Ankylosing spondylitis, also known as ankylosing spondylitis is a severe disease that affects the joints and the spine.
Most often this disease occurs in men, and in most cases it manifests itself at a young age. In women the disease also sometimes reveal, but it has a milder course, because diagnosed more complicated.
The prevalence and the severity of the symptoms leads many people wonder what kind of disability give Bechterew’s disease.
In which cases are assigned to disability
Generally, to receive disability person sent in the following cases:
- rapid progression of the disease;
- the average rate of development of the disease and frequent relapses;
- the acute average length, which are accompanied by a lesion of the internal organs;
- strong disruption of the hip joint or shoulder girdle.
The criteria for obtaining disability
To determine which group of disability is assigned when the disease, you need to analyze the existing symptoms.
There are three groups that involve restrictions of a different nature:
- III group – in this case, a person can not work in the profession or its activities severely restricted. This group may be given when the disease develops slowly, relapses are rare and are of short duration. While a person has disorders of the spine and joints of 1-2 degrees.
- Group II – in this situation, a man almost completely loses the ability to work in the specialty. The exception is manual labor at home. This group is assigned to the case, if the disease is progressing rapidly, relapses occur frequently and have a high duration.
In addition, patients present disorders of the spine and joints of 2-3 degrees and diseased internal organs. These patients may be heart failure, kidney or respiratory system. - I group – the changes are irreversible and very severe, and there are problems in the joints and spine 4 severity. Such patients lose the ability to move independently and completely confined to a wheelchair or bed.
How to get disability
That the person suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, based on the group of disability, should inform the attending physician. However, quite often the people asking specialist questions. Only then they are able to relieve working conditions and to receive state financial aid.
Disabilities with ankylosing spondylitis is assigned after carrying out mediko-social examination. The Commission included a number of specialists. These include physician, trauma surgeon, neurologist, vertebrologist, etc.
In the research process examine the patient and interrogate and scrutinize the results of his tests. To assign groups of disability professionals should be given blood tests, x-ray, CT and magnetic resonance imaging, etc. based On the above studies, a person receives a disability group.
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In addition, you should take into account the fact that the doctors of medico-social examination study not only the characteristics of the disease of the patient, but also his financial condition.
If a person help relatives or he has large Bank deposits, in disability he may refuse. In this case, the motivation is that the patient will not use the benefits, but will provide better medications and use other treatments on their own.
Equally important is the ability of a person to carry out their work. The patient must indicate all the details. If he’s not working full time, forced to ask for help from staff or experiencing psychological discomfort, it is necessary to inform the experts. Otherwise, he can refuse the assignment of a disability or give inadequate group.
The result of the examination person can give temporary or permanent disability. Almost always patients with this diagnosis every 5 years for re-direct examination and treatment in hospital. The results of these events make a decision on the extension, removing or changing the disability group.
Permanent disability assigned in the following cases:
- If a woman is diagnosed is 55 years old, and the man – 60 years.
- If the patient has a I or II group of disability 5 years or more under the condition of holding an annual hospitalization and recovery in sanatoriums and no effect of treatment.
- If a man has a group III more than 7 years with more frequent hospitalizations and the lack of results of treatment.
Bechterew’s disease is a very serious pathology, which can lead to irreversible changes in the body. Pathological processes are often the basis for getting a person of disability. To determine its group is carried out medico-social examination, which takes into account all peculiarities of the disease.