
What is osteochondrosis of the spine code ICD 10

All diseases are distributed by the international classification. So, osteochondrosis of the spine code ICD 10 has 42. International classification of diseases were invented to facilitate the processing of medical information.

Moreover, in connection with the law on nondisclosure of the diagnosis in the patient being discharged this code on your disease, not his name.

This helps to protect people from the spread of the diagnosis, as the code of the tenth international classification knows only a medical professional. In coding diseases normally include both alpha and numeric designations.

For information

The revision codes of the international classification takes place constantly. Each version is somehow different from the previous one. Now all the doctors used to refer to the disease code in ICD 10.

For the tenth edition has the following classification of osteochondrosis:

  1. 1Osteochondrosis of the spine in the classic sense and clinical manifestation is the encoding of the M42. All the other species start with the same numbers, but then there is a number of subspecies, which refers to features of the disease.
  2. 2For the disease, which is localized in the region of the cervical vertebrae, typical room M42.02. At the same time to cervical-thoracic classification assigned code M42.03.
  3. 3In ICD 10 low back pain refers to the 13 class. Literal encoding allows you to encode a lot of information for the experts to make it easier to prescribe treatment. Each letter is attached to this or that class.

All clinical manifestations of the disease specialists refer to a subclass of dorsopathies. It has cipher M40-М54. Hence it appears that the degenerative disc disease of the spine is classified as M42. It was during this period alpha numeric values and fit all the diseases that are associated with the musculoskeletal system of the human body.

Usually patients who have their medical card this code in the “diagnosis”, there is pathology associated with the spine and its adjacent connective tissues and muscles. Usually the person complains of constant severe pain in the back. Explains the symptoms:

  • injuries of the spine, inflammatory processes, disorders of development;
  • sprain of the spinal column.

In the presence of such complaints, the technician can safely diagnose the diseases belonging to the class of dorsopathy.

The causes of osteochondrosis

Various deformations that occur in the spine, belong to the class M40-M43. After this classification are spondylopathy, which range from M45 to M49. But in between the M50 and М54 codes are various subtypes other changes of the spine.

A specialist can correctly classify the disease only after receiving the results of the survey. This includes medical history, the tightness of the spinal cord. With proper diagnosis you can easily treat them properly.

Sometimes the diagnosis may be complicated by comorbidities. So, kidney disease are manifested by pain in the lumbosacral region. If the specialist after receiving the results does not observe abnormalities in the spine, it sends the patient for examination of the kidneys and intestines.

If you identify problems with other parts of the spine should be further examined by a neurologist and therapist.

To determine the status of the intervertebral discs and to reveal the presence of hernias and other tumors, is required to undergo a diagnostic MRI. Such studies will show a completely full picture of the mobility of the vertebrae. In the course of the study, check the condition and nearby muscles and connective tissues around the ligaments.

Most often the disease is diagnosed in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar.

Disease of the cervical spine – a very common phenomenon. Many patients complain of constant headaches that arise due to problems with the first vertebrae. Quite often there is subluxation of the first vertebrae. Usually this phenomenon occurs during birth trauma. Luxation of the first vertebra is a misalignment of the spinal column, which often leads to the phenomenon of scoliosis. Against this background, developing frequent headaches, but also dizziness, trouble sleeping, arteriosclerosis and blood pressure problems.

In the sternum the spine problems occur quite rarely. This is due to anatomical features. This Department is almost not movable, respectively, undergoes no serious adverse effects and unnecessary injury.

Most often, localized pain in the lumbar region, as the entire weight falls on the spine. Suffers from lower back and from improper physical activity, when lifting all kinds of weights, a sedentary lifestyle.

Symptoms of the disease

Problems with the spine in the lumbar spine is the most common disease. Quite often the specialists are people with complaints of lower back pain. Modern lifestyle has made the disease younger as 10 years ago the problem was diagnosed not earlier than in 45 years. Today this disease affects even teenagers. This is due to the fact that man ceased to move, exercise, walk.

Because of the constant sedentary lifestyle suffers the spine and the first lumbar. This is because when you seat the entire burden falls on the lower back. Cartilage and ligaments wear out and cause a lot of discomfort.

The main causes of lower back include:

  1. 1a Sedentary lifestyle. This is especially true for people who work in the office or have to spend a lot of time behind the wheel of a car.
  2. 2Lifting and excessive exercise. Most often back tear porters, athletes and bodybuilders. Permanent injury of the spine overlap each other, leading to serious diseases.
  3. 3changes in the hormonal background in the elderly. They can trigger changes in bone machine. The spine is not supported elastic and strong muscles, vertebrae descend and begin to RUB against each other.
  4. 4Heredity. Low back pain usually skips a generation, so that very often the younger children in the family suffer from this disease literally from birth.
  5. 5injuries to the spinal column. As a result of their low back pain develops quite quickly. We can say that it is a result of the injury.

There are the following main symptoms:

  1. 1Fairly severe pain in the back. If there is pinched, the pain can be in other organs.
  2. 2problems with the muscles of the legs, pain in the lower extremities, cramps, poor circulation.
  3. 3Loss of sensation throughout the lower body.
  4. 4Observed disorders of the reproductive system of the body, lost sensitivity as a result of poor circulation.
  5. 5in case of advanced disease problems with bowel, bladder and intestines.
  6. 6Loss of pulse as a result of the strong pain due to spasm of the arteries.
  7. 7drying out the skin.
  8. 8Interruptions in the operation of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity.

At this point, experts continue to explore and complement ICD-10.

Some believe that the symptoms of osteoarthritis can be attributed to it in the period of diseases M50-М54. They believe that properly will determine the disease to other dorsopathies, not to classify it as deforming dorsopathies.

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