Spasserovannye or hypertonicity of muscles refers to the frequently encountered phenomenon that is caused by different problems with human health and physical activity unprepared. Any person used to do firebat on the background is not a heavy load, this allows the muscles to stay soft supple.
Still muscular spasserovannye can happen the moment you don’t expect. It is represented in the expressed tension of muscle fibers that cannot relaksirutee even by the will of man.
When the muscular site with spasticity is relatively small, then the patient may not be aware of this, however. But if to speak about the loss over a large area, it is major syndrome a painful and uncomfortable condition.
The concept of hypertonicity
A muscle spasm is an involuntary tension of a certain muscle area, continuing for quite a long period of time. In most patients muscle spazmirovannah back can cause debilitating pain duration of a few hours.
Described anomalies almost completely the patient is immobilized for a while, because even a small motor act is accompanied by alyami.
Another problematic issue that can lead to frequent muscle to spazmirovannah – compression of blood vessels passing in miuwolko. This leads to disruption of the normal functioning of certain organs and systems of the body and also affects the functioning of the nervous system. Hypertonicity of the muscles of the back are often observed in individuals leading gipodinamiya lifestyle and the lack of physical activity.
Symptomatic picture
Painful areas are assessed by a specialist palpation, however, with special care to minimize the suffering of the patient.
In General, patients have a number of manifestations in the form:
- Pain with aching in nature, occurs in different time intervals.
- Algii sometimes occur in the dorsal region and in the temporal area and eyeballs.
- Limited ability of oblique action, motor acts, turns head.
Those who are statechange have complaints of a different nature, but they are characterized by personality and hard are grouped by some common characteristics.
The etiological causes of hypertonicity
Basic and the most frequent cause of spastic States of miuwolko acts emerging osteochondrosis. Gryzenia intervertebral bulging and protrusion, too, can become a causal factor in the development of the pathological state, therefore recommended to undergo periodic diagnostic examination by a neurologist to timely get rid of chronic disease.
Even minor injury to the spine can trigger the protective reaction of the organism – the patient who wants to involuntarily rid of the pain, involuntarily tense spinal muscle fibers, which leads to spasserovannye. This action is not amenable to self-control. When the person often and a long time working behind a PC in one position, then this can provoke muscular tension, which develops into spasms of muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities, the cervical and dorsal region.
This is often the most exposed office workers. Strong stressful situation in a person’s life also can cause an involuntary increase in myotonus, because in any case, health professionals recommend to save your temper.
Most have learned to anticipate the development of myospasm in the dorsal region, because then doctors advise to lie down on a flat surface, this allows the maximum relaxation of mittani and lower algicheskom feeling. Also at this point beneath the head portion of an orthopedic pillow. If spasserovannye lasts a long period, then you should resort to the use of drugs, or to pay to the doctor by calling the ambulance, because relief of such palastine not always subject to the patient.
Hypertonicity of the piriformis muscle
This muscle group has a direct relationship with the gluteal muscles. Painful sensations the patient feels in the area of the lumbosacral region, because in many cases, even for experts arises the problem of the correct diagnosis, as all the symptomatic manifestations are very similar to the sciatica clinic. Spasserovannye the piriformis muscle occurs due to severe swelling that is localized in a lumbar Department. Often the disease affects the female population, but men can also suffer from this disease.
Therapeutic interventions
The whole complex of therapeutic actions that are aimed at curing, is primarily preventive in nature. It is based on the relief of pain, normalization of hematoma in the human body.
Experts recommend taking drugs which lower the possibility of development of inflammation.
- Drug therapy. In this case it is shown:
- Muscle relaxant funds.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs that also have strong analgesic characteristics.
Named medications provide relief spasm muscle groups and the pain in them. Representatives of these groups are “Ketanol”, “Ketorolac” or “Diclofenac”. Named tools are quite easy to acquire in any pharmacy network.
In case of prolonged and recurring pain attacks is a fairly common drug called “Spazmalgon”. Especially good effect of this drug has in the case of the presence of paresthesias (numbness) in the muscle mass.
- For a relaxing massage. Through such procedures achieved normalization of blood circulation and lymph flow in the massaging areas, which in turn leads to relaxation of the muscle tissue.
- Warming baths.
- Reasonable fiznagruzki, stretching exercises of the muscles of the dorsal region.
Physical therapy
Physical therapy and exercises to reduce hypertonicity:
- To lie down on the floor, legs apart, to cover his eyes. Perform deep inhalation and exhalation with maximum relaxation.
- Alternately stretch and relax muscle groups, feeling the difference between tension and relaxation.
- Strain muscles and upper frontal head region, relaksirutee. Strain and relax the lip muscles.
- Brushes to compress in a fist, while straining shoulder and an elbow rest area, then to relax.
- To execute a deep breath with relaxation of the thoracic Department, then exhaling, strain last one.
- Compress and relax the gluteal muscles. Then squeeze all the muscles of the lower extremities with subsequent relaxation.
- During the delay of the respiratory acts to stretch the entire muscles of the body, loosing at the moment of exhalation.
- Lie down in a relaxed state.