
Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Therapy ulcerative pathologies of various organs of the digestive system includes not only the admission rate of different medications, but mandatory adherence to the therapeutic diet, without which it is simply impossible quality restoration of damaged mucous pathology.

For the gradual recovery of the stomach gastroenterologists recommend a course of therapeutic food, called “Table # 1”.

Such a diet has an energy value that can meet the needs of the human body, thus harmoniously combining the number of nutrients without the extra load on the digestive system. From the menu excludes all types of stimuli, both chemical and thermal, as well as various components that can enhance the secretory capacity of the stomach.

Why you need to follow a diet for gastric

In addition to the purely physiological need to relieve pain and discomfort, diet in diseases of the digestive tract is aimed at a variety of other purposes:

  • This comfortable human body all the necessary nutrients that it needs in everyday life for normal functioning.
  • With the help of therapeutic feeding gradually recovered motor, secretory function of the stomach start the process of recovery and regeneration.
  • Properly executed diet so not gives illness to go down below and call the pathology of other organs, usually combined with peptic ulcer diseases.
  • The menu “Table # 1” does not start the extensive processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines and helps the digestive system comfortable and natural to get rid of the toxic products accumulating in the body.

Part of the healing menu “Table # 1”

Energy and chemical composition of diets for a comfortable getting rid of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, according to medical standards, should include:

  • protein – 100 g in the ratio of animal/vegetable – 60/40%;
  • fats to 100 grams, the ratio of animal/растительный70/30%;
  • carbs – 450 grams;
  • sodium chloride – not more than 12 g;
  • the energy value of 3100 kcal;
  • the rate of consumption of the liquid in this type of disease treatment – 2 L.

The total weight of the daily diet in sufficient compliance with all rules and regulations of clinical nutrition “Table # 1” is about 3 kg of food per day.

Rules of reception and cooking gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer

For a comfortable reach with the help of therapeutic feeding is the most pronounced and lasting effect, will require the most carefully to observe certain rules:

  1. You will need to individually choose with your doctor the menu, which will take account of the rules on the number of necessary substances, but also the individual characteristics of the patient, for example: the presence of food allergies. In addition the diet should include a complete nutritional complex of vitamins and minerals needed affected by the pathology the body for a comfortable recovery.
  2. All meals should be a comfortable temperature, not too hot or cold. Overheating or overcooling can give additional stress to irritated organs and significantly worsen the overall condition.
  3. All dishes are prepared by boiling water or steam. Consumption of any fried meals or foods is not acceptable as it will lead to aggravation of the pathology.
  4. Meals should be fractional, small portions about 5-6 times a day. Optimal weight servings should be 200-350 gr.
  5. Depending on the stage of the disease are selected not only dishes, but their preparation methods. In the acute period of all the points diet is based on liquid or semi-liquid food.The better the state of the patient, the greater the hardness gradually must take used dishes.
  6. Take food must be thoroughly chewed. Better than chopped pieces of food, the more inflamed the stomach is to digest them.
  7. The use of salt in dishes is acceptable, however, because sodium chloride is a natural irritant, it is best to completely abandon it at least for the period of transition from the acute the disease during the period of its gradual weakening – remission.
The list of prohibited products in peptic ulcer disease

There is a list of dishes and products that are excluded from use during treatment of ulcerative, erosive and inflammatory pathologies of the digestive system.

They cause irritation and a pronounced response of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, and provoke a copious secretion of gastric juice, causing more damage to damaged tissues and organs and slow the recovery processes in the body:

  • fatty types of meat;
  • fat;
  • fish red and white, containing a large amount of fat;
  • seafood;
  • strong broths and sauces based on them, the broth cooked with the bones;
  • alcohol;
  • pickles, smoked meat, all kinds of canned products;
  • sausages, cured meats;
  • sharp and spicy cheeses, cheese foods containing mold;
  • all kinds of marinated and pickled foods;
  • mushrooms;
  • some types of vegetables: turnips, spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and Chinese cabbage, lettuce, arugula, all kinds of peppers, asparagus, radishes, green onions, dill, parsley;
  • bakery products, fresh bread, or from puff pastry, fresh bread;
  • all kinds of legumes regardless of the method of preparation;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products with high levels of fat and acidity, as well as containing a large quantity of food preservatives, flavor enhancers, sweeteners;
  • fast food, fried, spicy foods;
  • sweets, ice cream, products containing chocolate;
  • spices, tomato sauces and ketchups, mustard, horseradish, vinegar;
  • acidic juices, especially citrus juices and pineapple;
  • pearl barley, barley grits, cornmeal and grits, millet porridge;
  • soda, green and strong black tea, coffee;
  • grape, gooseberry, citrus, strawberry, melon.

All these products can be consumed in small, measured quantities only after the mucous is restored. Subsequently it will possible to abstain, as the inflammatory pathology of the digestive tract have a tendency to easily return and again cause suffering and discomfort to the patient.

The list of recommended products

The menu “Table No. 1” usually prescribes the consumption of the following products:

  • the dried or yesterday’s bread from the flour;
  • vegetable broths, soups, lean fillet, well cooked cereals, or soups mucous soups from cereals or vegetables, it is permissible to consume milk soups;
  • as a dressing for soups you can use a mixture of eggs and milk, small pieces of butter;
  • olive oil or flax seed oil;
  • boiled or steamed steaks from lean beef, chicken, Turkey, fish, red and white, pieces of pork, with low fat;
  • also meat can be cooked cooked steam cutlets, meatballs, permissible to mix the unsalted meat without spices with a variety of well cooked cereals;
  • boiled offal and variety of dishes from them, such as: soft puddings or cakes. Allowed: liver, language;
  • oatmeal water or mixture of water and milk, buckwheat, semolina.Kashi should be very carefully rubbed, to paulaskas consistency;
  • boiled and mashed, puree vegetables: potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, beets. Gradually meals are complicated to make vegetable stews or puddings;
  • dairy products with low fat content and acidity, without dyes and preservatives;
  • boiled eggs and a variety of mild dishes from them, such as omelet;
  • berries (necessarily ripened, without acid) and fruit added to the menu gradually, only after the transition from the acute stage. Acceptable, bananas, apples, pears;
  • different types of herbal infusions and teas from medicinal herbs (decoction of chamomile, mint, rosehips, special charges for the treatment of acute and chronic ulcerative pathology of the stomach and duodenum;
  • viscous oat jelly or non-acidic fruits and berries;
  • with the weakening of disease symptoms in the menu allowed to add small amounts of honey, marshmallow, pastila, or marmalade with low sugar content;
  • therapeutic mineral water (Essentuki, Borjomi).

Proper nutrition in ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal system includes not only compliance with cooking and eating, but also correctly prepared menu.

To diet benefits, you should consider the stage in which the disease, the severity of other individual characteristics. That is why the preparation of diet list food “Table # 1” it’s best to trust the gastroenterologist.

In the acute stage of the disease allowed to eat only porridge made from a viscous mixture of water and 1% milk, slimy jelly with no added sugar. You need to drink plenty of fluids and be sure to use the drugs prescribed by a doctor for getting rid of acute symptoms.

After using the gentle power of the disease will begin to weaken gradually in the daily diet there are other foods, gently, one by one. If you add any new dishes to the deteriorated state of health, this component must be immediately from the menu to delete and again to switch to more gentle products.

Despite the fact that the transition from normal everyday food to the diet will seem bleak and tedious, it is important to remember that the right menu will help the body to recover faster and completely get rid of inflammatory disease.

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