Such a diet not only helps reduce the load on the pancreas, but also improve the intestines, removes toxins from the body, helps to lose weight and put your body in order.
Only no one is safe from pancreatic diseases – everyone can fail, which can be corrected with proper nutrition. will tell you what kind of diet you should follow for pancreatic diseases.
How are pancreatic diseases manifested?
The most common disease that affects the pancreas is pancreatitis (usually chronic). Often it occurs after acute pathology and is characterized by alternating exacerbation and remission. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory lesion of the pancreas, a change in secretory function, compression of the adjacent organs and obstruction of the ducts. As a result, a serious malfunction of the intestines and all organs.
In the period of exacerbation, pancreatitis manifests itself in the form of pain, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite. It’s not that a person doesn’t want to eat, it’s just very hard for him to walk, lie, sit.
An attack can only be relieved in the hospital with droppers, injections, a strict diet and medication. In no case can one ignore the symptoms, since untimely medical care can turn into sad consequences.
Pancreatic Diet: Permitted and Prohibited Products
In diseases of the pancreas, a sparing diet is prescribed, completely eliminating alcohol, fatty, sweet and fried foods, as well as products containing simple carbohydrates, extractive substances and roughage. Nutritionists advise taking food 5-6 times a day in small portions so that it is easily digested and does not overload the pancreas.
Food is cooked exclusively by steam, boiled or stewed, baked. Before use, it is necessary to cool to a temperature of 30-60 degrees – this helps to prevent stomach irritation and stress on the digestive glands.
It is recommended to minimize salt in the diet, and if possible, completely eliminate it at least for the first time, until the organ’s work returns to normal. As the main products, you should pay special attention to those that are rich in protein (it should be 1/3 of the diet) – meat, fish, dairy products. The energy value of the diet for the pancreas should not exceed 1800 kcal.
Mostly, attention should be paid to liquid and semi-liquid foods in the form of cereals, mashed potatoes, soups… A strict diet for pancreatic disease should be followed about 2-3 weeks after the attack, after which you can gradually expand the menu and ultimately return to your usual diet.
When dieting for the pancreas, it is allowed to eat dried wheat bread, vegetable and cereal soups, boiled and fresh vegetables (except for white cabbage), meat, poultry and fish of low-fat varieties, boiled eggs or in the form of omelettes, sour-milk products, cereals, dough products from premium flour, non-acidic fruits and berries, natural jelly, stewed fruit and juices, butter and vegetable oil.
Do not forget to follow the drinking regimen, as pancreatic diseases are accompanied by a large loss of water. It is recommended that you drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day – it will restore balance and establish bowel function.
During an exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is worthwhile to completely eliminate and minimize the use of sparkling water, rye bread, fried, sweet, fatty, spicy and smoked foods, canned foods, too cold and hot dishes, buns, strong broths and rich soups, fast food, fatty varieties of fish, meat and poultry, soft-boiled and scrambled eggs, pies, marinades, sour berries and fruits, coffee and cocoa.
Pancreatic Diet: Weekly Diet
- Breakfast : porridge, weak and unsweetened tea.
- Second breakfast : steamed potato or carrot cutlets.
- Lunch: mashed vegetable soup, boiled fish or chicken.
- Snack : baked apples.
- Dinner : steamed vegetables and meatballs.
- Breakfast: steam omelet and compote.
- Second breakfast: baked vegetables.
- Lunch: milk soup.
- Snack: cottage cheese casserole.
- Dinner: mashed potatoes with boiled meat, fruit juice.
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, unsweetened tea.
- Second breakfast: a glass of kefir or nonfat yogurt without additives.
- Lunch: boiled vegetables and fish, a glass of jelly.
- Afternoon snack: oatmeal home-made cakes and compote.
- Dinner: mashed vegetables.
- Breakfast: rice porridge, tea.
- Second breakfast: crackers with a rosehip broth.
- Lunch: pumpkin soup with steam meat.
- Snack: scrambled eggs and a glass of fruit drink.
- Dinner: stewed rabbit stew.
- Breakfast: semolina porridge, compote.
- Lunch: boiled chicken, herbal broth.
- Lunch: low-fat fish soup.
- Snack: baked fruit.
- Dinner: boiled veal with rice.
- Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole and a glass of unsweetened tea.
- Second breakfast: fruit salad.
- Lunch: steam cutlets and boiled pasta from premium flour.
- Snack: crackers with natural yogurt.
- Dinner: meatballs with buckwheat porridge and jelly.
- Breakfast: milk soup and a glass of fruit juice.
- Second breakfast: cottage cheese with milk.
- Lunch: boiled meat and buckwheat soup.
- Snack: jelly with crackers.
- Dinner: carrot juice and fish casserole.