
Folk remedies for weight loss

Folk remedies for weight loss. The issue of weight loss care today, a growing number of people, especially women. And I want to lose weight and those who need it, and sometimes those who have a very normal weight.

Why not just try to lose weight, diets, fat burners, exercise equipment, a variety of pills and dietary Supplements. And they do it as a rule without examining the problems, without consulting with experts, and the result will at best receive a zero effect, and in the worst health disorder.

And hardly anyone recalls the folk medicine. And folk medicine has long known that excess weight and health problems and bad skin condition linked. Here are some old but effective recipes weight loss of the ancient herbalists. This fee is similar to those sold as “fees for deep cleansing and weight loss”, except in the case of his self-drawing you know exactly what it is. You can make it yourself.

Mix equal amounts of black elderberry flowers, chamomile, Linden blossom, fennel fruit and peppermint leaf, put the mixture in an enamel bowl, pour boiling water in the ratio 1:20 (1 part of raw material, 20 parts water), cover and put in a pan or dish with water. Such a water bath, stirring occasionally, hold decoction for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Take 1 Cup 2-3 times daily for 8-10 weeks.

Folk remedies for weight loss

Reduces appetite infusion of the following composition.
Mix 80 g of the leaf of BlackBerry, 10 g of birch leaves and the leaf mother?and?stepmother. The infusion is prepared in the ratio of 1:20.
Take 1 Cup 2 times a day, morning and before dinner.
Taken daily for 3-4 weeks in a row.
Then make a break for one?two weeks.

Bath slimming decoction Potentilla goose:
50 – 100 g dry herb to 1 bucket of water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.
Every 3-4 weeks you need to make a break for 5-10 days.

To reduce appetite helps tincture of corn silk.
It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times daily before meals.
Every 3-4 weeks you need to make a break for 7-10 days.

Preparations for external and internal application of cistozira (algae that are sold in pharmacies), is well known as a good remedy for cellulite.
On their basis prepare the anti-cellulite creams and ointments, soap and other means.
But you can prepare a few options of home infusion.

Mix 40 g of St. John’s wort and 20 g Cystoseira bearded.
Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the mixture and 15 minutes to heat in a water bath.
After 1 hour, strain and drink 1 Cup 3-4 times a day.
Every 3-4 weeks you need to make a break for 7-10 days.

Mix 50 g Cystoseira bearded and 25 g of licorice root and anise fruit. Every 3-4 weeks you need to make a break for 7-10 days.
To prepare and make the infusion as above.

Mix 50 g herb yarrow, 25 g Cystoseira bearded, 20 g of buckthorn bark and 5 g of juniper.
Preparation and application as in the previous recipes.

Mix 50 g of buckthorn bark, 20 grams of dandelion root, 20 g of fennel (or dill) and 20 g of peppermint leaves.
Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tablespoons mixture, to insist 1 hour and strain. Take 1 glass morning and evening.
Every 3-4 weeks you need to make a break for 5-10 days.

Anti-cellulite body mask:
1 tablespoon of crushed white clay and 150 g of vinegar or juice of henbane.
All this mix thoroughly, daily to do the mask on places affected by cellulite, for 15-20 minutes.
Every 3-4 weeks you need to make a break for 5-10 days.

Daily fat burning menu
Menu prepared according to the following rules:

Breakfast: one serving of protein (list 1) and servings of fruits or vegetables (list 2).

Lunch: portion of protein, a serving of vegetables or fruit and a serving of carbohydrates (list 3).

Afternoon snack: a portion of protein, a serving of vegetables or fruit and a serving of carbohydrates.

Dinner: portion of protein and a serving of vegetables or fruit

List 1. A portion of protein is one of the following options:
2 eggs in any form;
170 gr. lean fish (e.g. cod), seafood;
110 gr. lean ham or lean meat (raw);
100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese (1-5%);
60 gr. low-fat cheese;
120 ml low-fat milk, yogurt or natural yogurt (1-1,5% fat) + half portion of any other protein product;
30 gr. any nuts except peanuts.

List 2. A portion of fruit or vegetables selected from:
salad from any vegetables, except potatoes and beans, or some fresh vegetables whole;
300 gr. steam all vegetables, except potatoes, corn or peas;
150 gr. canned corn or green peas;
200 gr. selection of any fruit (grapefruit, orange, Mandarin, pear, apricot, lemon, strawberry, raspberry or cherry), or 1-2 whole fruit or 2 small pieces of melon; 60 gr. any dried fruit.

List 3. Carbohydrates:
3-4 tablespoons of boiled rice, buckwheat or pasta from durum wheat, add a little tomato sauce.
3-4 tbsp. mashed potato; peas, beans, lentils or corn, or two medium baked or boiled potatoes. One small boiled corn. a piece of rye or whole wheat bread, bread with bran.

Folk remedies for weight loss have proven themselves as very effective methods of struggle with excess weight. No need to put yourself unrealistic targets and remember that sudden weight fluctuations are not useful.
So, if you took a firm decision to lose weight dramatically, it obliges you to think about what if you typed it again, then your cellulite will flourish.

Recommended maximum rate is 3-5 kg per month. This rhythm safe. But if you want to lose weight faster, promise yourself that you will some time to monitor it every day to prevent re-growth.

Contrary to the advertising calls, we feel obliged to warn about it. The choice is yours, and who do not understand the woman who decided to find the will to change! It is a worthy goal, but condemned to lengthy daily self-control after the diet. Otherwise, all your heroic efforts will have been in vain.

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