
Yogurt: the benefits and harms

Domesticated cattle gave milk, but it quickly got sour in a clay or wooden container. Pour it was a pity that man tried – and he liked the product pleasantly refreshed and fed. And in a short time was appreciated and useful properties of yogurt: because it helps with intestinal disorders, strengthens bones, builds digestion.

In the cities many people use yogurt, kefir, well, the Outback is still held in high esteem analogue of all these fermented dairy products – yogurt. The history of yogurt goes back thousands of years. People started to cook and eat back in those days, when no starter cultures and bifidobacteria in sight, no one heard.

Today, in our regions, the yogurt is prepared by the industry. First, the milk is brought to boiling, then cooled to a certain temperature and immediately poured into a container that already has the leavening and other necessary additives. Depending on the desired taste it can be sugar, fruit or berry puree, vanilla.

You can prepare the yogurt and independently. To do this, simply leave for the night on the table, warm boiled milk, dropping in a jar a slice of rye bread or a spoonful of sour cream. In the morning you get a drink with neutral taste. But if she stays another night, the flavor will be more sour.

Chemical composition

First yogurt, like all dairy products contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium. But that’s not all.

In addition to the animal protein in this product is:

  • organic and lactic acids;
  • fats and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins b, A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • beta-carotene;
  • magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, fluorine, molybdenum, manganese, sodium, potassium, iron, sulfur, copper.

The calorie content depends on the fat of the original product. Approximately 100 ml of the product with a fat content of about 2.5% contains no more than 55 Calories.

Useful properties

Obviously once the yogurt is so low in calories, it is valued in the diets as an effective tool for weight loss. Drinking one glass of fruit or berries, the person does not feel hunger, receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, nutrient proteins, and yet not gaining weight.

In practice: if at least two times within seven days to arrange fasting days on one of sour milk, four weeks is easy to go to five kilograms of excess weight.

The beneficial properties of yogurt was investigated Ilya Mechnikov and found that with regular consumption of this fermented milk product in the intestine suppressed the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. This scientist was convinced that yogurt is able to extend the life of a man, and he has developed one of her recipes.

The consumption of curdled milk is indicated for gastritis, colitis, enteritis, chronic constipation, dysbacteriosis. Because it has a positive effect on metabolism, it is recommended for obesity, the propensity to cellulite, diabetes.

In milk are polyunsaturated fatty acids. This means, it needs daily use in atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, patients who have had a heart attack, stroke or have a tendency to abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels.

Yogurt can remove alcohol withdrawal syndrome and significantly improve the human condition in just 10-15 minutes – enough to drink a glass of this product.

Evaluated the effects of yogurt not only doctors, but and cosmetologists. Face masks based on it bleach and purify the skin, smooth wrinkles and return a healthy complexion. And if you regularly lubricate her hair and leave overnight, they will be silky, thick and supple.

Harm and contraindications

Yogurt – light and healthy dairy product, nutritious, pleasant to the taste, but it is also, unfortunately, has contraindications. I do not advise to include this product in the diet in such diseases:

And, of course, do not abuse the yogurt, as it possesses laxative properties.

How to make yogurt at home

The most useful product is one that is made independently.

According to the classic recipe to prepare the yogurt:

  • boil three liters of milk average fat and cooled to a temperature of 35-40 degrees;
  • poured milk into the three liter jar, add in each spoon of yogurt or sour cream as a starter;
  • optionally, you can add rye crackers or sugar;
  • then banks closed, wrapped up and put for the night in a warm place.

In the morning the yogurt is ready. You can drink it just like that, add to oatmeal, make smoothies with honey and cinnamon, fruit and berries. And the residue to make masks for face, hair and body. Because the yogurt supports the health and beauty not only inside but also outside.

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