In humans, the first time faced with kidney disease often have doubts – whether not spine care? How to accurately identify feelings? Indeed, lower back pain may accompany disease of the urinary system and lesions of musculoskeletal system and internal organs, but the differences between them are still there.
What can cause low back pain?
All the causes of discomfort that are observed in the lumbar area, are divided into two groups. The first deals with diseases of the spine, the second with the pathology of the internal organs.
Besides kidney problems, provoke pain syndrome can:
- Tumors of the organs of the peritoneum and pelvis;
- Bowel disease;
- Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas;
- Cholecystitis – inflammation of gall bladder;
- Cholelithiasis, etc.
Despite the diversity of diseases involving the burden of lower back, most of them have other symptoms – pain in the umbilical region, nausea, vomiting, disorders of stool and other symptoms. Approximately 90% of cases pain in the lower back becomes a symptom of pathologies of the spine, and most of the remaining cases occur in the inflammation and other problems in the kidneys. To know more information about kidney diseases, you can on the website dedicated to the prevention and treatment of kidney and urinary tract.
The distinctive features of pain in the spine
Osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniation, curvature of the spine are often accompanied by neurological disorders, which give different pain. Pain in the chronic form may be constant, aching, pulling. During exacerbation after physical work – cutting, shooting. She often travels to the legs, accompanied by numbness of the lower back, limbs.
Pain in osteochondrosis, once having arisen without treatment will be repeated, becomes a permanent companion of man. Over time it progresses, so the discomfort in the lower back will only increase.
Soreness in region of kidneys
The most common diseases in which may appear painful sensations, are:
- Kidney stones;
- Glomerulonephritis;
- Pyelonephritis.
Pain in the kidneys inflammation of the cups and pelvis may appear on one or both sides. The acute form of the disease leads to severe pain, accompanied by fever, decreased appetite, nausea. The urinalysis revealed pyuria always.
Urolithiasis causes intermittent renal colic, which are acute, forcing people to seek a comfortable position cutting. Blood, and turbidity in the urine, fever for this disease is very characteristic. Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the tubules and glomeruli of the kidney), in addition to severe pain, combined with swelling of the face, blood in the urine, increase in blood pressure. Pain syndrome usually appears in two kidneys. Without treating all kinds of renal pathologies can lead to kidney failure.
How to distinguish between back pain and kidney?
If you experience pain syndrome low back you need to think about the history of the disease. If you’ve had hypothermia as a whole, may develop pyelonephritis, under local freezing, blowing lumbar or physical overload is likely to aggravation of degenerative disc disease. Glomerulonephritis is the suspect that those who have suffered a sore throat or SARS within 1-3 weeks, especially in the absence of antibiotic treatment.
The characteristic features of pain with kidney conditions, unlike the spine, the following:
- No backache, irradiiruet in the leg, the thigh, restricted movement in the back, feeling numb, “Murashko”.
- There is no discomfort in the buttocks, sacrum.
- The pain does not subside after applying warming ointments, massage, changes in body position, relaxation, lying down, or only temporarily and slightly decreasing.
- Renal colic pain significantly reduced when taking a warm bath.
- There is inner pain, not a muscle that can be easily understood by palpation of the zone and tapped it on the edge of the palm.
- The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduces much less pain than spasmolytics (Revellin, no-Spa).
When abnormalities of the spine do not have such symptoms as nausea, lethargy, General malaise. No violations of urination (usually oliguria), blood in urine, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, fever, swelling of the face. But the tilts and other movements back in osteochondrosis usually increase the pain, while renal pathology the feelings remain unchanged. Despite obvious differences, self-diagnosis is often difficult, so it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis (ultrasound, blood tests, urine tests, x-rays).