peanuts
– lunch: vegetable and bean soup 250 gr., fried fish 200 gr. yogurt, bread
– dinner: a light salad with vegetables and cheese, tea


– Breakfast: fruit, sour, coffee
– second Breakfast: a slice of cheese, green tea
– lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, stewed Turkey meat 200 gr. bread
– snack: banana, herbal tea
– dinner: grilled or oven baked rabbit 200 gr. with any side dish.

Not the most optimal and healthy food, something that is inherent in the genes of each individual. Therefore, if you thoroughly decided to use the above diet, be sure to check your blood group, consult your physician and boldly step to the ideal.

Diet for blood group a highly recognized by the majority of nutritionists in the world.

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