
Radicular syndrome of the cervical spine

Radicular syndrome of the cervical spine bothers lots of people. Symptoms and treatments of disease are discussed below.

Radicular syndrome of the cervical spine are called so because the complex of symptoms caused due to damage to the spinal roots. This condition known as sciatica. Often it accompanies inflammation.

Usually caused by nerve root syndromes of a cervical osteochondrosis. However, symptoms of the disease can manifest itself immediately, but only after some time that the underlying disease of osteoarthritis. The severity of symptoms depends on the strength of damage to spinal nerves.

There are three varieties of the disease.

Depending on your symptoms, the specialist will diagnose a particular type:

  • thoracic osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome;
  • radicular syndrome cervical;
  • radicular syndrome in the lumbar spine.

It should be noted that stanogradnju osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome is diagnosed infrequently because of the ligaments between the joints of the thoracic have incredible strength, cavities, serving for the passage of vessels and nerves, large.

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The symptoms of radicular syndrome of the cervical spine

The main symptom radicular syndrome cervical – paroxysmal pain. It can be permanent, can occur only when active operations, hypothermia or other stress to the body. In addition to this symptom there are a number of other characteristics. In the cervical spine has eight nerve roots.

When disruption of one of them appears symptoms, characteristic for this root.

  • Headaches. Mostly in the parietal region of the skull. This is due to the pinching of the first spine. The pain may sometimes grow. In addition, in violation of the first root in the parietal region may experience temporary numbness.
  • Signs of the second root identical, but have their specific characteristics. For example, sagging skin under the chin, accompanied by headaches in the parietal region, may indicate compression of the spine. It is worth considering that if time does not begin treatment, the condition can rapidly deteriorate.
  • Sharp pain on the right or left side of the neck signals the violation of the third root of the division. Symptoms supplemented by short-term numbness of the tongue and inability to pronounce some words.
  • Pain syndromes in lesions of the fourth spine is manifested primarily in the shoulder region. Can appear pain in the clavicular area between the shoulder blades, in the liver and heart.
  • If struck by the fifth spine, there is disruption of the upper extremities. Numbness in hands, accompanied by the inability to perform their various actions.
  • Numbness in the thumb and loss of muscle tone of the upper limbs indicates a violation of the sixth root. The main symptom is a sharp pain in the shoulder region.
  • Violation of the seventh nerve root pain extending from the neck to the tips of your fingers. Having problems with motor activity of the hands due to the decrease in muscle tone of the hands.
  • Numbness in neck and pain between the shoulder blades tells about the compression of the eighth nerve root.

With cervical osteochondrosis severe pain will be felt no matter what the job of the spine is disrupted. The discomfort will be aggravated by head movement.

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Diagnosis using x-rays in the forward and lateral position to determine at what distance are the vertebrae from each other. To clarify the diagnosis may require imaging that is used infrequently. This is due to the high cost of this procedure.

The causes of the disease

A few years ago, cervical osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome was considered a disease primarily of people of retirement age. Now in the area of risk are young people under the age of 25.

Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome

The main cause of the disease is the improper position of the cervical vertebrae. The premise could serve as a long work at the computer in the wrong position, often being in a state of reclining. The habit of many people to hold the phone with the shoulder for a long time leads to the fact that over time, the radicular nerves begin to function properly.

In addition, there are other factors that are the causes of cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • injuries to the spinal column;
  • prolonged wearing of high heel shoes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the use of uncomfortable shoes;
  • weight;
  • unhealthy lifestyle;
  • inflammation;
  • intoxication.
Treatment of radicular syndrome of the cervical spine

Treatment of radicular syndrome of the cervical spine is assigned to specialists on an individual basis. There are several methods to combat the disease: medication, laser therapy, and therapeutic treatments (physical therapy, acupuncture, massage).


Aimed at reducing pain. Is done with the help of medicines prescribed specialist. The duration of treatment with medicines depends on the severity of the disease and is conducted until complete disappearance of pain. If the disease is running or has severe disease may require the use of injectable therapies. If the pain is not very pronounced, doctors prescribe medications that possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.

When muscle tension or spazmirovannah expert prescribes muscle relaxants. Their action helps reduce muscle tension.

Treatment with laser

A very effective method of dealing with the disease. The use of laser enables to restore circulation of damaged areas of the cervical. In addition, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. Can be used as a preventive measure.


If the disease is not running, and the pain is not very pronounced, your doctor may prescribe medical treatments: physical therapy, massage therapy, electrophoresis, acupuncture. Most often these treatments are assigned to patients of Mature age. The elderly, similar procedures are prescribed less frequently.

For each patient, the doctor will prescribe an individual treatment, taking into account the severity of certain symptoms, the severity of the pain accompanying the disease, and the patient’s age. Most often, the presence of the disease diagnosed in the elderly. This is due, as a rule, with their sedentary lifestyle.

In some cases, experts can assign several treatments. For example, in an adjuvant medicines your doctor may prescribe physical therapy or electrophoresis.

In addition, the reduction of pain is possible only if complete tranquility and stillness. Therefore, the patient is often bed rest is recommended with a minimum amount of physical activity. In the acute phase of the disease, the patient is prescribed bed rest until the complete ban to stand. The bed should be hard. In addition, it is recommended to stick to a certain food, include in your diet more vitamins and minerals.

From spicy and smoked products should be abandoned, with the aggravation it is advisable to limit the amount of fluid. In addition, the doctor advises ladies to give up wearing shoes with high heels, opting for more comfortable shoes.

In addition, patients need to carefully monitor your health during and after treatment and to prevent hypothermia, which can cause exacerbation of the disease, amplification of pain.

Patients who are overweight, doctors recommend to reduce body weight with adherence to a low calorie diet. Experts suggest moderate exercise, which will improve the overall condition of the human body.


Radicular syndrome of the cervical spine – a disease that affects the roots of the division of the neck and accompanied by inflammation. The severity of symptoms and the severity of the pain depends on which nerve root is damaged.

At risk are persons mostly elderly, due to their sedentary lifestyle. However, every year a growing number of cases of diagnosing this disease in young patients. This may be caused by frequent sitting in front of a computer in the wrong posture, wearing uncomfortable shoes and high heel shoes, posture bending as a result of the stoop.

The disease has its pronounced symptoms. The treatment prescribed by specialists for each individual case and are aimed mainly at reducing the severity of pain and improves the blood circulation in the cervical spine.

To delay the treatment of diseases, as cervical degenerative disc disease can cause more serious disease or cause of disability. Timely diagnosis will help to cope with the disease, to get rid of pain. Careful attitude to their own health and compliance with the recommendations of the expert will help to maintain the condition of your spine.

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