
Diet for kidney stones kidney

The formation of stones of different composition in the kidney is one of the most common pathologies. Most often, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the organism and the humoral regulation of the processes suffers from the female half of the population.

Therapy of urolithiasis involves changing the mode of the day, regular intake of prescribed medications, and the required change in the culture of the everyday diet.

Diet for kidney stones kidney is required, as practically all the decay products of food pass through these organs.

The rules of meal and menu preparation in the formation of stones

The principles of nutrition and the composition of the daily menus are selected individually, depending on the composition formed of stones, the degree of development of disease, the General condition of the patient’s age and weight, presence of chronic diseases of various types, etc.

Menu suitable for the treatment of, can choose only the nephrologists, because it is from the resulting decay products of the substances will depend on the positive outcome of the diet. Rocks and stones are formed mainly due to deposition of salts and other wastes of various substances in the kidneys, entering in and out of food. In addition to education of stones in kidneys may be affected by diseases of the digestive system, as well as lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and nutrients in the body, essential to prevent this disease.

It is important to remember that in the formation of cystine and xanthine stones (that is, those that grew as a result of deposition of amino acids) therapeutic diet almost is not assigned, since this pathology has a genetic in nature and not amenable to standard treatment.

If stones oxalate or calcium and phosphorus, proper nutrition will only help to stop the development of new stones, not dissolving old. But , urate stones can be dissolved even just in the diet with virtually no medical treatment.

Independent selection of food can lead to a significant deterioration of the patient and aggravation of the pathology and the formation of unpleasant concomitant diseases.

To diet helped speed up recovery and significantly increased the positive effect from the prescribed medications, the patient must observe the following rules of supply:

  • the complete exclusion from the daily menu foods and drinks that are in the digestion and exposed to digestive enzymes may cause the release of free soluble compounds harmful to the urinary system;
  • completely excluded from consuming fatty foods, fast food of all kinds, and alcoholic beverages, even a weak fortress;
  • you will need to consume per day so fluid that the amount produced by the body urine per day was not less than 2 liters per day. It is recommended to take simple boiled water, alkalescent mineral water or herbal teas, infusions and decoctions. The more liquid are strained through the kidneys, the more chance of self-leaching stones, reduce the speed of their formation and release the body in a more natural manner from the disease;
  • the average portion consumed food at a time on the contrary will need to decrease. Portion weight per single dose should not be more than 250g, in addition to facilitate the digestion of food must thoroughly chew;
  • all meals must be cooked with minimum salt content. In the period when the stones in the kidney have not yet emerged, it is best to completely abandon it;
  • all meals are prepared exclusively for a couple or cooking method;
  • meat products should be consumed 2-3 times a week and only in boiled form;
  • food must be fractional, at least 5-6 times a day. It is not necessary to allow the emergence of a strong sense of hunger, or, conversely, overeating. The small, carefully chewed portions and frequent eating is required in order to reduce the load on the patient’s body and increase the amount of nutrients arriving with food;
  • the menu should not only have the complex of nutrients, amino acids and vitamins, but also sufficient for a comfortable livelihood in energy.

The above rules are relevant for any of the prescription diets with any kind of kidney stones.

What foods are banned in urolithiasis

There is a list of foods that can significantly worsen the patient’s condition for any form of kidney stone disease and cause irreparable damage to the entire urinary system. In addition, they retain water in the body, prevent normal absorption of prescribed drugs and deliver additional pressure damaged by the pathology of the body.

That is why they are excluded from all lists of acceptable products and strongly recommended by doctors:

  • fatty meats and fish, including the fatty parts of chicken and Turkey;
  • by-products;
  • sausages;
  • all kinds of smoked, dried and canned products;
  • dairy products with high fat content;
  • strong teas;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • fat;
  • sweet drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • sorrel, spinach, salad, celery;
  • jelly, jelly, jelly;
  • dietary supplements containing large amounts of ascorbic acid;
  • Fig;
  • tomatoes, green beans;
  • all kinds of citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, lingonberries, cranberries;
  • sweets;
  • spices and seasonings, vinegar, tomato paste, sauces, marinades.

The use of all these products is permissible only after complete recovery from disease and long-term prevention of further formation of stones of any type in the kidney.

Nutrition in the formation of urate stones

Stones urate arise in the kidney when excess content in the body of uric acid, leading to acid reaction of urine. This happens due to excess intake of the patient of purines, which are found mainly in animal fats.

The composition of the food in the menu when uric acid stones is aimed to change the reaction to alkaline. This well help various veggie dishes, filled with a high content of vegetables and fruits as well as milk with low fat. The menu should be vegetable soups, baked vegetables and allowed fruit.

Additionally, you can diversify the menu of various semi-liquid cereals, cooked in a mixture of water and milk mucous pureed stews and cereal soups.

When uric acid kidney stones, a menu may consist of the following products:

  • potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and cabbage, cucumbers;
  • green onions, dill and parsley;
  • apples, pears, peaches, apricots, red grapes;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • butter and olive oil;
  • chicken eggs and quail;
  • all kinds of dairy products with low content of fat;
  • flour products made of unleavened dough;
  • buckwheat, rice, millet, oats, millet;
  • herbal teas of chamomile, sage, mint, infusions and decoctions of special fees in the urinary stones, jelly, fruit drinks, weak tea with milk, alkaline mineral water, decoction of linseed and wheat bran;

Fasting when uric acid stones are not permitted, but high benefits some types of fasting days, such as dairy, fruit or vegetable. They should not spend more than 1 day a week. This day should be consumed inside as much liquid as possible. In addition, eating the treatment is conducted in hot weather, fluid intake should also be increased.

Food with calcium phosphate stones

Menu when calcium stones in the urinary system will be slightly different from the usual in such types of abnormalities. Because of the calcium salt of phosphoric acid may be due to insufficient acidity of the urine, it is necessary to bring the internal pH to the desired level.

This can be done just through diet that resembles a table when uric acid stones, which exclude:

  • vegetables;
  • milk;
  • egg yolk.

These products contain in their composition a large amount of calcium, therefore their inclusion in daily diet is unacceptable.

Instead, in the menu you can add:

  • meat and fish;
  • some seafood, in consultation with the attending physician;
  • cranberries, cranberries, currants, and fruit drinks and fruit drinks;
  • the liver;
  • broth hips;
  • acidic types of mineral waters;
  • mushrooms;
  • small portions of sweets.

In cases where the formation of calcium phosphate stones came in all types of calcium deficiency (this can happen if too much calcium is leached from the body, but settles in the kidneys) the menu is adjusted in accordance with the General physical condition of the patient.

Food with calcium oxalate stones

Oxalate stones are considered the most stringent of all types of stones. They are very difficult to enter and difficult natural excretion. That is why the diet is mainly aimed at stopping their growth and re-education.

Appears this type of stones due to accumulation of calcium salts of oxalic acid. In order to stop the progression of disease have to exclude from your daily diet a lot more products than when uric acid stones.

From the menu should be displayed:

  • all kinds of green vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • meat;
  • the consumption of dairy products, even low fat content are reduced to a minimum;
  • butter baked goods.

For excretion of oxalate stones patient will have to drink a very large amount of liquid, do not contain any kinds of acids or alkalis. In the daily menu of the foods are:

  • pasta of durum wheat;
  • butter;
  • carrots;
  • legumes;
  • sour apples and pears;
  • cereal porridge;
  • prunes;
  • of lean fish.

The combination of such a rigid diet with the intake of prescribed course of medication stops the growth of stones and provokes their exit from the body.

It is important to remember that when compliance with any diet caution. You need to carefully follow the diet and condition of the body after each meal. If you add a new product menu health has deteriorated, it is necessary to exclude it again and consult with your doctor about the most efficient replacement.

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