Most people who are overweight, want to lose weight find the fastest way to avoid wasting time on exercise, massage, and more. Effective and simple way to lose weight is changing your eating habits, and proper selection of products.
But it is not necessary to give up the sport. A balanced diet combined with exercise will hasten the process of weight loss.
Paradoxically sounds, but there are foods that promote weight loss. This is a common products about which we simply forget and do not include them in your diet. In vain, these healthy foods will not add extra pounds, but will help to reduce appetite and to burn fat.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
Nuts in small quantities are not only useful, they are also used for weight loss.
PEANUTS for weight loss:
Peanuts to snack between meals. It accelerates metabolism, and fatty acids in it, decreases cholesterol. In 100g of peanuts contains 560 calories, so a day is enough to eat 10-12 nuts (no more than 50g), because it is difficult to digest because of the fat. The peanut contains vegetable fat 45%, protein 25%, carbohydrates – 15%, b vitamins, vitamin D, PP. Due to its composition (large number of fibers and proteins), peanuts reduces body weight.
Fiber and proteins have the ability to saturate, reducing the feeling of hunger. Eating a few peanuts, the body will be filled for 2 hours, and a small amount of food reduces stomach and thereby promotes weight loss. Caution! May experience an allergic reaction to peanuts.
PINE NUTS for weight loss.
Pine nuts well reduce the appetite in them than in other nuts, rich in protein. In the roasted the pine nuts are added in vegetable salads or use as a snack. They can replace Breakfast or dinner, using 50g of nuts, eat slowly, as he ate well.
ALMONDS for weight loss:
Almonds contain dietary fiber, fatty acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Almonds (despite the high fat) promotes weight loss, since most of the fat has passed the stage of digestion and absorption and excretion from the body. It normalizes cholesterol, reduces fat, reduces appetite. A day only requires 30g of almonds (23 nuts).
WALNUTS for weight loss:
Walnuts are rich in calories, so for weight loss per day you can eat no more than 2 pieces. This portion is better to eat the morning Breakfast of porridge, carefully as he ate them. Scientists believe that this unique product suppresses sugar cravings (to eat simple carbohydrates), thus, contributing to weight loss.
Walnut oil for weight loss:
It is recommended to drink the oil of walnuts on an empty stomach 3 times a day, one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals or to refuel their salads instead of vegetable oil. It is also used for body massage to prevent sagging skin after weight loss.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
In fruits contain vitamins and minerals that improve hair, skin and nails, but they also contribute to weight loss. The fruit fiber cleans the organism from slags, toxins and other harmful substances.
APPLES for weight loss:
Apples and pears contain vitamins, minerals, pectin. Filling the stomach creates a feeling of fullness, although the calories are almost zero. Can be used for snacking. Science has proven that eating apples before meals will significantly reduce the absorption of calories from the main dish. Insoluble fiber pears is beneficial for the intestines and excretes toxins and heavy metals. In pear contains more fructose, which is also important for the figure.
Grapefruit has the ability to reduce insulin levels and, therefore, less hungry. Improves metabolism, digestion, strengthens the fat burning process in the body. This fruit cleanses the body of toxins, lowers bad cholesterol and increases level of good, removes excess fluid. If during the day at every meal to eat half a grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice 150 ml, then 2 weeks you can reduce weight by 2kg. To reduce the bitter taste it is diluted with another juice.
FIGS for weight loss:
Figs improves digestion, contains no fat and few calories. If you eat 2-3 figs, the hunger retreats. Figs added to muesli.
PINEAPPLE for weight loss:
Pineapple is a very low calorie fruit. It accelerates the breakdown and absorption of proteins. Pineapple is best eaten before a meal, because it promotes rapid saturation of the protein food.
KIWI for weight loss:
Kiwi promotes the burning of fat in the arteries which block them. Kiwi improves metabolism and digestion, removes cholesterol levels, cleanses the body of toxins. Enough to eat one kiwi fruit to get your daily norm of vitamin C.
Though avocado has a high fat content, promotes rapid and effective weight loss. Its fats are quickly digested and create a feeling of satiety. There is a 3 – day diet avocado, allowing you to lose up to 1.5 kg weight.
For Breakfast eat a half avocado, filled with low fat cottage cheese.
For lunch: half an avocado to chop and mix with boiled egg, green onion and a little cucumber.
Dinner: half avocado with cottage cheese, slightly fried steak – 90g.
DRIED fruits for weight loss:
Dried fruits are good for snacking, as quickly saturate. They have a lot of vitamins and fiber. With dried fruit you can drink tea. For this approach dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates. Many of them are impossible, since there’s a decent percentage of sugar, but 50-150g per day, enough for 3 snacks.
BERRIES for weight loss:
Raspberry, currant, strawberry, gooseberry, honeysuckle, blueberry – these berries as much as possible eat fresh and frozen. They lower blood sugar release of fats from cells, smooth wrinkles.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
VEGETABLE SALAD for weight loss.
From different vegetables, prepare a colorful salad, which is rich in fiber and vitamins, add a little vegetable oil and lemon juice and start your lunch with him. Filling the stomach with low-calorie salad will remain less room for high-calorie food that promotes weight loss.
VEGETABLE SOUP for weight loss.
Vegetable soup made from cabbage (or broccoli) with the addition of other vegetables (except potatoes), seasoned with herbs and spices also help to lose weight. In this light, you should not add cream or flour. The fiber in cabbage helps to eliminate “bad” cholesterol, healthy body.
CABBAGE for weight loss.
Cabbage contains vitamins, minerals, essential acids, is low in calories. It improves digestion and as the broom clears the digestive tract of toxins.
Seaweed for weight loss.
Kelp (seaweed) contains high amounts of iodine, which helps the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Because hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones) leads to obesity. Iodine improves metabolism, i.e. the process of splitting complex molecules, arrived with food and provide the body with nutrients and energy.
CARROTS for weight loss.
Carrots and juice from it prevents the fats to form and accumulate in the body. There is even a carrot diet.
MUSHROOMS for weight loss.
Mushrooms useful in that it removes cholesterol, cleanse the liver and prevent obesity. Nutritionists recommend to replace meat with mushrooms, then leave the extra pounds.
GINGER for weight loss:
Ginger removes toxins from the body, speeds up metabolism and regulates digestion. Ginger tea for weight loss: 1 teaspoon minced ginger root pour a glass of boiling water, infused and filtered. Tea increases the metabolism.
PARSLEY for weight loss:
Parsley contains no calories, boosts the body’s fat metabolism. To include in the diet in any form: fresh, dried, frozen. Can be brewed as a tea.
SALAD. Especially useful for lettuce and arugula. He’s a good influence on metabolism, digestion, removes cholesterol, prevents the deposition of salts. Has a mild choleretic effect and lowers the appetite.
SPINACH for weight loss. Spinach has a laxative effect and is included in many diets for weight loss. Contains a lot of vitamin C, which allows to get rid of fat.
SEDDERA for weight loss. It contains no calories, helps with constipation, relieves gas in the stomach, improves metabolism.
NETTLE for weight loss. Nettle accelerates the metabolic processes. Salad of young nettle leaves contributes to weight loss. Just pre-rinse them with boiling water.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
Protein food is the basis of education of the muscles, the more muscle you have, the more fat burned, even at rest. For the assimilation of proteins the body spends more calories than fats and carbohydrates. Thus, protein foods promotes weight loss.
MILK has many beneficial properties, but provide the body with all the necessary it can’t. Therefore, milk diet should not be used longer than a week.
YOGURT for weight loss use not fat. It improves digestion, restores intestinal microflora, cleanses toxins, helps to lose weight.
CURD for weight loss and YOGURT. They contains a large number of easily digestible protein, which permanently creates a feeling of satiety. And the digestion of protein consumes more calories than for fats and carbohydrates. Recipe low calorie Breakfast: cottage cheese whipped with sparkling mineral water and the resulting cream spread on toast. Protein in the body receives calcium, which helps the body to produce a hormone that promote weight loss. Cottage cheese protein is digested faster than the protein of meat, fish or milk. The yoghurt should be sweet, without fruit additives. You can put in yogurt a pinch of cinnamon instead of sugar.
WHEY also promotes weight loss, improves metabolic process and reduces appetite. It is recommended before meals drink a glass of whey.
MEAT. You can not eat fatty meats, chicken breast.
FISH for weight loss. Fish – the most useful product for the shape, promotes the burning of fat in the body. But for weight loss fish should be steamed. In the absence of the steamers, the fish can be prepared with the help of a colander and a pan with a small amount of water. The fish put in a colander, put it in a pot of boiling water so that it does not touch the water, cover, hold until ready. Have the fish with herbs and spices (no preservatives). This food is well digested and not deposited in fats. Especially useful for saltwater fish. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, iodine, necessary for the functioning of the heart and the thyroid gland, which is responsible for hormonal balance.
EGGS for weight loss. Eggs are rich in calcium, iron, zinc, etc. nutrients. Eggs give a feeling of satiety for a long time and are recommended for Breakfast.
BEANS retain muscle mass during a diet and not let her go with fat. Give a sense of satiety, so they can often be included in your diet.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
BREAD for weight loss:
BREAD for weight loss. Rye bread and wholemeal contributes to the rapid digestion of food and prevents the deposition of fat on the thighs and abdomen.
BRAN for weight loss and health is a unique product. Although it is not metabolized in the body, but improve the functioning of all systems and internal organs, normalize weight, and ensure good health.
BREADS for weight loss. Bread diet – low calorie, but compared with bread in their digestion consumes more energy. They’re also good for health and to maintain a slender figure.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
BUCKWHEAT for weight loss. It contains 11% protein, therefore, promotes rapid and prolonged saturation. There’s little of carbohydrate which recover. Buckwheat improves liver, intestinal tract, lowers cholesterol, clears toxins.
OATMEAL for weight loss are not subjected to the heat treatment, eliminates excess calories, regulate cholesterol and blood glucose.
The RICE paddy is used in weight loss diets. It cleanses the body from harmful substances, contains vitamins of group B.
MUESLI for weight loss. They are recommended to be consumed daily to lose weight and not accumulate extra pounds. They contained dietary fibers are digested slowly and permanently reduce the feeling of hunger. Muesli improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
SEASONINGS for weight loss. Spicy seasonings: mustard, horseradish, vinegar, hot peppers, black and red pepper, garlic, cinnamon and other seasonings fats. They accelerate the production of energy in the body, purify the blood vessels burn the excess fat cells reduce insulin levels and thus promote weight loss.
For example, chilli, for 20 minutes after eating, burns extra calories, and over 3 hours – speeds up metabolism, due to the content of substances kapsatsin that melts fat cells.
Cinnamon has a natural sweet taste that allows you to use it instead of sugar. It lowers blood sugar.
Apple cider vinegar reduces appetite and discourage the desire for sweets, improves metabolism, breaks down fats and carbohydrates. Apple cider vinegar is better to prepare yourself.
Foods that promote weight loss, reduce appetite, burn fats.
GREEN TEA also promotes weight loss. It contains substances that help to actively burn fats, accelerates the metabolism and digestion, nourishes the body with minerals, removes free radicals from the body. Advised to drink a day 4 cups of green tea, but not before bed, because it excites the nervous system.
WATER is also needed for weight loss if lack of it in the body slows down the metabolism.
COLD SOUPS AND JUICES. In order to digest cold soup, the first body expends calories to warm up cold food, and then to digest it. Thus, consumed more calories, which promotes weight loss. As well filling the stomach with cold soup, the body is saturated for a long time. Instead of soup you can drink a glass of tomato juice with herbs, or other vegetables.
OLIVE OIL for weight loss. Olive oil is indispensable in the diet fat source. It is known that the lack of fatty acids slowed metabolism, and with regular use of olive oil or olives decreases the feeling of hunger and weight. Recommended every morning on an empty stomach to eat 1 teaspoon of olive oil or 6-8 olives in a few weeks.