
Chiropractic scoliosis

For the treatment of diseases of the spine, particularly scoliosis, there are many methods, ranging from physical therapy to surgical intervention in the later stages of the disease. One of the most effective treatment is chiropractic for scoliosis.

What is a manual therapy

Manual therapy is a complex of methods of diagnosis and treatment, which is based on the impact of physician hands on human patients for the treatment of diseases of musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

Home “working area” of a doctor practicing this method, are the joints (most often the spine), and the main task – to restore mobility of the joint and the removal of pain in a patient.

What should be the qualification of a doctor

The right to practice this kind of treatment can be only a person with higher medical education specializing in the field of traumatology or neurology, and who has received additional education in this area. From this, it becomes clear that a chiropractor can become not just a doctor, and moreover, they may not be a medical worker only with secondary special education.

Differences in manual therapy from massage

As mentioned above, the chiropractor works with the joints, while the massage mechanically acts on the muscles by rubbing, pressure and other techniques. Based on the previous paragraph, we can speak of a much higher qualification of a chiropractor compared to a masseur (whose medical education does not necessarily). Therefore, the therapist only follows the principles of a doctor and a specialist in manual therapy by himself from beginning to end is with a patient path from diagnosis of a disease through treatment.

Chiropractic scoliosis

Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine, which may be in different directions. There are four degrees of this disease, depending on the angle of curvature of the spine:

  • I – most simple degree, the angle of curvature of less than 10°.
  • II – the angle does not exceed 25°.

These two degrees can be successfully treated with manual therapy.

  • III – angle of scoliosis reaches 50°.
  • IV – curvature exceeds 50°.

When the changes reach such a state, can only help the operation.

In the treatment of scoliosis I and II degree, the chiropractor in the first place, must conduct a thorough and complete diagnosis – this will need to do x-rays or, in some cases, a CT scan. At this stage, the doctor will determine the angle of curvature, the degree of deformation of the spine, and the type of scoliosis (C-, S – or Z-shaped). After that, the therapist will be able to prescribe individually tailored, effective treatment, which includes, in addition to manual treatment, therapeutic exercise, swimming and physiotherapy to maintain positive dynamics of change.

Methods of manual therapy

Manual therapy for scoliosis is based on the following basic methods:

  • First and foremost, the therapist deeply relaxes the muscles of the back of the patient in the place where you intend the manual impact. Muscle tone is temporarily lowered to such a state that there can be no reduction.
  • The doctor then produces a single push – “sets” the vertebra in him put place that may be accompanied by a distinctive click.
  • The final stage is a special firming massage around the place, over which the procedure was carried out.

It is important to remember that a course of manual therapy is not recommended more than once a year, so as not to “blab” the joints of the spine that can aggravate the curvature. The course may include from one to three sessions, usually larger quantities are required.

The most effective manual therapy for scoliosis in the case when the patient is under 25 years of age as before this age the human skeleton is still developing. But even for those who are older, chiropractic can give excellent results, especially if combined with other methods of scoliosis treatment (exercises, physical therapy and therapeutic swimming).


Like any medical procedure, chiropractic has a number of contraindications to the appointment:

  • if the scoliosis has developed as the result of trauma;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors, herniated discs;
  • tuberculous lesions of the spine;
  • high blood pressure, heart problems and blood circulation;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • severe osteoporosis;
  • diseases of the connective tissues;
  • compression of the spinal cord of different origin;
  • congenital malformations of the skeleton;
  • very young age of the patient.

As can be seen from the list of contraindications is quite a lot, so first of all it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination in order to exclude all possible risks.

Manual therapy

You must also remember that the specialist whom you trust your health is bound to be highly professional with experience and as mentioned before, with higher medical education. It is from experience and sensitivity of the hands of the doctor depends on the recovery of your back.

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