Diet in gout. Sample menu for a diet for gout. Diet number 6 recommended for gout and urolithiasis with stone formation of uric acid and oxalate salts.
Diet No. 6 contains 80-90 g fat, 400-450 g of carbohydrates, a low amount of protein (70-80 grams) and salt (8-10 g), 2-2,5 liters of liquid. Weight daily diet of 3 kg.
Energy value is around 2500-2700 kcal. Meat and fish is prepared only boiled. The temperature of the food – the usual. Eat 4-5 times a day.
When diet number 6 gout resolved:
- bread wheat, rye, white bread;
- soup, soup, pickle, beetroot, milk, vegetarian and fruit soups;
- lean meats and fish (1-2 times a week);
- a variety of vegetables, fruits, berries in kind and various forms of preparation, fasting days with the use of raw vegetables and fruits;
- dishes from cereals and pasta (in moderation.);
- 1 egg a day;
- milk, milk products, cottage-cheese and dishes from them;
- tomato sauce, milk, sour cream, citric acid, parsley and dill;
- alkaline mineral water, broth hips, weak tea with milk;
- oil and butter.
When diet number 6 gout excludes:
- sharp cheese, brains, liver, kidneys, lungs, veal, poultry, meat, fish and mushroom broth, sausages, herring, canned fish and meat, smoked products;
- beans, figs, raspberries, cranberries, spinach, sorrel, lettuce, rhubarb, horseradish, mustard, black pepper;
- natural coffee, cocoa, strong tea.
Diet menu for gout number 6 for 7 days
1-y Breakfast. Fresh cucumbers, oatmeal with milk, broth hips.
2-nd Breakfast. With cream cheese, jelly fruit.
Lunch. Potato soup, zucchini stuffed with rice and vegetables, with cream sauce, strawberry milk.
Vegetable soup
75 g potatoes, 20 g carrots, 20 g onions, 5 g parsley, 5 g butter 5 ml vegetable oil, 500 ml water, 3 g of parsley.
In boiling water put coarsely chopped potatoes and again bring it to a boil. Then add chopped and stewed in butter carrots, fried in vegetable oil chopped onion and roots of parsley. Cook vegetables until tender. At the end of cooking sprinkle the soup with greens.
Zucchini stuffed with rice and carrots
170 g of zucchini, 10 g carrots, 50 grams of rice, 10 grams of onion, 15 ml vegetable oil 10 g tomato paste, 5 g flour, 4 g of parsley and dill.
Young zucchini cut crosswise into pieces 5 cm wide, with a spoon remove the core to get C cups, and boil until soft in salted water. Rice is boiled until soft and rinse with boiling water. Carrots grate on a grater, cut onion to lower for some seconds in boiling water. Then drain it, and onion together with the carrot slightly fry in butter. Put tomato paste, dried flour, and warm. Vegetables mix with rice, add chopped parsley, a little salt and stir. With this stuffing fill prepared zucchini, put them in a bowl greased with oil, pour a little water and simmer under the lid. Shortly before the willingness to supply for a few minutes in a hot oven to make the zucchini slightly cooked. Serve in the same sauce.
Dinner. Cottage cheese pancakes, cutlets cabbage with butter, tomato juice.
Pancakes cottage cheese
100 g cheese, 10 g butter, 10 g flour, 1 egg, 20 g sour cream 25 ml milk.
Cottage cheese mixed with flour, milk and eggs. From the resulting dough to bake on a hot pan, greased, small pancakes (3-4 pieces per serving).
Cutlets cabbage
170 g white cabbage, 40 ml milk, 15 g butter, 20 g of semolina, 1/4 eggs, 10 g flour, 20 g sour cream.
Cabbage finely chop (or grate), to put out with milk and butter. When it becomes soft, add the semolina and heat until thick. A lot a little cool, add the egg, mix well. Wet hands to cut cutlets, breaded them in flour and fry until Golden brown. Serve with sour cream.
For the night. Fresh apples.
1-y Breakfast. Salad of raw carrots with sour cream, rice porridge dairy, tea, soft-boiled egg.
Salad of raw carrots
100 g carrots, 20 g sour cream.
Peel the carrot and grate on a fine grater. Add sour cream and stir.
2-nd Breakfast. New potatoes with cucumber, Apple juice.
The potatoes in milk sauce
200 g young potatoes.
For the sauce: 40 ml milk, 10 g butter, 10 g flour.
Boil potatoes until done and pour sauce. To prepare the sauce flour fry in the butter develo brown. Then pour the milk and mix thoroughly.
Lunch. Vegetable soup with sour cream, cottage cheese casserole, kissel, milk.
Soup of assorted vegetables with sour cream
1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 3 potatoes, 1 tbsp flour, 2 tbsp. of butter, 100 g of sour cream, 1 liter of water, the young shoots of the nettle, green onions, parsley, salt.
Enumerated and washed young nettle immersed for 2-3 min in boiling water. Then drain it on a sieve, mince and stewing with fat (10-15 min). Carrots, onions, parsley root and sauté in the fat. For 2-3 min until the end of the sauteed add chopped green onions. In boiling water, put sliced potatoes and cook until soft. Then enter the browned vegetables and the nettles. 10 minutes before end of cooking, add white sauce and salt. To prepare the sauce flour fry in butter, pour a little water and a little boil all together.
Cottage cheese casserole
75 g cottage cheese, 50 ml of milk 8 g sugar, 2 egg whites, 15 g sour cream, 3 g of butter.
Cottage cheese wipe. Add the milk, egg white, sugar and all knead well. The prepared weight put on a greased baking sheet, brush with cream and bake in the oven. When serving pour sour cream.
Dinner. Apples, baked protein omelet, fruit juice.
Apples, baked protein omelet.
2 egg whites, 25 g apples, 15 g butter, 50 ml of milk.
Apples peel and cut into small pieces. Then pair the fruit with protein and milk. Pour the mixture into the pan with oil and cook covered with a lid. The finished omelet roll into a pie and serve immediately on the table.
For the night. Yogurt.
1-y Breakfast. Salad from fresh cabbage, macaroni and cheese, tea with lemon.
Salad from fresh cabbage
150 g fresh cabbage, 10 ml of vegetable oil, lemon juice.
Cabbage finely chop, sprinkle with lemon juice and a little grind, to drain juice. Then place them on a plate and cover them with oil.
2-nd Breakfast. Pancakes of raw potatoes with sour cream, fruit juice.
Pancakes of raw potatoes
200 g potatoes, 20 g flour, 1/2 eggs, 50 g cream, 15 ml of vegetable oil.
Large potatoes peel and grate on a fine grater. The separated juice to drain, and to the mixture add the flour, egg yolk and part sour cream. All carefully stir and combine with beaten egg whites. Gently knead the dough. Take it with a spoon, spread the but well-heated oil in a frying pan and fry pancakes. Serve with sour cream.
Lunch. Borsch vegetarian with cheese, boiled meat with milk sauce, mashed potatoes, Jell-o lemon.
Borsch vegetarian with cheese
100 g of cabbage, 60 g carrots, 120 g potatoes, 60 g tomatoes, 50 g of beet, 30 g butter, 10 g flour, 10 g parsley, cheese, salt.
Potatoes, carrots and tomatoes (without skin and seeds) cut into slices, fresh cabbage chopped. Put the vegetables in boiling water and cook. 15 minutes before end of cooking, put grated beet, salt to taste and cook the soup until it’s done. When serving the dish sprinkle with chopped parsley. Grated cheese is served separately.
Dinner. Cheesecakes, baked with sour cream, vegetable stew, jelly fruit.
Cheesecakes baked
140 g of cottage cheese, 40 g of semolina, 1/2 eggs, 5 g butter, 10 g sugar, 20 g flour, 5 g of sour cream, and vanilla.
Curd proteret through a sieve, Add semolina, sugar, egg and thoroughly mix everything. Leave the mass for 10-15 minutes to croup are swollen. Then cut up the pancakes and lay them on the oiled baking sheet. The top of each cheesecake pour a thin layer of sour cream, which add a little flour, and bake the dish in the oven. Serve with sour cream (or fruit sauce, syrup).
For the night. Fresh apples.