
What is flaccid posture and what can I do?

Sluggish posture is a condition in which the weakness of the muscular corset of the back is diagnosed. At the same time the child is forced to constantly hold the lower back and other parts of the back with his hands in order to maintain its correct position.

The reasons for the appearance of such a state can be several. For example, it’s a long sitting at the computer or at the desk. Also, the reason may be training, in which you have to bend your body too often or be in one position. And, of course, the reasons are a sedentary lifestyle and so-called hypodynamia, although this condition is not typical for children.

What can become a provoking factor for the development of this pathology? First of all, this is a heredity, as well as anatomical features in the structure of the spine. The cause may be loads that exceed the baby’s potential. And, of course, this is the supercooling of the back.

Basic principles

What if the child was diagnosed with a flaccid back? Here it is necessary to observe two important rules – to strengthen the muscles and to control the position of the body. In the first case it is necessary to do exercises every day, which will be recommended by the doctor.

During the treatment, you can not apply great physical effort while doing the exercises – pain in the spine should not be. Do best those exercises that do not cause discomfort or discomfort.

The amplitude and frequency of repetitions at the first time should be minimal. Gradually, these indicators should be increased. If some exercise gives pain, then it must be abandoned.

All the exercises can be done at home, and it is desirable that parents work with the children.

Most often, all curvatures develop in the region of 4 to 7 years and at the age from 14 to 16 years. It is during this period that parents should monitor the health of their children. This is due to the fact that the muscle mass is growing more slowly than the spine grows. This is what causes the development of all kinds of curvatures, including scoliosis, which can be either barely expressed or quite visible to the naked eye.

How to perform

Gymnastics with a sluggish bearing in a child should consist of the following complex. Lying on the floor, place the palms under the chest. Straighten the shoulders and lift the trunk up, and rely only on the toes and palms. Make up to 8 times.

The second is to lie on your stomach and turn your pelvis to the right and left, without bending your arms and legs. Repeat up to 12 times.

Sitting on the floor with hands that rest on the floor behind the trunk, raise the pelvic area as high as possible and return to the starting position. Repeat up to 12 times.

Lie down on the floor to stretch your legs and spread your arms to the sides. Raise your head and try to touch their chin. Fix for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position. It is enough 4 repetitions.

Walking on all fours with straight legs and arms, and bent head. By the way, this will be the most effective and one of the most effective exercises.

To properly perform exercises with a sluggish bearing for the child, the first few sessions are desirable to be conducted with an experienced coach who will accurately show and tell how to perform this or that movement. Then you can study at home yourself. It is important to ensure that the child does the exercises in the right order and performs the necessary number of repetitions and approaches. In order for the classes to bring appreciable benefits and help to cope with this as yet not a disease, but a very unpleasant condition, they need to be carried out every day, preferably not only in the morning, but also during the day.

Sluggish posture forms not only changes in the spine, but also in the internal organs. To get rid of this pathological and unpleasant condition, you need a long time and regularity of classes. This is the only way to make the spine resistant to daily physical activity.

The child should monitor his posture every day and do this not only during sitting, but also when walking, and also during exercise. It is important that the back is always straight, and the shoulders are on the same level.

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