
Diffuse dorsal hernia

A herniated disc is characterized by the protrusion of the gelatinous nucleus of the fibrous capsule. The result is a displacement of the vertebrae, a pinched nerve, there is pain in the back. A hernia can cause serious disturbances in the whole organism: there is numbness, tingling. In the absence of treatment there is a pinched spinal cord. One form changes of the spine is diffuse dorsal hernia.

The types and causes dorsal herniated disc

First of all, you should understand what it is dorsal herniated disc. This is the result of a process of violation of the integrity of the fibrous ring that surrounds the core of the vertebrae. If core damage occurs, the release of content out on the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In addition, a dorsal hernia causes displacement of the dural valve and it pinched.

Dorsally hernias are classified into the following varieties:

  • Median-paramadina hernia is characterized by deformation in the direction of the center of the cord and a slight deviation to the right or left side. With the variety of hernia there is a possibility of paralysis of both hands and reduction of the lumen of vertebral valve.
  • Foraminal hernia is able to block the intervertebral canal.
  • Paramedicine hernia – displacement of the hernia in one of the sides. There are two types right and left hernia.
  • Diffuse hernia occurs deformation and disruption of the entire intervertebral disk. The intervertebral disc may be deformed in any direction, the most dangerous protrusion inside the spinal cord.
  • Dorsal medial disc herniation is characterized by a shift to the center of the spinal cord. Dorsal medial hernia occurs due to compression of the nerve roots in the front and damage to the nervous knots in the back.

Dorsal herniated disc can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Osteochondrosis and other age-related changes of the spine, resulting in degeneration of the fibrous ring.
  • The back injury.
  • Infection of the spine.
  • Disturbed metabolism.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Incorrect posture.

In addition, the formation of hernias of vertebral disks can affect overweight activity that increases the load on the spine, and genetic predisposition.

Rear diffuse herniated cervical disc (C5-C5) is manifested by symptoms such as altered sensitivity of the hands and numbness, pain in hands and neck, dizziness and headaches, often accompanied by tinnitus.

Diffuse dorsal hernia of disk l5-s1 and l4-l5 (herniated lumbar spine) is manifested by pain in the lumbar region of the back that increases when sneezing or coughing. Also pain and numbness can occur in the hip, legs and toes. This type of hernia becomes a cause of General weakness and the appearance of difficulties and pain while walking and while sitting.

The most vulnerable part of the spine is the lumbar. Therefore, the greatest danger to humans carries a medial-piramidalny a herniated disc l5-s1 and diffuse disc herniation l4-l5. This is due to the fact that lesions affect the internal organs, lead to pressure surges, headaches, disorders of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis and treatment

When back pain and other symptoms of a hernia should seek the advice of a neurologist, neurosurgeon. First of all, doctor examines the back of the patient, the ability to move my legs in different positions, to walk and explores other reflexes.

Computed tomography of the spine

Next, if you suspect a ruptured hernia specialist provides direction to:

  • Screening, which can be used to eliminate the curvature and spinal injuries, and malignant neoplasms.
  • Computed tomography. Using the CT images can be seen in the cross-section of the spine to determine the presence or absence of hernia.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which is the most reliable method of diagnosis.

Based on the data treatment. Depends on the type of hernial formation, size, and complications. Treatment includes medical therapy, physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy and if necessary surgery.

For treatment of drugs used:

  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • muscle relaxants, with which are eliminated muscle spasms;
  • hormonal means of blocking the discharge of nerve endings.

Physiotherapeutic method involves electrical stimulation and ultrasonic irradiation of the affected areas. This method can be used to facilitate stretching of the spine. Also, the specialist may prescribe a special support corset.

Therapeutic exercise is performed under the supervision of a physician since small loads. The main objective of physiotherapy treatment is to normalize blood circulation, strengthen the spine.

In the untimely appeal to the doctor, failure to comply with the prescribed treatment can lead to serious complications, get rid of which is possible only through surgery. Surgery removed hernia protrusion of intervertebral disc.

Dorsal hernia is characterized by the release of the intervertebral nucleus and its protrusion. Is a consequence of other diseases of the spine or hereditary factors and is complicated by excessive weight and heavy loads. In the early stages can be treated with gentle methods, when complications required surgery.

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