
What kind of surgery is a spinal fusion?

Spinal fusion is an operation during which the connection of the vertebrae by a latch which prevents further displacement. Thus it is possible to connect two or a large number of vertebrae. A synonym for this surgery is arthrodesis.

It is a long surgery, which may take up to 6 – 8 hours.

Today, there are two ways of this method, and which one is the best to use in a particular case, to decide the doctor.


The first method is based on using your own bone that is taken from another part of the body of man or grown in the laboratory. It creates a kind of bridge which helps the vertebrae to be in the right position.

The second method is based on metal implants that can look like rods, screws, plates or hooks. Such fixation is temporary and is removed after the vertebrae form bone tissue.

The choice of method depends on many factors, including age, neglect of the disease, comorbidity, the degree of compression of the nerve roots and more.


Fusion of the lumbar and other spinal cord regions are most often carried out in the presence of such diseases and pathological conditions, such as:

  1. Narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis).
  2. Spondylolisthesis.
  3. Pathological size of the vertebra.
  4. Trauma of the spine.
  5. The weakening of the spine as a result of infectious lesions or tumors.
  6. Scoliosis.

Also in the individual case can be considered and other indications for this surgical intervention.

However, we must remember that the operation is performed only when all methods of conservative treatment has been tried, but none brought the desired result. The main conservative methods include massage, a long rest, medication – muscle relaxants, analgesics, physical therapy, injections of medicines in the area of the affected vertebrae that help to relieve swelling and reduce pain.

In order to understand whether a person’s this surgery, made sure the x-ray, CT or MRI, and after receiving the result solves a question on further tactics of conducting the patient.

Preparation for surgery and surgery

Back interbody fusion implants Findlay is performed only after the preparation for this serious surgery. The patient must undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which includes x-ray examination, CT or MRI, and myelogram. After that, be sure to inform your doctor of any allergic reactions, including those that cause drugs. It is very important for some time before surgery to stop taking aspirin and other drugs that affect blood viscosity.

Usually, surgery of this type is performed under General anesthesia, but can additionally be used, and spinal anaesthesia, which blocks pain in the area of operations.

Once the incision and spreading of the muscles, carried out the removal of the intervertebral disc, and the bones are connected to each other using one of the methods mentioned above.

Possible consequences

Ventral spinal fusion, like all other kinds, may have some unpleasant consequences which sometimes affect the General health of the person.

These include:

  1. Internal bleeding.
  2. The wound infection.
  3. Thrombosis.
  4. Incomplete fusion of the bone fragments.
  5. Nerve damage.
  6. The appearance of hematomas.
  7. Dysfunction of the bladder or bowel.
  8. An allergic reaction during the administration of anesthesia.

There are many factors that can cause these effects. First and foremost, it is necessary to include the wrong diet, Smoking, extra weight, older age, presence of other comorbidities in the chronic stage.

Possible complications

After the surgery may develop postoperative complications that are diagnosed as in the early days, and in a few months. For example, often there are signs of infection, symptoms of which can be considered as chills and fever. Sometimes, you may experience redness of surgical wounds, but with proper application of dressings and in compliance with the sterility of it all quickly passes.

In some cases, may develop intense pain that will not go away even under the influence assigned to pain medications, so sometimes you have to resort to narcotic pain relief and use of morphine.

With timely diagnosis and intensive treatment of complications after surgery spondylosis can be avoided. Otherwise, they can lead to disability or even death.

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