
The complex of exercises of medical gymnastics in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Being a long time sitting, many begin to experience pain in the neck. This is the first evidence that spinal departments begin destructive changes leading to cervical osteochondrosis. Every year disease is getting younger.

A sedentary lifestyle, working for long periods of time at a computer, poor diet and many other reasons contribute to this ailment.

The disease is progressive in nature, so it is important to pay attention to methods of dealing with it, and don’t let it go.

Great importance is given to exercises with cervical osteochondrosis in the home that everyone will be able to carry out yourself.

The main symptoms and causes of the disease

The cervical spine is responsible for the mobility of the neck, the blood supply of the brain. The vertebrae in this Department are located close to each other and bear a heavy load. This explains the fact that when even a small load may shift.

When compressed there is a sharp pain, limited mobility, spasserovannye neck muscles. Often the symptoms of osteoarthritis can be ringing in the ears, headaches, flashing black spots before my eyes. The metabolism also frequently leads to cervical osteochondrosis.

Until the end the mechanism of the disease is not understood, but it is possible to allocate main reasons:

  • lack of exercise;
  • violated the metabolism;
  • salt deposits;
  • the imbalance in power;
  • work for a long time in one position.

It should be noted that many people because of its professional features susceptible to this disease. At-risk professions such as seamstresses, doctors, dentists, teachers, drivers and work with computer specialists.

Techniques physical therapy

Exercise in General benefit to your overall health and positively influence health. In the case of cervical degenerative disc disease should know the rule: if load will be metered and not especially excessively, can harm the spine. People who have noted the initial symptoms of the disease, from the serious sports have to give.

The specificity of the disease requires daily exercise. Workout for the muscles of the neck is preferably carried out during the day periodically. In complex training must include exposure to fresh air, walking or Cycling, breathing exercises, improving blood circulation and muscle relaxation.

The fundamental principles of practicing at home

Before you start an independent medical gymnastics in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the home, it is important to consult with a doctor. The initial lessons are best done in specialized centers or physical therapy offices. Together with an instructor have the opportunity to learn the exercises and execute them correctly.

Basic rules:

  • the regularity of classes;
  • short workouts throughout the day;
  • alternating activity with rest;
  • it is impossible to engage in the acute stage of the disease;
  • exercises should not cause pain.

The right conditions

The main requirement to start these classes is the planned load. It is recommended to do the exercises 2-3 times a day to avoid restarting on the neck muscles. Classes continue for 15-20 minutes.

Movements must be performed slowly and smoothly. Sudden movements and jerks of all kinds is contraindicated. The load should be added sparingly. For example, each day add one exercise or change the number of repetitions, adding PO1-2 through the day.

The amplitude should be average. Strength training and movement, causing great muscular exertion, is prohibited.

Cases when to have contraindicated

Gymnastics is not carried out in the acute stages of the disease. You should not perform physical activities to individuals with spinal cord injuries, cancer, infections, serious cardiovascular disorders and high blood pressure. If you feel unwell, classes should be postponed.

Gymnastics in bed

Waking up after a night’s rest to start with putting the neck muscles in tone that will have a positive impact on health throughout the day. A mattress should be reasonably firm, and the pillow low.

Exercises are recommended at a slow pace.

  1. 1Lying on your back, the indentation of a head in the pillow. It promotes muscle tension.
  2. 2Of the same provision are lifts of the head. Blades and shoulders should stay pressed to the mattress.
  3. 3side-Lying lift head from the pillow. In this pose, gradually trying to stay within 3-5 seconds.
  4. 4Initial position (hereinafter I. p.) – lying on stomach, hands chained to the castle in the occipital region. Lift the head to overcome the resistance.
  5. 5I. p. the same, try to press the forehead into the pillow.

All exercises repeat up to 5 times.

Simple exercises to practice at home

Good effect have exercises to overcome the resistance. It is important that the classes were conducted after the acute phase of the disease retreated.

The basic package for self-study

  1. 1I. p. standing or sitting on a chair. Hands need to clasp the neck so that the thumbs are at the front. To perform a tilting movement at a slow pace to the side. Repeat 10-15 times in one direction.
  2. 2I. p. the same hand to place the Palmar side of the forehead. To press a hand to her forehead, and to overcome resistance with moderate muscle tension. Perform 10 times for 20 seconds.
  3. 3I. p. the same, hands on his head, clasped to the castle. Retraction of the head back by applying resistance with your hands for 20 seconds. To start this exercise is recommended with 10 times, gradually increasing to 15.
  4. 4I. p. the same. Resistance is the hand on the temporal region. To perform the tilting movement in the direction of. It is important to perform slowly 10-15 times in both directions. Thus the stretching of the neck muscles.
  5. 5I. p. sitting at the table, elbows on table, palms on his temples. Turn your head to the side, resisting with your hands. Breathing steady.
  6. 6I. p. too. Try to pull your head up with your hands.

All the proposed exercises are performed 10 to 15 repetitions at a slow pace.

Such a complex can be performed in between work schedule. Special conditions not required for this. A great help are the breathing exercises with stretching.

I. p. standing, feet shoulder width apart. Inhale a full breath, hands rise up, slowly lower performing exhale. Repeat the breathing exercise is recommended 3-4 times.

Treatments for chronic disease

For people with chronic forms of the disease gymnastics plays an important role. Because the treatment of degenerative disc disease is long, it helps stop irreversible pathological processes and improve health.

The rules for performing physical therapy at home the same. At the core of the classes are slow tilting movement of the head of the I. p. standing. A good effect has exercise “perekidyvaem” tilted head from shoulder to shoulder in the front.

Very beneficial circular motion of the shoulder, lift the shoulders up to ear level. While the neck muscles are subjected to the allowable stress, which is able to strengthen them.

From I. p. lying on your back, knees bent legs to pull them to your forehead with your hands, the back sags. From I. p. lying on stomach lift upper torso with outstretched arms. Stretching – inhale, return to I. p. exhale.

The best end of the proposed complex from I. p. standing. To perform bending of the torso, touching the floor with your hands. While the muscles of the neck is loose, not tight. The exhalation is performed when you angle. To I. p.-breath.

The doctor will help right approach to the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical. The range of activities included drug therapy, massage and exercise therapy. Unlike other procedures, gymnastic complexes each patient can do yourself at home. This aspect plays a major role in the quality of life. Exercises for cervical degenerative disc disease in the home will bring good health and mood and will ease the symptoms of the painful symptoms of degenerative disc disease.

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