
Massage in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Massage in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is considered mandatory for full deliverance from the disease. It can be used to improve circulation and get rid of pain in the lumbar region.

The majority of patients suffering from lumbar degenerative disc disease, without any problems allowed to massage. But there is a group of individuals, which are strictly contraindicated massage in osteochondrosis.

With caution massage procedures are prescribed to pregnant women.

Massage is not recommended for people with such diseases.

  • malignant and benign growths;
  • the third stage of hypertension;
  • the accumulation of numerous moles in the field of massage;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • irregularities in functioning of the cardiovascular system and interruptions in the heart rhythm;
  • diseases of the blood;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • the inflammatory process in the body, accompanied by fever and fever;
  • the active stage of tuberculosis.

Variety of massage with osteochondrosis of the lumbar

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar used three types of massage:

  • classic;
  • vacuum;
  • point.

Classic massage is the most common choice in the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. It includes various methods of exposure – the squeezing, rolling, kneading, stroking, rubbing.

Initially, the therapist begins training the patient’s body. It is a superficial workout and stroking – this improves blood flow and massaging muscles. Thereafter, a back massage, its main objective is the relief and freedom from pain. To quickly achieve a positive effect, the massage therapist performs the stroking, then squeezing, then squeezing the double ring.

Then proceed to massage the gluteal region. In this case, uses double o-ring stroking and shaking. Then proceed to massage thighs. It is done by using combined long strokes and kneading with shaking.

In the end, the therapist returns to the back and processes the lumbar-sacral region.

In addition to these manipulations, quite effective is the rubbing from the coccyx to the lower back, performed using the pads of four fingers, and squeezing in the area of the sacrum.

According to the reviews of patients, the first procedure of classical massage accompanied by a slightly painful sensations.

To perform the following types of massage – vacuum – apply small jars made of glass, plastic or ceramic. The main objective of this technology is providing improved circulation in the affected area of the back that stimulates a quick recovery of damaged disks. The main condition for high-quality vacuum massage is the observance of a technique of production of cans. They must be installed in the direction of blood flow (in the case of osteoarthritis, this movement from the bottom up).

Performing the vacuum massage is carried out using this technology:

After the massage the patient should remain in supine position for 30 minutes.

Point technique of massaging osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, in most cases, is performed in order to consolidate the effect, which was obtained after a classical technique. The essence of the procedure lies in the fact that several acupuncture and pain points affect the average or index finger. Massage of these zones is carried out clockwise or counterclockwise. The impact on each point should occur for 2-3 minutes. After habituation of the organism a lasting impact on each area increases.

General rules

To massage therapy has had the desired effect, you need to consider a number of rules related to the procedure:

  1. For getting rid of the symptoms of osteoarthritis have to undergo a course of treatment that consists of 10-15 sessions. As a preventive measure perform from 5 to 7 treatments.
  2. The duration of a session varies depending on the General condition of the patient, but on average, the figure is 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. In most cases, massage of the lower back performed in the horizontal position of the patient, but if he is uncomfortable, the procedure can be carried out using special massage chairs.
  4. When the diagnosis of unilateral osteoarthritis (pain occur only on one side of the back) is massaged first, healthy part, and only then treat the affected area.
  5. During the massage is performed considering only soft tissue, it is strictly forbidden to influence on the spine. To make the procedure more effect need to massage not only the back but also the sacrum, buttocks and hips. Massage in the area of the kidneys, though not prohibited, but must be performed by applying a smaller force.
  6. The first procedure may cause the patient pain, so they should be in the power saving mode. As addiction of the body, the duration of the massage is increased.
  7. Massaging the back should only be done from the bottom up, the emphasis is on the direction of movement of lymph.
  8. The session is recommended to exercise 2 hours after a meal. Recommended before a massage to visit the toilet.
  9. After the procedure you need to lie down for 20-30 minutes, if the massage is performed at home, after the specified time, you should take a warm shower.
The stages of

Massage, conducted in the period of remission of degenerative disc disease, is performed in 5 stages:

  1. The study of the lumbar always begins with light strokes. They should be sliding and performed using the hands or the pads of your fingers. Such actions relieve nervous excitability, improve the nutrition of the soft tissues, have a relaxing effect on muscles and relieve pain.
  2. To improve blood circulation, metabolism and trophic tissues, as well as heat, apply rubbing. It is performed using a transverse, circular or spiral movements. The massage is performed using one or more fingers of the supporting part of the hand or the ribs of the palm. If while rubbing the patient feels pain, then the therapist is obliged to reduce the force or pressure for a few sessions to drop this item. If you do not, you can not cure the disease, but on the contrary, provoke its escalation.
  3. After the muscles are prepared, you can proceed with the kneading. This step is necessary in order to make the ligaments of the spine more supple, improve circulation of lymph and blood in the lumbar region. Massaging is performed using the thumb and index finger, all the fingers or the base of the palm. If necessary, the master has the right to change the nature of the workout: to lift, to pull, press or squeeze the muscles.
  4. At this stage, the therapist moves on to the vibration. The implementation of this technique by using one or all of the toes, the edges of the palm or hand, a clenched fist. Some specialists use for the described purposes special devices that can function with different amplitude, speed and frequency. Weak vibration help to increase muscle tone and strong, on the contrary, provoke its decline. Regardless of the type of vibration, this element helps to get rid of pain in the lumbar region, improves circulation, increases metabolism, helps start muscle regeneration, including ligaments.
  5. Massage ending similar to its beginning. It performs some stroking and soothing motions.

Selection of massage movements and the power of their personal

Selection of massage movements and strength of their performance is directly dependent on the stage of the disease, the General condition of the patient and his individual sensitivity to therapy.

The time devoted to performing each of the described stages of the massage, depends on the patient’s condition and the progress on its restoration. If there is acute pain, then execute stroking movements allocated almost half of the session. The duration of these movements is not reduced until complete disappearance of pain. After all manipulations are executed more intense and deeper, in the course of the procedure, the patient should feel mild discomfort.

Special attention is paid to the study of pain zones. Quite often discomfort radiating to the thighs. Therefore, after consideration of the gluteal muscles is recommended to pay attention to the hips.

To improve the condition of the vertebrae and used in massage, essential oils, pine resin, gum turpentine. For qualitative warm-up of the affected areas using massagers are made from natural materials, for example, cards Lyapko or jade.

To prevent soreness from the massage you can by taking before the procedure warm bath. Muscles will already be relaxed, so while their study did not so much feel uncomfortable.

Massage in conjunction with physical exercise and intake of drugs guarantees complete relief from degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine in the early stages.

One thought on “Massage in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

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