The displacement of the vertebrae (subluxation) is a pathological condition which is accompanied by displacement and rotation of the vertebrae, and narrowing of the spinal canal, causing pain and damage to the internal organs.
I have to say that most often occurs the displacement of the vertebrae in the cervical spine.
This pathology is quite tricky, because clinically can occur immediately, but to provoke the malfunction of different organs and systems of the body. The displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar and vertebrae in the chest is less common.
Why is there an offset?
Among the reasons for the displacement of the vertebrae identify the following factors:
- injuries of the spine in the form of a fracture or dislocation;
- degenerative changes of the spine in the presence of certain diseases, e.g., degenerative disc disease, when tissue intervertebral discs bad perform a latching function;
- cervical dislocation in infants most commonly associated with a rapid movement of the head backward, so parents need to know how to hold the baby in her arms;
- transactions that violated the integrity of the supporting complex spine, for example, a laminectomy;
- dysplastic processes, which cause disruption of the normal structure of the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs or ligaments of the spine;
- cervical dislocation in newborns, most often develops as a result of birth trauma, when a child wraps the cord or is in the womb is an unusual situation. I must say that the hyperextension in the cervical spine that occurs in pathological during childbirth can cause cerebral palsy;
- in adults, the displacement of the vertebrae often occurs in car accidents and falls on his back;
- weight lifting and hard physical labor also contributes to misalignments in the spine;
- congenital weakness of the bone structures can also be the cause of the displacement of the cervical vertebrae;
- age-related changes in the intervertebral joints, which are accompanied by a narrowing of the spinal canal, the nerves and paralysis – the most common cause of this pathology development in adulthood;
- hereditary deficiencies of the spine, for example, spondylolysis, which is characterized by nezareatmene arches of the vertebrae, which in most cases leads to the displacement of the lumbar vertebrae;
- this damage can occur with sudden temperature drops;
- the sharp contraction of the muscles of the back;
- a prolonged stay in a forced position.
Clinical manifestations of the disease
I must say that from the moment of displacement of the vertebrae before the first signs of defeat may take quite a long time (even several years), which, consequently, complicates diagnosis and treatment.
Symptoms of this disease depends on the location of entrapment. So, the main symptoms of cervical dislocation are headache, migraine, runny nose and sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue and memory impairment in amnesia. Quite often, when the development bias is caused neck pain, impaired sensitivity and function of the upper extremities.
Can occur:
- circulatory disorders of the head;
- damage to eyes and hearing, manifested by ear pain, deafness, strabismus and certain types of blindness;
- lesions of the trigeminal nerve, causing the development of neuralgia and neuritis;
- lose the nose, which explains the appearance of catarrhal symptoms, the displacement of the vertebrae;
- the defeat of the vocal cords and throat, leading to hoarseness and laryngitis or sore throat;
- the damage to the neck muscles, leading to rigidity of the neck;
- damage to the thyroid gland;
- the violation of innervation of the synovial shoulder handbags, which leads to bursitis.
These signs are also symptoms of displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical.
With the defeat of the thoracic increases the risk of gastritis and gastric ulcer and lesions of the pancreas in the form of acute pancreatitis.
In case of a displacement in the lumbar region appear first, fractures of the articular process, and then shifts the spinal disc, leading to pain in the legs and lameness, which prevents the patients to walk normally. There is also chronic back pain, impaired sensitivity below the site of localization of the pathological process. You may experience a sharp weakening of the knee or the Achilles reflex. Among the symptoms of displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar should be allocated back pain, which responds poorly to pain therapy.
In addition, to allocate the General signs of displacement of the vertebrae:
Diagnosis of displacement of the vertebrae
How to treat cervical dislocation or other structural units of the spine should be determined only by the surgeon or orthopedic surgeon after performing a series of tests.
Among them the most significant are the following methods:
- radiography to be carried out during movement of the neck (flexion and extension);
- x-rays with functional tests;
- magnetic resonance imaging;
- computed tomography;
- front spondylograms, which helps to diagnose the displacement of the vertebrae in the lower back.
The above tests can help establish the localization of lesions of the vertebral column, its extent and nature, to diagnose concomitant pinched nerves and help to determine the cause of this defeat.
Of course, for the diagnosis of displacement of the vertebrae it is necessary to take into account the clinical manifestations that define the tactics of treatment.
Principles of treatment of this pathology
This pathology in any part of the spine requires immediate treatment.
Treatment of displacements of the cervical vertebrae include the restriction of head movements. Patients assigned to anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain and eliminate inflammation of the muscles and nerves. If you develop numbness of the upper extremities and a sensation of tingling in the hands, it shows an epidural injection of cortisone which belongs to the steroid hormones – this drug quickly relieves swelling and inflammation that inevitably arise when shifting.
The displacement of the vertebrae with any localization shows the use of manual therapy, acupuncture, and therapeutic exercises. These techniques help to relax and strengthen the muscles that surround the spine, and fixing displaced vertebrae, to facilitate the clinical manifestations of the disease and to restore damaged bodily functions.
In the treatment of displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar forbidden to lift heavy objects, to do sharp bends with the body and exercise. Thus, the period of rest can help to alleviate the occurrence of this lesion. Also appointed physiotherapy, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and abdominals. It is recommended to wear the corset, which locks the lower back and speeds recovery.
A good therapeutic effect with displacement of the vertebrae exhibits a massage.
If treatment methods do not give the desired effect, surgery. In most cases, operative therapy is indicated for congenital defects of the spine and dislocations, severe, manifested severe symptoms. During operation eliminates anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae, and recorded the vertebrae that have shifted. To do this, use the metal plates. It should be noted that surgical treatment in most cases is effective, but causes the development of different complications and a more difficult tolerated by the body than non-invasive methods of treatment.
I must say that the treatment of displacements of the cervical vertebrae should be used for the simulation of the process of formation of connective tissue in damaged spinal disks. To provide rest to the neck muscles is shown wearing a properly sized orthotic fit – collar Trench. When expressed pain syndrome prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal group, and also used the blockade with novocaine. To ensure blood flow in the lesion used hirudotherapy, which not only saturates the area with oxygen displacement, but also has analgesic effect.
To correct displacement of the cervical vertebrae is applied kinesiology, which is manual muscle testing. This technique helps to safely return the vertebrae into place. In addition, successfully applied kinesitherapy – the essence of this treatment consists in traction of the spine, where the vertebrae are shifted independently take the correct position. It is worth noting that such methods of treatment can only be used by highly trained chiropractors, because improper conduct can only aggravate displacement of the vertebrae.
The treatment process of any displacement of the vertebrae takes quite a long time – its success depends not only on the skill of the specialist, but also from the desire of the patient to comply with all recommendations and adhere to the chosen treatment.