Eggs – a low-calorie diet product (calorie content of one boiled egg is 80-100 kcal). They are able to quickly saturate the body, eliminating the feeling of hunger. In addition, scientists have proved that eggs are almost completely absorbed by the body.
Maggi’s egg diet is based on eating eggs. Its menu is quite monotonous, but nutritious and allows you to get a lasting result. It is for those whose account for extra pounds goes to tens, not units.
It is important to have a strong character and fighting spirit, as well as properly organize moderate physical activity in order to get a good result.
This is a balanced diet, although even it involves a preliminary consultation with a nutritionist.
In its composition, the egg contains:
- vitamins A, K, D, E and group B;
- many trace elements (phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, etc.);
- niacin (vitamin PP) – is involved in the oxidative reactions of living cells, as well as in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids;
- Biotin (Vitamin H) – positively affects metabolic processes;
- lutein and coenzyme Q10 – improve the condition of the skin, hair, strengthen the muscular system.
Subtleties of the egg diet:
- A product, the exact amount of which is not indicated in the menu, can be eaten in any quantity until it feels full;
- All dishes are easy to prepare, and the ingredients are familiar and affordable;
- There is no need for additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes – eggs and other food products contain quite useful components;
- No need to waste time counting calories;
- After a month on an egg diet, lost kilos are not returned;
- This is one of the few diets for which there are no contraindications. It does not suit unless those who are allergic to eggs or citrus fruits.
What foods can be consumed
Maggie’s egg diet is not too categorical.
The basis of her diet is:
- Chicken or quail eggs. It is very desirable that it is homemade, because the store can be full of harmful chemical additives;
- Fresh fruits: citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwi, apricots, plums, apples, pears, watermelon, melon;
- Boiled or fresh vegetables without oil, but slightly salted and seasoned. It can be zucchini or zucchini, eggplant, carrot, green or ordinary beans, beets, corn, cauliflower and white cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, leaf lettuce, bell pepper, any greens;
- Lean meat is required without a peel (the most popular are chicken, rabbit, veal);
- Sea or river fish;
- Low-fat cheese or low-fat cottage cheese.
You can drink water, herbal or green tea. So that the menu does not become boring, try to diversify it as much as possible, alternating daily with the use of different fruits and vegetables.
What will have to refuse
Eliminate snacks with fatty foods and high-calorie foods.
It is strictly forbidden to use :
- alcoholic drinks;
- mayonnaise;
- sour cream;
- meat broth;
- lamb;
- bread and various pastries;
- sausages;
- potatoes;
- grapes, bananas, mangoes, figs and dates.
Different egg-based diet variations
There are several options for an egg diet. They are designed for time periods of different durations. Let’s learn about each of them in more detail, paying special attention to the compilation of the menu.
Maggi’s four-week egg diet
The Maggi diet got its name by the name of the inventor, and not thanks to the bouillon cubes. It is designed for 28 days, eliminates heroic starvation and allows you to throw off the extra 10-15 kg. At the same time, the result is persistent if you continue to adhere to the basics of a healthy diet.
The diet does not limit the set of products by their calorie content, but is based on chemical reactions in the body. The key to success is strict adherence to diet. Any of the products in the menu can be excluded, but cannot be replaced !
In addition, an egg-orange diet of 4 weeks (as it is also called) allows you to change culinary habits in order to further maintain weight at the desired level.
1st week
Breakfast every day: a pair of boiled eggs and half an orange (grapefruit).
Monday. For lunch, eat as much as you like any fruit (but only one kind), and for dinner, boil the chicken, having previously removed the skin from it.
Tuesday. Dine on chicken. For dinner, cook a couple of soft-boiled eggs, a salad of vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, herbs), it is allowed to eat toast and any citrus.
Wednesday. Today you can treat yourself to white cheese, only necessarily fat content of less than 16-17%, several tomatoes and toast. For dinner, boil chicken or rabbit meat.
Thursday. At lunch, you can eat many fruits of the same kind to completely satisfy the feeling of hunger. Dinner should be light – meat with lettuce.
Friday. For lunch, cook two eggs and vegetables of any one kind to choose from. Dinner can be diversified with boiled fish, lettuce. Be sure to eat an orange or grapefruit.
Saturday. Lunch – exclusively fruit, and dinner – meat with a few salad leaves.
Sunday. Have a full dinner with chicken meat with steamed vegetables and fresh tomatoes, and an orange or grapefruit that you already love as a dessert. You can have dinner with slightly salted vegetables from a double boiler.
2nd week
Breakfast remains the same: eggs with half an orange (grapefruit). It is not forbidden to drink green tea or black coffee.
Monday. For the afternoon, lunch from boiled meat and salad leaves will give strength. Try to always have dinner at the same time. Today you have a couple of eggs, lettuce and orange left over from lunch.
Tuesday. Dine like yesterday – meat and salad. Dinner consists of two soft-boiled eggs and grapefruit.
Wednesday. You can diversify your meat lunch with fresh aromatic cucumbers. For dinner – the same as yesterday.
Thursday. For lunch, eggs with low-fat cheese and boiled vegetables. We have a modest dinner – just two soft-boiled eggs.
Friday. On the last day of the working week, treat yourself to a boiled fish. Dinner again consists of only two eggs.
Saturday. For dinner, cook the meat with several tomatoes. The dessert is already familiar orange. For dinner – any fruit you want.
Sunday. For lunch and dinner today, chicken with a side dish of boiled vegetables and fresh tomatoes. Then eat an orange.
3rd week
Monday. In arbitrary quantities, you can feast on fruit.
Tuesday. Boil vegetables (except potatoes) all day long. Eat them individually or combining them in various salads. Without oil, but with onion and garlic.
Wednesday. When hungry, eat boiled vegetables and fresh fruits. Drink plenty of water.
Thursday. It is a fish day. Boiled fish with boiled vegetables is the basis of your diet today.
Friday. On Friday – meat and various boiled vegetables.
Weekend. Fruit fasting days. Moreover, on Saturday – you can only some fruit, but on Sunday, necessarily different.
4th week
There is no clear distinction between individual meals this week. We will give you lists of foods that need to be eaten gradually throughout the day.
- 4 medium slices of boiled chicken fillet;
- jar of tuna;
- 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers;
- toast;
- citrus.
- 200 gr. boiled meat;
- again 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers;
- toast;
- one for your taste: a pear, an apple or a slice of melon.
- a small plate of steamed vegetables;
- 1 tbsp. l cheese or cottage cheese;
- two cucumbers and tomatoes;
- toast;
- grapefruit.
- half boiled chicken;
- 1 cucumber and 3 tomatoes;
- toast;
- citrus.
- 2 soft-boiled testicles;
- 3 tomatoes;
- lettuce leaf;
- grapefruit.
- 2 boiled chicken breasts;
- two cucumbers and tomatoes;
- toast;
- yogurt;
- 125 gr. feta cheese or cottage cheese;
- an orange.
- a jar of canned tuna (if it is with oil, rinse thoroughly under running water);
- some boiled vegetables;
- two cucumbers and tomatoes;
- toast;
- a spoon of low-fat cottage cheese;
- citrus.
If there is a strong feeling of hunger between meals, you can have a bite of crispy lettuce or fresh cucumbers.
2-week egg diet
An egg diet for 2 weeks involves 3 meals a day with dinner no later than 6 pm. Any snacks should be completely eliminated. The effectiveness of the diet depends on the clarity of its compliance. If desired, you can lose 5-7 kg.
The menu is the same for both weeks. Every day breakfast is two hard boiled eggs, a cup of black coffee and grapefruit.
First day. For lunch, boil a couple of eggs, cut them into slices of tomato. You can drink it with herbal tea. For dinner, again two eggs, and even boiled vegetables, prepare a vinaigrette (not flavored with oil, of course). Drink herbal gulls and eat grapefruit.
Second day. Lunch will be eggs in the amount of two pieces and an average size grapefruit. Lean meat and salad of cucumber, tomato, celery and salad leaves for dinner.
The third day. Lunch is original – spinach is added to the usual boiled eggs. We have dinner quite tightly: with two eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage, boiled beets. We are drinking green tea.
Fourth day. We have lunch the same as yesterday, but instead of tea, coffee. For dinner, boiled fish with vinaigrette and sugar-free coffee.
Fifth day. Lunch is similar to yesterday. Dinner too, only plus fresh cabbage.
Sixth day. For lunch, prepare a salad of your favorite fruit, and in the evening – a delicious steak and vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, celery. We drink black coffee.
Seventh day. On the last day of this week, a cold boiled chicken with one tomato and grapefruit serves lunch. For dinner – chicken and salad (tomato, carrot, cabbage – very tasty!). It’s time to have some coffee.
The second week, the diet should be repeated.
7 day fast diet
A one-week egg diet is a great choice for those who want to quickly lose 3-7 kg. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body and normalize metabolism.
An egg diet for 7 days with the use of citrus fruits along with eggs looks like this:
First day. Breakfast can be a couple of eggs, grapefruit and a cup of green tea. Lunch includes an egg, 150 gr. boiled chicken, orange, and dinner – 200 gr. chicken with spices and a glass of low-fat kefir.
Second day. For breakfast, eat two eggs and drink freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice. For lunch – 150 gr. stewed chicken and two oranges. We have a tight dinner today: two eggs, a grapefruit and a glass of warm milk.
The third day. Have an egg and wake up from a dream with a glass of water and lemon juice. Meat lunch of 200 gr. diversify boiled meat with grapefruit. Dine with two eggs and a mineral water without gas.
Fourth day. Today’s breakfast is special – it is an omelet of 3 eggs with the addition of greens. Lunch consists of two boiled chicken legs and salad leaves, dinner – an egg and two medium grapefruit.
Fifth day. In the morning, you can afford 2 eggs and a spring salad (from grated carrots with herbs, seasoned with a spoon of low-fat sour cream). For lunch – fresh carrots and a glass of orange juice. For dinner – an egg, 100 gr. braised sea fish and a glass of mineral water.
Sixth day. In the morning, eat about 150 grams. low-fat cottage cheese, drink 200 ml of citrus juice. At noon – 2 eggs and 2 grapefruit. Instead of dinner – mineral water.
Seventh day. Breakfast of the last day of the diet is 2 eggs and a half of grapefruit, lunch – 200 gr. boiled meat and orange. Dinner again consists only of mineral water.
The exit from the egg diet occurs gradually. In the early days, the menu should consist mainly of the same products (eggs, lean meat, cottage cheese, citrus fruits, kefir).
Useful Weight Loss Tips
- Soft-boiled eggs must be boiled – so they are absorbed faster (in 1-2 hours);
- Up to 2 liters of water or green tea should be drunk per day. Sometimes for a change it is allowed to drink black tea or natural coffee;
- If you often began to torment constipation, eat more fresh vegetables;
- Sometimes eggs can be alternated with cottage cheese;
- You can eat any meat except lamb;
- Oil and other fats are taboo;
- For snacks, use cucumber, raw carrots or lettuce;
- Lunch cannot be replaced with dinner and vice versa;
- Regular physical activity is recommended along with a diet so that all efforts do not go down the drain;
- The right way out of the diet is the key to successful consolidation of the effect. Do not immediately lean on products containing refined sugar, and also do not abruptly refuse to eat eggs.
An egg-orange or egg-grapefruit diet is far from being accepted by everyone, since eating so many eggs every day (even with vegetables and meat) is not easy.
There is another kind of Maggi diet – a curd diet. Here the egg is replaced with 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. It is not less well absorbed by the body, strengthens bones, lowers cholesterol.
However, such a diet is less satisfying compared to egg and is contraindicated for those suffering from high acidity of the stomach.
In general, both women and men of any age can sit on an egg diet. However, do not neglect the advice of a nutritionist!