
The sacroiliac joint

The musculoskeletal system of our body provides a framework for all organs of the body and protects them from damage, helps to maintain human stability in the upright position, contributes to motor activity.

In order that man might freely do various movements, the bones are joined together in joints.

One of these joints is the sacroiliac joint. Let us characterize this joint in more detail and consider what the problems with them occur most often.

What is an articular joint

The joint is always two dice. The sacroiliac joint also consists of two parts: the Ilium and sacrum. The sacrum is located where the spine ends. Ilium is located in the pelvic part. Sacrum as if squeezed into the gap between the extensive parts of the Ilium and connects the lower spine and pelvic region. The area where this compound called the sacroiliac joint of the bone, it is covered with articular capsule.

This double joint is located on both sides of the sacrum. Bone formation itself is quite tight and rigid. The strength of the joint of the pelvis and sacral contribute to the ligaments surrounding the joint on all sides. They are short and resistant to tear.

The main purpose of the sacroiliac joint is to provide stability of a joint of the spine and pelvis when walking, and it supports the body in a sitting position and is involved in the committing of torso.

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Damage and deformation such important bone joints entails serious consequences.

The types of injuries joint

Among the injuries of the sacroiliac joint is most often found the following:

  • Inflammation of the joint or sacroiliitis. The disease can be infectious and non-infectious nature.
  • Degenerative disorder or osteoarthritis.
  • Dysfunction of the joint (when the bones of the joint can normally be connected to each other).
  • On each of these types of injuries is to talk separately.

The development of the inflammatory process in the field of KPS is called sacroiliitis or arthritis. Based on the causes of the disease can be classified as follows:

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Arthritis infectious type. The appearance of sacroiliitis can be caused by a pathogen specific and non-specific infection. The first option is possible in cases of syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis and other specific diseases. The second variant of sacroiliitis can be attributed to arthritis caused by a wide range of pathogens: strep, staph, anaerobic digestion and others.

Arthritis infectious etiology is a consequence of trauma (fracture of the pelvic bones, torn ligaments) or one of the symptoms accompanying autoimmune diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, Reiter’s disease (one of the manifestations of the disease – reactive arthritis).

Signs of sacroiliitis

Skip inflammation of the joints the sacroiliac joint is difficult. The first thing you see these signs: pain of varying intensity. Region the onset of pain: lower back, pelvis, upper leg, thigh. When driving and pressing on the joint of the uncomfortable sensations. In addition to pain, patients may experience a rise in temperature, chills, intoxication. It happens in acute development of sacroiliitis.

Sometimes the disease occurs with mild symptoms or manifests itself only a minor pain in the joint. If you do not start treatment of sacroiliitis in time, this condition can become chronic. This will lead to a curvature of the spine, disruption of motor functions of joints and subsequent destruction.

Post-traumatic arthritis is characterized by a very sharp pain that becomes stronger when performing any movement. Cause this condition may fall from a great height, uncontrolled physical activity, strong shocks during the road accidents, complicated deliveries.


Under the arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint understand the state that accompanies long-term inflammatory process that leads to pathological changes in the joint (there are marginal osteophytes – bony growths, reduces the size of the joint space, the cartilage disc that connects the surface of the joints, compacted and hardens). Forecast: deforming osteoarthritis causes the gradual destruction of the joint. Osteoarthritis contributes to the restriction of motor functions occurs in the chronic form.

The manifested osteoarthritis sacroiliac joint ache pain in the joints, constant feeling of discomfort when used for long periods (walking, dancing, prolonged sitting). To provoke osteoarthritis can load on the spine during pregnancy. Arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint, characteristic symptoms: may be sick as the rump and the upper leg or the lower back. After a long dormancy movements become inhibited. Night pain is not typical, lying down symptoms pass.

Dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint

Potential victims of this condition:

  • Pregnant women. In this case, the ligaments and cartilage begin to relax and soften before birth under the influence of certain hormones.
  • The elderly. Changes in the joints associated with age characteristics of the organism.
  • Individuals who spend a lot of time in a sitting position (work with computer) or leading an inactive lifestyle.

A symptom of disruption of the normal functioning of the joint is pain in the sacroiliac joint, lower back, groin, hip, near the sacrum. Occurs pain syndrome is usually in the morning and subside in the evening.

How is the diagnosis of diseases of the sacroiliac joints

Adjacent to the sacroiliac joint is a large number of different joints. They are all very important and perform certain functions. Damage to these bone formations have similar symptoms, so without special examination it is difficult to establish the exact cause of the pain. For example, in some cases, to identify patients with congenital pathology (fusion of the fifth lumbar and the first sacral vertebra), which begin to feel pain in the lumbar region with the onset of adulthood. A proper diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

Consider the modern methods of diagnosis of joint diseases:

  • Conducting radiological studies (x-ray of the sacroiliac joint).
  • Used magnetic resonance method (MRI joints the sacroiliac joint).
  • Examination by means of ultrasound (ultrasound).
  • Used computed tomography (CT).

Diagnostics help to identify, for example, the following pathology:

  • The increase in size of the joint cavity.
  • Syndrome or narrowing of the joint space disappeared.
  • The destruction of individual parts of the sacral and iliac bones.
  • The formation of marginal osteophytes, thickened parts of the surfaces of the joints.

To establish a more accurate diagnosis of the patient’s condition and then to treat it, prescribe laboratory tests: General blood and urine biochemical study of blood, puncture of the inflamed joint.

Use this method as a diagnostic blockade of the joints of the sacroiliac joint anestetikam (temporary blocking of the pain syndrome).

Therapeutic measures

Arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint, the treatment of a variety of ways:

  • Medication (anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesics).
  • Physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, acupuncture, infrared radiation, physical therapy).
  • Therapeutic massage.
  • Surgery – removing pus from the joint, injection of medications into the joint.
  • Therapeutic blockade (arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint).

To prevent the occurrence of joint problems, you should follow certain recommendations:

  • Take care of strengthening of immunity for the mobilization of protective forces in the fight against the disease
  • Time to eliminate foci of infection in the body
  • Avoid sitting too long in one position, do regular workout,
  • When carrying a child to use a support brace.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, move more.

Promptly turning to the doctor, you can avoid many problems. Thanks to modern methods of treatment and diagnostics (e.g., MRI of the sacroiliac joints) medicine to treat such complicated diseases as various injuries of the sacroiliac joint.

The video will give an idea, for example, the procedure for periarticular the introduction of drugs in one of the medical centers of the city Cheboksary.

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