Radicular syndrome is a disease of the spinal nerve. In the period of its development occurs the separation of the nerve from the spinal cord and spine. Quite often combined lumbodynia or osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, which greatly aggravates the patient’s condition.
When the first signs of the disease, the patient should immediately begin treatment, which will eliminate the possibility of complications.
Radicular syndrome can appear for a variety of reasons. Most often the disease is diagnosed in the reflex disorders. If a spinal nerve have the effect of a hernia, ligaments, vertebrae, muscles that it is prejudice, it can also lead to the disease. Lumbalgia with radicular syndrome may occur with frequent and strong overcooling.
The causes of pathology
The appearance of a radicular syndrome, treatment of which is medically or surgically, may be the result of a sedentary lifestyle of a person. The disease process may be caused by excessive physical exertion.
The degenerative process can be triggered by a variety of diseases.
Most often, radicular syndrome occurs on the background:
- osteoporosis;
- scarring;
- neoplastic processes;
- changes of hormonal background;
- of spondylosis.
Quite often the pathological process is caused by changes in the spine, which are congenital or acquired in nature. Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome may occur with fractures of the spine. Also the disease is diagnosed in a wide variety of injuries and bruises. The appearance of the disease may occur against the background of herniated discs. In the period of development of infectious processes in the spine may receive osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome.
Neuroscience distinguishes two main causes of disease is associated diseases and unhealthy lifestyle of a person.
Symptoms of the disease
During the development of the disease the nerve root is affected, which leads to corresponding symptoms. In most cases, in the development of this disease there is pain. The pain may have different character – drawing, stinging, shooting, dull. It depends on what caused the inflammatory process.
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Piriformis syndrome is quite often accompanied by paresthesia. Patients complain about the appearance of numbness in the affected area of the spine. Most often this symptom appears when combined osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome.
The disease in some cases can cause trophic changes. The cause of this symptoms are innervation, reflex reaction and disturbances in the circulation process. If osteochondrosis radicular syndrome last for a long period, it could cause the symptom. Trophic changes are observed up to complete cure of the disease, causing hair loss, muscle weakness and pale skin.
Common low back pain is quite often accompanied by limitation. Some patients complain of difficulties in the period of rotation of the head. There may also be deterioration of mobility in upper or lower extremities. If a person tries to make a certain movement, it can lead to spasm.
Piriformis syndrome is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. At occurrence of first signs of disease the patient must seek help from a doctor that knows what it is and how to treat the disease.
Diagnostic pathology
In the diagnosis of radicular syndrome symptoms is pronounced, it is mandatory to determine its causes. In order to determine exactly where the pinched spinal nerve, necessary to determine the sensitivity and the place of movement disorder. For example, if radicular syndrome occurs in the fifth vertebra, it causes pain in the lumbar region. The pain may radiate to the thigh or leg.
To diagnose piriformis syndrome, it is necessary to determine the symptoms of the disease. If the cause of the pathological process is an infectious process, the patient increased body temperature and fever.
To confirm pre-set by the doctor’s diagnosis, widely used instrumental methods of research. The most effective of these is radiography of the spine. Most often its application is carried out by an osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, the symptoms of which were not precisely defined. The most informative and sensitive diagnostic methods include magnetic resonance imaging.
Diagnosis is an important step in the treatment of disease. That is why doctors approach it as responsibly as possible.
Therapy pathology
Treatment of radicular syndrome is aimed at eliminating its causes. Most commonly for elimination of the disease used medication.
To cure radicular syndrome and to eliminate its symptoms, you can use:
- Analgesics. If piriformis syndrome is accompanied by a strong pain, that patients make an appointment Baralgin, Ketorol. Using the data of drugs you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Radicular syndrome most often accompanied by inflammatory process. It can be removed with the help of Diclofenac, Nimesil,Ibuprofen Movalis.
- Local closures. If a patient is having severe pain, to eliminate them, we recommend the use of novocaine blockades.
- Glukokorticosteroidov. Using the data of pharmaceutical drugs greatly accelerates the process of treatment of the pathological process.
- The muscle relaxants. In most cases, patients make an appointment Sirdalud, Midokalm, Baclofen. They are characterized by the presence of muscle exposure, which provides an additional effect of the complex therapy of the disease. If the patient has a weak heart muscle, or muscle fatigue, you to apply these medications is not recommended.
- Vitamin of group B. during treatment of the disease the patient is recommended to use Milgamma, Combilipen, Neuromultivit.
In order to resolve symptoms, it is necessary to apply ointments and gels – Capsicum, Fastum gel, Finalgon, Diclofenac, Ketonal, I experienced an unexpected side effect. Data traditional medications have a local effect, which allows using them to fully deal with the symptoms of the disease.
If the disease of a patient diagnosed with dystonia, he make the appointment of sedatives and psychotropic drugs. A high impact effect in this case possess vasodilating drugs. For some patients, we recommend taking the angioprotectors.
In order to slow down the degenerative disorders in the cartilage and disks, as well as to eliminate compression of the nerve root, patients make an appointment chondroprotectors – Dona, Teraflex, Alflutop, Symptoms.
Selection of medicines when radicular syndrome should be carried out by the doctor taking into account the causes and symptoms of the disease.
Additional information
In addition to traditional medicines, the treatment of the disease make an appointment minimally invasive techniques. Quite effective in this case is acupuncture. Some patients the doctor make the appointment of physiotherapy. To enhance the effect of traditional medicines, patients should engage in regular exercises. In some cases, patients are prescribed physical therapy.
During treatment of the pathological process, the patient is advised to diet. Menu of the patient should consist of foods which include unsaturated fatty acids, collagen, vitamins-antioxidants.
In order to avoid the occurrence of radicular syndrome patients are advised to adhere to the rules of prevention. They must ensure that the load on the spine was moderate. People who suffer from excessive body weight should fight obesity, which will eliminate nerve pain process. Also patients are encouraged to exercise regularly and wear comfortable shoes.
Piriformis syndrome is quite a serious disease that occurs due to various pathologies and a wrong way of life. The pathological process is accompanied by pronounced symptoms, which allows to identify his patient. For proper diagnosis and rational treatment appointment a person must seek help to the doctor. To avoid disease it is necessary to take prevention.