One of the modern methods of diagnosis is magnetic resonance imaging. Particularly informative of this method is in diseases of the spine. The doctor, assigning examination explains to the patient that shows an MRI of the spine, what problems it reveals.
In fact, MRI is the large format, which consists of multiple shots of the back in multiple planes. Each image is a slice of the division or tissue portion of the spine.
For competent analysis of results, the doctors thoroughly examine the alleged pathology and decode images using a special computer program. Transcript of MRI of the spine is performed by comparing current patient data with the same images without pathologies. This defines the location of the problem and the size of the affected area.
Diagnosis of diseases by MRI
The spine is the Foundation of the human skeleton. It is divided into several sections:
- cervical (7 vertebrae);
- thoracic (12 vertebrae);
- lumbar (5 vertebrae);
- sacral (5 vertebrae);
- coccyx (3-5 vertebrae).
In addition to the vertebrae comprises the intervertebral discs, joints, ligaments, muscle fibers, blood vessels and nerves. Pathology of any of the sections leads to pain, impaired motor activity, change of sensitivity, muscle weakness, functional changes of internal organs.
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Physicians for accurate diagnosis requires a range of activities from laboratory tests to imaging.
Low back pain is accurately diagnosed using MRI. This method can be used to track the dynamics of the disease. It is especially important for the patient and his physician to know how effective the chosen treatment. Often on MRI guides the physician osteopath. The important thing is that he needs to know is localization affected by the degenerative disc disease region. Often, the alleged doctor pathology confirmed by MRI. Re-appointment of the osteopath is carried out in the presence of the patient MRI data.
Discomfort in the back is observed in 70-90% of people on the planet. In most cases the pain subsides a maximum of 6 weeks. There are cases whose treatment lasts up to 12 weeks. And only the chronic form of the disease is a long time.
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There are a number of diseases for which MRI is performed only with contrast, which gives the opportunity to better see the problem areas. Such diseases include multiple sclerosis, tumors, vascular changes and so on.
Spine MRI not only shows the condition of the joints and ligaments of the spine, but also gives an idea about back health in General. The survey registers the first symptoms of the disease, when external signs yet. It gives a chance to many people make a full recovery.
The uniqueness of MRI is used for the prevention of many diseases that indicates the security of this examination to the person.
Examination of the spine
Preparing for MRI of the spine
Preparation for the procedure is simple and is not difficult for the patient. He can in front of her to take food and water and medicines. An exception may be preparing for an MRI with contrast. Six hours before the examination you should refrain from eating, because nausea and vomiting, which would complicate the process.
If the patient has claustrophobia, it is recommended to take a few days before the MRI sedative.
Patients with a history of kidney disease, suggest pre-tests to exclude chronic renal failure.
MRI is recommended to bring all results from previous surveys, it will help the radiologist make the diagnosis.
The features of the Mr imaging
Before, the health care provider will recommend you remove your watch, jewelry, remove mobile phone, credit cards, keys, or other metal objects. Before examination it is necessary to remove dentures and hearing AIDS if they are available.
Device for the study resembles a cylinder with an internal magnet. Patients experiencing claustrophobia, should inform the doctor conducting the procedure. Before you begin the examination, a person change into disposable clothes and placed on a special table, give the microphone to communicate with the medical staff.
For accurate results the patient must lie absolutely still. This is an important condition that many people can perform easily. In this position you need to be all the time and not be distracted by the noise that produces the device.
Duration the procedure takes from half an hour to an hour and depends on the Department that is examined and the presence of a contrast agent. General preparation for the MRI takes about twenty minutes results patients waiting for about an hour.
If necessary, a contrast agent is supplied to the patient at a vein by means of a catheter, which is removed after the procedure.
MRI of the spine based on the effects of magnetic fields on the body, which is absolutely safe for humans and has no negative impact on him.
Indications for MRI of the spine
Experts note that magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis is the most accurate method.
When handling a patient with uncomfortable sensations in the spine of various etiologies, doctors sent him to MRI, therefore, confirm or deny:
- osteochondrosis;
- degenerative changes;
- congenital abnormalities;
- tumors of different origin, metastases;
- demyelination;
- diseases of the Central nervous system with the formation of cavities in the spinal cord;
- dystrophic changes;
- inflammatory diseases of the vertebrae and surrounding tissues;
- disease;
- injury;
- ligaments;
- post-operative monitoring of spine.
Contraindications to MRI of the spine
The reasons for refusal of an MRI a bit. One of them is an embedded electronic device, e.g. a pacemaker, insulin pump. A foreign body of metal is also considered to be an impediment to Mr imaging.
Experts draw attention to the fact that the presence of titanium structures in the patient is not a contraindication for MRI.
Individual approach to the purpose of this procedure is in special cases:
- Expands the range of contraindications for an MRI with contrast:weight of the patient (allowed up to two hundred pounds);
- fear of closed spaces;
- epileptic syndrome;
- the first months of pregnancy;
- complicated physical condition of the patient;
- other reasons.
- pregnancy and lactation;
- chronic renal failure;
- individual intolerance of drugs on the basis of gadolinium.
Transcript of MRI of the spine
Doctors decryption is the process of identification of violations in a particular region of the spine. Images obtained on MRI, compared with the previous or with the images without pathology. Thus, find out the location of the problem, its boundaries, degree progress, determine the effectiveness of the treatment.
Description of tomography is done by a radiologist or a doctor of functional diagnostics. This procedure takes 1-3 hours. The results of the patient can be collected immediately or the next day personally, as well as the conclusion MRI of the spine can be obtained by e-mail.
Number of surveys by MRI may be any if it is necessary for the diagnosis of the disease. For the patient the procedure is safe.
Sometimes before MRI back doctor sends the patient for x-rays of the problem area. This is explained by the existing opinion about the ineffectiveness of MRI in the early stages of the disease. This statement is almost justified, as medical experience indicates a small percentage of complex cases. But when cancer causes the possible omission of time, which reduces the probability of recovery. Therefore at suspicion on malignant tumors it is better to do MRI of the spine, which will increase the chances of a full recovery.
The advantages of magnetic resonance imaging
In many cases, the most informative method of diagnosis is the MRI. The main advantages of this survey are:
- the lack of impact on the body of the patient to ionizing radiation;
- high-quality image;
- the identification of spine pathologies does not recognize other methods of diagnosis;
- visualization of the nerves;
- the absence of contrast substance iodine, which is often an allergic reaction;
- full picture of the status of the spinal cord;
- excellent diagnosis of the paralysis, the identification of the localization of the problem;
- recognition the initial stage of tumor process;
- identifying features of the postoperative period;
- examination of scars, the ravages of disease;
- absolute safety, under the following rules;
- transcript of MRI of the spine in the shortest possible time.
Alternative research methods
Comparing diagnostic techniques come to the fore the advantages of MRI:
- the best visualization of the vascular system in contrast to CT;
- the image acquisition changes in the hard and soft tissues, x-rays determines the pathology of bone tissue;
- safe the impact of MRI on the human body, x-rays and CT scans have excessive radiation;
- Ultrasound method for safe, but uninformative, shows soft tissue.
- get more accurate shots in a three-dimensional image and a few slices.
If the doctor for an MRI, you need to undergo the procedure. Patients who made time magnetic resonance imaging, to learn about the disease at its early stages have a significantly better chances of a full recovery.