Diet in cholelithiasis. Diet prescribed for chronic calculous (stone) or cholecystitis without stones. Patients concerned about pain in the right hypochondrium, towards the middle of the abdomen. Pain radiating to the right scapula, clavicle, in the region of the heart and intensify after intake of fatty, spicy and fried foods. Mouth often felt the bitterness, the dryness, sometimes belching.
During exacerbation of the disease diet creates the peace of the damaged organ, and in remission, with a reduction of function of the gallbladder, increases its contractile function and increases the release of bile.
Proper nutrition can provide long-term remission (quiet period), as a rule, and Vice versa, feeding disorders, abuse of fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, cold food, carbonated beverages causes aggravation of the disease.
Eat 5-6 times a day. In case of cholecystitis one of the main conditions in nutrition is pacing and eating. Meals should be frequent and fractional.
The most powerful cholagogue is eating. Frequent intake of small amounts of food at the same time contributes to a better outflow of bile: it doesn’t stay in the gallbladder. But if you eat a lot at one time, the gallbladder may rapidly decline, causing the appearance of pain and other severe disorders. The diet of a person suffering from cholecystitis, there must be enough amount of protein especially animal.
When diet for gallstones (gallstone) disease allowed:
- lean meat, lean fish, milk, cheese, cheese. The latter contain lots of calcium, which is necessary in this disease;
- if portability of eggs – 3-4 pieces a week, in case of intolerance – protein omelets;
- grains, especially oats, buckwheat;
- butter (it is easier fat is digested and absorbed), vegetable fat. If the butter is causing the pain and bitter taste in the mouth, it is added to the finished cereal (or other dish).
Often this technique allows you to “cheat” the gallbladder and unpleasant reaction does not occur. Add the butter necessary before serving the dish to the table.
However, should give preference to vegetable fats, has a good choleretic effect. In addition, vegetable oil has hypolipidemic effect: prevents fatty degeneration of the liver. If, after the admission of any vegetable oil, the pain from this type will have to give up and try another. Noted that patients there is individual tolerance to different types of oil – sunflower, olive, corn, cotton. - vegetables (carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower), fruits and berries (grapes, watermelon, strawberries, apples, prunes) and juices from them, greens.
Vegetables, fruits and berries contribute to the bile flow, eliminate constipation, reduce the ability of bile to form stones. For the prevention of stone formation, even the proposed “diet herbs” that include daily 3-4-fold increase in food vegetables, fruit, greens.
If the disease occurs with diarrhea, vegetables, berries, fruits get in the form of diluted juices or pureed; - the juices of blueberry, quince, pomegranate, cherry, etc.
Attention! Observations have shown that the majority of patients with chronic cholecystitis does not need to limit fats. They stimulate contraction of the gallbladder. It should, however, note that animal fats are tolerated poorly.
When diet for gallstones (gallstone) disease excludes:
- fat, fatty meats, poultry, fish, fatty canned food, meat internal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, brain), margarine, etc.
- vegetables rich in essential oils (radish, radish, turnip, onion, garlic) and oxalic acid (spinach, sorrel). They are usually poorly tolerated and can cause worsening of the disease.
- if overweight, limit the consumption of bread, cereals, pasta, flour and sweet products.
Especially for patients with cholelithiasis proposed the so-called “magnesium diet” which is rich in salts of magnesium, fiber and vitamins. Magnesium salts weaken the spasms, and hence pain, anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the gallbladder, increases peristalsis. The amount of magnesium in the suggested diet in 4 times more than usual.
A diet constructed from foods rich in magnesium. Excluded salt, extractives of meat and fish, limited amount of free fluid. Diet administered in the form of three successive diets (for 3-4 days), each of which contains 0.8-1.2 g of magnesium.
Noted that with increased intake of magnesium reduces pain, subside inflammation, lowers the level of cholesterol in blood, normalizes bowel activity. Especially shown this diet with concomitant gallstones (gallstone) disease constipation. But if it is accompanied by gastritis, chronic enterocolitis, it is contraindicated. In the period of sharp deterioration of the nutritional regime should provide maximum sparing of the digestive system. In the first 2 days of illness can be taken only liquid in the form of heat – sweet tea, sweet juices from fruits and berries, diluted half with water, broth hips. A day not more than 2-3 glasses. Should drink in small portions, tablespoons.
2 day diet add a little pureed food. It is mucous and pureed soups, cereals (oats, rice, Manne), mashed porridge made from these grains, jelly, mousses, kissels. Then in the diet include low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, fish. Meals of these products are prepared in a shabby, only steamed or boiled in water. Power fractional, 5-6 times a day, small portions.
After 5-7 days you can go on a diet № 5A, which should be followed for 3-4 weeks, then diet № 5.
In the period of exacerbation once a week are fasting days, which aim to drastically limit caloric intake.
It can be rice-compote diet (diet Kempner): compote 300 g dried fruit and rice porridge 50 grams of cereals on the water to eat 5-6 receptions.
Or diabetes diet: 180 g of sugar and 6 cups of hot tea in 6 steps.
Or cottage cheese and kefir diet: 900 ml of yogurt (150 ml 6 times per day), 300 g of cottage cheese (100 g 3 times a day) and 150 g sugar.
In the summer, very good handling fruit days – watermelon, grape, Apple. In the background diet in 2-3 days significantly improved well-being.
In the period of remission the food is organized according to the principles of the diet № 5.
Repeat: when gallstone diseases nutrition is a constantly acting factor. No medicines you can’t replace it.
Diet for gallstone (gallstone) disease. Ration No. 1
1-y Breakfast. 150 g buckwheat porridge with fried wheat (or rye bran), tea with lemon.
2-nd Breakfast. 100 g grated carrots with 5 ml of vegetable oil.
Lunch. 250 ml of the soup with slimy broth of bran, 150 g millet porridge with dried apricots, 100 ml of broth hips.
Soup with slimy broth of bran
400 ml of water, 40 g bran, 50 g of beet, 40 g of cabbage, 20 g, white roots 10 g onions.
In boiling water put the bran, boil for 15 minutes and RUB through a sieve. In broth to put fresh cabbage, cut into strips, add the chopped beets along with passerovannym (steamed) roots and onions. Cook everything together for another 5-10 min.
Millet porridge with dried apricots
50 g of millet, 75 ml of water, 25 g of dried apricots, 10 grams of butter, sugar.
Cook grits in water until soft. Add the apricots, sugar, butter, and sauté until cooked in a water bath.
An afternoon snack. 100 ml apricot juice.
Dinner. 150 g cottage cheese pudding, tea with lemon.
Pudding cheesecake
120 g low-fat cottage cheese, 10 g of semolina, 20 ml milk, 10 g of cheese, 1/2 eggs, 5 g of butter, 30 g of sour cream.
The cereal soak in the milk for 10 min. Curd skip through Mincer, mix with grated cheese (5 g), egg yolks, the soaked semolina. Carefully enter the beaten egg whites and mix well. Massa put in a greased pan, sprinkle with remaining cheese, drizzle with oil and bake in the oven. Serve with sour cream.
For the night. 100 ml of broth hips.
Diet for gallstone (gallstone) disease. Ration No. 2
1-y Breakfast. 200 g breast of oatmeal, tea with lemon.
2-nd Breakfast. 50 g of soaked prunes.
Lunch. 250 ml of the soup with slimy broth of bran, meat boiled with beets, braised with vegetable oil (50/160/10 g), 100 g of apples.
400 ml of water, 40 g bran, 50 g Brussels sprouts 30 g potato, 15 g of carrots and onions, parsley.
In boiling water put bran. You boil them for 1 5 minutes and RUB through a sieve. In the broth put chopped cabbage, diced potatoes, browned onion and carrots. Cook everything together for another 5-10 minutes In the finished soup add the chopped parsley.
An afternoon snack. 100 g vegetable salad, 100 ml of broth hips.
Carrot salad with apples
50 g of apples, 50 g carrots, 10 g of cream.
Apples and carrots grate on a coarse grater and mix. Lettuce watered with sour cream and serve.
Dinner. 250 g buckwheat dumplings with cottage cheese, tea.
The meatballs buckwheat with cheese
60 g of buckwheat, 150 ml milk, 30 g cheese, 1/3 egg, 10 g butter, 10 g of crackers.
From grits to cook porridge with milk. Its a little cool, add the egg, curd and mix well. A lot to cut with wet hands on the meatballs. To breaded them in crushed bread crumbs and fry. Serve with sour cream.
For the night. 100 ml of carrot juice.
For the whole day. 125 grams of bran bread.
Diet for gallstone (gallstone) disease. Ration No. 3
1-y Breakfast. 150 g grated carrots 250 g dairy millet porridge, tea with lemon.
2-nd Breakfast. 100 g soaked dried apricots, 100 ml of decoction of wheat bran.
Lunch. 250 ml oat soup with vegetables and mucous decoction of bran, 85 g of boiled chicken, 200 g of cabbage cutlets, 200 ml of broth hips.
Oatmeal soup with vegetables
400 ml of water, 40 g bran, 50 g of carrot, 30 g pumpkin, zucchini 30 g, 10 g onion hook, parsley and dill.
In boiling water put bran. Boil them for 15 min and proteret through a sieve. In broth to put the chopped carrots, pumpkin cubes and zucchini and fried onion. Cook everything together for another 5-10 minutes In the finished soup add the chopped parsley.
An afternoon snack. 100 g of fresh apples.
Dinner. 150 g cottage cheese dumplings 200 g cabbage-Apple cutlets, tea.
Dumplings of cottage cheese
100 g cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 30 g sugar, 20 g raisins, 100 g flour, the zest of 1/2 lemon, 20 g of nuts (for sprinkling), salt.
From flour, 1 egg and salt knead the dough, as the noodles. Roll it into a thin layer, brush with cottage cheese filling (a pounded mixture of other components), folded and cut into squares. On the ground, cut the edges of the dough to press. Dumplings put in boiling water and cook on low heat for 25-30 minutes Then take them out, drizzle with oil and sprinkle with crushed nuts.
Chops cabbage with apples
150 g white cabbage, 40 g fresh apples, 30 ml of milk, 10 butter 15 g semolina, 1/2 eggs, 10 g bread flour (or breadcrumbs), 10 g butter, 20 g sour cream.
Cabbage finely chop. Apples clear from the skin and seeds and slice. Saute the cabbage until soft. Add apples, saute together until cooked cabbage, add semolina, stir and heat on light heat for 10 min. Mass slightly cool, beat the egg, stir again, and cut into patties. To them breaded and fried (or baked). Serve with sour cream.
For the night. 100 ml of tomato juice.
For the whole day. 250 grams of bread with bran, 30 grams of sugar.
The duration of this diet is 20-30 days.