Analyses vertebra is a pathological condition that is characterized by changing the location of the vertebra.
Because of this disrupted the structure of the spine, which also causes damage to the nerve roots.
This is especially dangerous when it develops in the region of the lumbar, or rather at 3, 4 and 5 vertebrae.
The clinical picture
Analyses of the spine in the first stage, practically does not manifest itself. The disease is most often detected accidentally. But clinically important symptoms that allow the diagnosis for which a person has to go to the doctor, start appearing quite later. And most often, when it is already experiencing the spinal cord.
The main signs of the disease may be considered:
- Disturbance of sensation in the hands and feet.
- The loss of control over the acts of defecation and urination.
- The use of only one body position to change that is nearly impossible without taking painkillers.
- Loss of movements in arms and legs, full, or partial.
However, you should know that all these symptoms are just common. But there are some that could be considered private, and which are inherent only with the defeat of a particular vertebra.
For example, analyses l5 vertebra is expressed in spinal cord compression, which occurs due to the strong deformation of the spinal canal. All of this will manifest uncontrollable urination and defecation, constant forced position, immobility of the muscles. This is accompanied by severe pain and cramps, which can only help analgesics. Such a lesion of the spinal cord is the most severe.
Analyses l4 vertebra is severe pain that occur during urination and defecation. Also a classic symptom can be considered spasms that occur in the gluteal muscles, which leads to a strong fighting feelings in the perineum.
What is analystes l3 vertebra? This condition is also manifested by muscle spasm in the lumbar region, which also leads to violation of urination, bowel movements, and reduced reproductive function.
Analyses of the lumbar spine is classified depending on the causes of this condition. For example, a quite rare congenital form, which is associated with underdevelopment of the ligaments, or the joints of the spine.
Most common traumatic form, which begins to manifest itself after almost any injury. Also this can be attributed to istericeski the mechanism of development in which the trauma occurred in childhood, leads to subluxation or dislocation of the vertebra, and that, in turn, cannot return to its normal position relative to the rest of the vertebrae.
The degenerative form is diagnosed in older people and is associated with age-related changes in the bones of the skeleton.
Evolving pathological form in the presence of tumor in the lumbar region or some other team back and when infections such as tuberculosis or polio.
And finally, surgery, which were caused by the doctors during surgery.
Sometimes you can hear this question – what is analystes C4 vertebra? This indicates incorrect position of the third cervical vertebra to the fourth. This pathology is very rare, so very rare.
Analyses vertebra any difficulty in the diagnosis of causes. Most often x-rayed, but may be required a CT scan.
While there are several degrees of wrong location:
- The first offset is less than 25%.
- The second is the offset from 25 to 50%.
- Third, the shift from 50 to 75%.
- The fourth is the offset more than 75%.
Depending on degree selected and the type of treatment – conservative or operative.
Conservative treatment without the use of surgery is effective only at an early stage analistas l5. The use of tablets, ointments and injections only relieve symptoms but cannot cure the disease itself.
Conservative methods include the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, use of analgesics, novocaine blockade.
If necessary, can be used and additional methods of therapy:
- The use of electrophoresis.
- Bed rest.
- The use of a brace.
- Compresses using anti-inflammatory ointments.
- Physical therapy and dosed physical load.
After the treatment it is necessary rehabilitation. This is best done in sanatorium-resort conditions. If conservative treatment does not bring any results, the treatment analistas l4 vertebrae and other is surgical method.
In this pathology very often have serious complications, many of which require long-term treatment.
For example, often marked with:
- Incontinence of urine and feces.
- Violation of the sensitivity in the legs.
- Paresis or paralysis of the muscles.
- Lower back pain that becomes chronic.
- Curvature of the spine.
To understand, how can appear these complications, you only need to make a radiographic study, but the disease kept under strict medical supervision.