Diet heart diseases, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. Diet №10 recommended for diseases of the heart in the stage of compensation (or the violation of blood circulation of I-II And stages), atherosclerosis, and hypertension stage I-II.
Diet №10 improves blood circulation, functions of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, the normalization of metabolism.
Caloric intake reduce due to the reduction of fat in it and partly the carbs. Significantly limit the amount of sodium chloride and fluids. Substances that excite the cardiovascular and nervous system, irritating the liver and kidneys, unnecessarily burdening the digestive tract, contributing to flatulence, dramatically reduce.
Increase the content of potassium, magnesium, lipotropic substances, products, providing alkalizing effect (dairy, vegetables, fruit). Cooking process prefer with moderate mechanical sparing. Meat and fish boil. Eliminate indigestible food. The temperature of the food ordinary.
Diet with moderate protein restriction (80-90 g), fat (70 g), carbohydrates (350-400 g), decrease of salt content (6-7 g) and free fluid (1 liter).
The mass ration of 2 kg, the energy value – 2600-2800 kcal. Food is prepared without salt, for lightly solting prepared dishes are issued with 3-5 g of salt (the remaining 2-3 g are included in the food composition). The diet increases the number of products containing salts of sodium and magnesium. Dishes stewed, boiled or steamed. Power fractional: 6 times a day. Temperature of cold food is not below 15°C, hot – above 60°C.
When you diet number 10 resolved:
- bread wheat and rye baking yesterday, nesdobnoe biscuits and biscuit;
- soups vegetarian with different cereals, vegetables, potatoes (in powdered form), dairy, fruit, beetroot (made with sour cream, parsley and dill);
- lean meats (beef, veal, rabbit), poultry (chicken, Turkey) and fish (perch, cod, pike, hake, saffron cod, perch, carp) – boiled, baked or fried after boiling, whole or chopped, fish in aspic, in a limited number of “doctor” and “Diet” sausages;
- milk (if tolerated), yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese and dishes from it, cream, sour cream, salted cheese;
- 1-1,5 eggs a day (meals, soft boiled, in the form of natural omelet);
- cereals and pasta made with water and milk;
- potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, beets, tomatoes (boiled and baked), some vegetables – fresh;
- soft fruits and berries (fresh or as compotes, jelly, jelly, jams);
- honey, nesekretnye candy;
- butter unsalted butter, vegetable fats;
- sauces (sour cream, milk, vegetable broth, tomato), fruit sauces;
- vanilla, cinnamon, citric acid;
- tea, broth hips, fruit and berry and vegetable juices.
When you diet number 10 excluded:
- fresh bread, butter and puff pastry, pancakes, fritters;
- fatty meats and fish, canned food, salted fish, smoked food;
- beans, mushrooms, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach;
- meat, fish and mushroom broth;
- chocolate, cakes, sauces for meat, fish and mushroom broth, mustard, pepper, horseradish, natural coffee, cocoa, fizzy drinks.
Diet №10. The approximate menu of the day
1-y Breakfast. Omelet of 2 eggs, tea with milk.
2-nd Breakfast. Baked Apple.
Lunch. Vegetable soup (1/2 servings), meat steam cutlets with buckwheat.
Tomato soup
1 small onion 1 clove of garlic 400 g canned peeled tomatoes, 1 teaspoon butter, 100 ml tomato juice 50 ml cream, 2 tablespoons food starch, 1/2 tsp spices, salt.
Chop the onion and garlic, put them together with butter in a bowl with a lid and simmer for about 3 minutes After that to prepare in a mixer of mashed potatoes, adding onion and garlic diced tomatoes (after throwing them in a colander). Pour in the sauce spices and cook for about 7 minutes Then pour tomato juice and hot vegetable stock, mix food starch with cream and add to the same. Stir, add salt and cook soup until cooked.
Meat patties steam
300 g minced meat, 1 onion, 1 egg, 50 g of white bread, 1 clove of garlic, salt.
Onion and garlic chop, soak bread in water and squeeze. In forcemeat add the egg, onion, garlic, bread, salt and mix everything carefully. Then molded him meatballs. Cook them in the steamer.
Dinner. Boiled fish with mashed potatoes, broth hips.
For the night. Yogurt.
For the whole day. 250 g white bread, 100 g of black bread, 30 g sugar, 20 g butter.