
How to treat lumbosacral, thoracic and cervical radiculitis?

Sciatica is a disorder which develops in inflammatory lesions of the spinal roots or compression. This disease is manifested by characteristic symptoms depend on the localization of the pathological process.

Often, the symptoms of this disease include pain in the neck and back, which may radiate along the nerves, muscle weakness, and tingling or numbness in the limb innervated by nerves of the disadvantaged.

If patients get sciatica – how to treat the disease can be determined only after ascertaining its etiology (the effect on the spinal nerve roots to arthritis, disc herniation, osteophytes or foraminal stenosis) and the degree of dissemination of the pathological process in the spinal column.

What causes sciatica?

Among the main reasons that cause radiculopathy include the following pathology:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • injuries of the spine;
  • degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal;
  • stenosis of the foraminal canal (on it are the nerve endings);
  • the presence of tumors and osteophytes, which irritate the nerve roots.
Diagnostic features and the different types of radicular syndrome

How to treat this pain syndrome medication and what methods of alternative medicine should be applied in a particular case can be determined only after ascertaining the etiology of sciatica and when the site of entrapment of spinal nerves. Purpose of treatment and monitoring its effectiveness should be doing the doctor – the wrong mode of drug therapy may lead to development of side effects of prescription drugs and disorders massage techniques or manual therapy can cause traumatic damage to nerve fibers.

Depending on localization of pathological changes, sciatica divided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar (or lumbosacral).

Cervical radiculitis

Sciatica, occurring with a lesion of the cervical spine, characterized by pain in the neck, which may spread on hands. To reduce the intensity of pain can careful the head tilts in different directions, but it should be remembered that any bad move can intensify the pain. How to treat this disease and how to get rid of pain and tingling in the neck and arms, is determined after sensitivity tests, muscle strength and reflexes because these surveys confirm the neurological nature of the disease.

Thoracic radiculitis

Radiculopathy localized in the thoracic spine is even the name of intercostal neuralgia. This lesion appears paroxysmal pain piercing nature, which expand from the spine to the sternum or the midline of the abdomen (along the intercostal nerves). Usually sciatica occurs on the background of hypothermia, a large body weight and low back pain. Pain in intercostal neuralgia aggravated by sharp movements and deep breathing, coughing or sneezing. Breast sciatica often develops among people of Mature and elderly with a history of recorded personal injury or frequent infections.

Patients experienced numbness and other disorders of sensation in the upper half of the body and hands. It should be noted that pain can mimic a heart attack as it is accompanied by a sense of fear and a heartbeat, as well as remind lung disease. So how to treat sciatica thoracic and eliminate pain along the intercostal nerves, determined after exclusion of cardiac pathology and severe lesions of the respiratory system.

Lumbar (lumbosacral), sciatica

This type of radiculopathy occurs most often develops on the background of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine. How to treat sciatica and prevent the progression of the pathological process, determined by taking into account the severity of the degeneration and the amount of compression of the nerve roots.

Sciatica creeps up to the man unnoticed…

Ill mostly middle-aged and elderly. Is such defeat sudden lower back pain that can go on the rear part of the lower extremities. In rare cases you may experience pain only in the leg. Pain syndrome combined with paresthesia is a sensitivity disorder of the skin and soreness in the buttocks, the front surfaces of the shins. It is worth noting that the pain can go even on foot.

The treatment program should be comprehensive

Ill try to limit my physical activity because any change of position increases the pain. They develop pain scoliosis – curvature of the spine in the direction of damage, which reduces the intensity of pain.

How to treat lumbar radiculitis and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms associated with the disease, the doctor will determine based on the level at which developing pinched nerves. In addition, attention is directed to the stress intensity spinal muscle and the presence of different vegetative-trophic disorders (cold and pale skin, excessive sweating, a weakened pulsation of the arteries of the foot).

If you notice signs of compression of spinal nerve roots, but do not know what kind of doctor treats sciatica, you can ask the therapist and he will direct you to the more narrow the doctor – to the orthopedist-traumatologist and a neurologist. They will prescribe appropriate treatment, which in most cases includes pain relievers, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema drugs, physiotherapy and massage, acupuncture. Also demonstrates the use of complex physical therapy, which will be administered for each patient individually.

If you experience sciatica it is important to remember that drug therapy, the disease remains only a temporary treatment to alleviate the condition of the patient painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications can and prevent the development of subsequent exacerbations and progression of the pathological process. That is why it is important to conduct rehabilitation programmes, which will include all methods of restorative treatment – such active therapy and patients interested in the end result be the key to a quick and full recovery.

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