The list of products approved by nutritionists for use in the development of the daily menu is quite extensive.
It is allowed to use as a drink: teas on herbs, rosehips, infusion on bird cherry berries, tea (varieties – green or black), water without gas (no more than 1.5 liters per day).
It is necessary to organize a six-time meal. Be sure to alternate dishes to eliminate monotony.
It is represented by the following positions:
- Already dried (yesterday’s) wheat bread, homemade crackers. The permissible norm for 24 hours is no more than 200 grams of the product. Additionally, dry cookies (biscuits) are allowed.
- Mashed cereals. They are the basis of the patient’s diet. Allowed semolina, white rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. They are prepared either on water or in fat-free (removed) meat broth.
- Butter. Use only 50 grams per day.
- Soups When cooking, you need to take the removed (second) from under the fish / meat. For filling, cereals are taken, a minimum of vegetables, pureed or processed with a blender / meat grinder boiled meat, dumplings, eggs, meatballs.
- Meat. Only dietary varieties are allowed – veal, beef, chicken breast, turkey, rabbits. Before cooking, the skin is necessarily removed and tendons are cut out.
- Steamed cutlets, meatballs, dumplings. When collecting minced meat, the bread must be replaced with semolina semolina or boiled rice. It is allowed to cook meat paste, adding a minimum amount of salt.
- Low-fat fish. Allowed to serve as a whole boiled / steam piece. If the chopped version, then it can be dumplings, meatballs, meatballs. Cooking or steam cooking is allowed.
- The eggs. Norm 2 pieces per day. Served soft-boiled, in the form of a steam omelet. It is allowed to interfere in soups (nutritious egg flakes are obtained), soufflé.
- Low-fat mashed cottage cheese. Used for cooking casseroles and soufflés.
- Vegetables. It is allowed to use exclusively in pureed form, adding a small amount when cooking soup. The volumes are minimal.
- Fruits – apples (fresh, in the form of mashed potatoes), jelly (blueberries, bird cherry, cornel, quince, pears), fruit drinks.
- Juices from sweet berries (previously diluted with boiled water in equal proportions). Grape, plum and apricot are forbidden.
Prohibited Products
Table No. 4 completely excludes the consumption of fiber-containing foods.
The list of prohibited products includes:
- Vegetables. They are allowed to add the product to soups in small quantities and mashed condition.
- Bread. Whole grain, rye, bran, cereal. It is difficult to digest and can injure the mucous membrane.
- Fresh pastries, pancakes / pancakes. Provoke the processes of fermentation and decay.
- Jam, honey, jam, dried fruits, sweets. During the day, it is allowed to use 50 grams of granulated sugar.
- Porridge – millet, eggs, barley, legumes.
- Pasta.
- Fatty broths. They contribute to increased intestinal motility and deterioration.
- Fatty meats, fish.
- Canned food, salinity and fish in particular.
- Whole milk, cream, sour cream, cheese. May cause increased diarrhea. Milk must be diluted with water. It is used only for cooking cereals and puddings.
- Cocoa, coffee with milk, sweet soda, kvass.
- Sauces, marinades.
- Smoked meats, ham, sausages.
These products are able to stimulate gastrointestinal motility, provoke bloating.
Approximate weekly menu
1 breakfast: oatmeal with a slice of butter, soft-boiled egg, drink.
2 breakfast: apple puree (fresh or pre-cooked in the oven).
Lunch: soup with rice cereal and the addition of meatballs from minced meat, homemade croutons, buckwheat with chicken meatballs (stewed on water or steamed), apple and pear drink.
Snack: jelly with biscuits or homemade croutons.
Dinner: semolina (without added granulated sugar), a portion of boiled fish, a drink.
Late dinner: kissel.
1 breakfast: rice porridge-squash (sweetened) with a slice of butter, cracker, rosehip boil.
2 breakfast: a few tablespoons of cottage cheese.
Lunch: meat broth thickened with semolina, steam dumplings from chicken / turkey minced meat, side dish – boiled rice, homemade crackers, jelly.
Snack: baked in the oven and chopped apple in a blender.
Dinner: egg, buckwheat porridge, drink.
Late dinner: compote of allowed dried fruits with biscuits.
1 breakfast: carefully boiled oatmeal with a slice of butter, a pureed piece of boiled meat, a little cottage cheese, tea, biscuit cookies.
2 breakfast: fruit puree.
Lunch: chicken broth with rice cereal and egg flakes, grated porridge from buckwheat, meatballs, fruit drink.
Snack: jelly with biscuit cookies.
Dinner: minced meatballs (you can take hake), garnished with well-boiled rice groats, sweet black tea.
Late dinner: kissel.
1 breakfast: buckwheat porridge with a slice of butter, soft-boiled egg, a little cottage cheese, a fruit drink.
2 breakfast: kissel with wheat bread dried in the oven.
Lunch: soup with meatballs, thickened with semolina, homemade crackers, carefully boiled rice cereal, garnished with steamed meatballs, jelly.
Snack: rosehip broth, homemade crackers.
Dinner: cottage cheese and buckwheat pudding, meat souffle, drink.
Late dinner: pear decoction.
1 breakfast: rice pudding, low-fat cottage cheese, tea,
2 breakfast: berry broth.
Lunch: fish broth with fish meatballs and rice, homemade crackers, minced chicken cutlets (steam), garnished with mashed buckwheat, berry broth.
Afternoon snack: unsweetened broth of wild rose hips with biscuits.
Dinner: steam omelet, sweet semolina, tea.
Late dinner: a decoction of dried fruits (apples and black currants).
1 breakfast: buckwheat pudding with cottage cheese, mashed baked apple, tea.
2 breakfast: pear and apple compote.
Lunch: broth with semolina and mixed egg, veal cutlets (steam), garnished with mashed rice porridge, pear compote.
Snack: berry compote with biscuits.
Dinner: oatmeal with butter without sugar, soft-boiled egg, black tea.
Late dinner: kissel.
1 breakfast: carefully boiled oatmeal with a slice of butter and steamed chicken / turkey minced meatballs, a drink, homemade crackers made of white wheat bread.
2 breakfast: a few spoons of low-fat cottage cheese.
Lunch: beef broth with meatballs, thickened with semolina, mashed buckwheat porridge with meatballs from low-fat fish, fruit jelly.
Snack: black tea with homemade breadcrumbs.
Dinner: rice porridge with a slice of butter, soft-boiled egg, drink.
Late dinner: compote of allowed dried fruits.