Diet in diseases of the intestine. Diet №4 recommended for acute diseases and aggravation of chronic intestinal diseases with severe diarrhea. Provides food for digestive problems, reduce inflammation, fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, helps normalize bowel function and other digestive organs.
It is a diet reduced calories from fat and carbohydrates with normal protein. Sharply limited to mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli of the gastrointestinal tract.
Excluded products and dishes that enhance the secretion of digestive organs, the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. Food – liquid, semi-liquid, pureed, boiled (or steamed). Excluded are very hot and cold food.
On the day the body receives 90 g of protein (60-65% of animals), 70 g fat, 250 g carbs (40-50 grams of sugar). 8-10g of sodium chloride, 1,5-2 liters of fluid. Energy value of the diet is 2000 kcal. Eat 5-6 times a day, small portions.
When diet number 4 resolved:
- crackers 200 g wheat bread flour, thinly sliced and nepeceristi;
- soups on weak low-fat meat (or fish) broth with the addition of mucous concoctions cereals, semolina, rice, boiled and minced meat, steam quenelle and meatballs, egg flakes;
- nigilisty and low-fat varieties of beef, veal, chickens, turkeys, rabbits. (Meat degreased, remove the fascia and tendons, bird’s – skin.) Steam or cooked in water cutlets, dumplings, meatballs. Minced meat with boiled rice instead of bread 3-4 times passed through a fine grate grinder. Souffle from boiled meat;
- low-fat fresh fish and a piece of chopped (dumplings, frikadel patties), steamed (or water);
- freshly calcined or fresh grated cheese, steam souffle;
- soft-boiled eggs (1-2 per day), steam scrambled eggs and dishes;
- pureed porridge with water or fat-free broth – rice, oats and buckwheat, from cereal flour;
- vegetables (only in the form of herbal teas, added to soups);
- jelly and jelly blueberry, dogwood, cherry, quince, pears. Pureed raw apples. Sugar – fed;
- low fat broth, and butter (in dish);
- tea, especially green, black, coffee and cocoa on the water. Decoction of rose hips, dried blueberries, black currant, cherry, quince. With portability – diluted fresh juices of fruits and berries (except grapes, eating apricots);
- only very fresh butter (5 g per serving ready meals).
In the diet №4 excludes:
- other bakery goods;
- soups with grains, vegetables, pasta, dairy, good fat broth;
- fatty species and varieties of meat, meat pieces, sausages and other meat products;
- fatty species, salted fish, caviar, canned food;
- whole milk and other dairy products;
- eggs, hard boiled, raw, fried;
- millet, barley, barley grits, pasta, legumes;
- fruits and berries in its natural form, dried fruit, fruit drinks, honey, jam and other sweets;
- coffee and cocoa with milk, soda and cold drinks.
Diet №4. The approximate menu of the day
1-y Breakfast. Oatmeal mashed on the water, freshly grated cheese, tea.
Oatmeal mashed on the water
40 g oats, 400 ml of water.
Grits in a pot with boiling water and to cook under a lid until cooking (15 min). Cooked rump RUB through a hair sieve. To speed up cooking grits can be ground in a coffee grinder.
2-nd Breakfast. A decoction of dried blueberries.
Lunch. Meat broth with semolina, meatballs, meat steam, rice cereal mashed in water, jelly.
Broth with semolina
350 ml meat (or chicken) broth, 15 g semolina, 2 g of dill (or parsley).
Semolina sieved and a thin stream pour in the lightly boiling broth. Stir well and cook on low heat for 15-20 min. When serving, sprinkle the dish with greenery.
Meatballs meat steam
60 g lean ground beef, 5 g butter, salt.
In minced meat, minced with a fine grid, add salt, oil and knead well. Molded him meatballs. Cook them for a couple.
Porridge rice mashed
40 g of rice 400 ml of water.
Rump bust, washed first with warm, then hot water. Rice put in boiling water and to cook under a lid until cooking ( 1 hour), Cooked porridge RUB through a hair sieve. To speed up cooking grits can be ground in a coffee grinder. For this enumerated and washed grits is first dried, and then grind and sift. Cook while stirring.
Afternoon tea. Broth hips savory warm.
Dinner. Scrambled eggs steam, porridge mashed in water, tea.
Omelette steam
2 eggs, 5 g butter, dill.
Beat the eggs with the finely chopped dill and cook for a couple. When the mass thickens, put the butter and roll the omelette roll to the inside, he remained soft.
For the night. Jelly.