Continuous development of technology has allowed the MRI procedure to take a leading position among diagnostic methods, pushing Rg-graphy, computed tomography and myelography.
MRI of the lumbosacral and coccyx does not replace other methods, but is less dangerous and gives more information in the survey.
Since the sacral region has a rather complicated structure, from the point of view of anatomy, for the accurate diagnosis and effective treatment requires a comprehensive survey, in which MRI plays a leading role. Procedure MRI allows the study of different parts of the body, including the cervical, thoracic and lumbar.
Indications for MRI of the lumbosacral and coccyx
Procedure magnetic resonance imaging provides the ability to analyze the condition of the spinal cord, excluding the effects of Rg-radiation. This method of diagnosis implies a higher precision and allows to easily identify tumors, hernia and other possible defects. It also provides the opportunity to analyze the condition of the intervertebral joints.
MRI of the lumbosacral and coccyx shown in the following cases:
- the possible presence of cancer;
- injuries to the spinal unit;
- osteochondrosis;
- you suspect a hernia or protrusion;
- stenosis of the spinal canal;
- hemangioma;
- the presence of inflammatory processes;
- malformations of the vertebral departments.
MRI gives the opportunity to simulate the spine and pelvis using three-dimensional image. This allows to analyze the full picture of the problem that contributes to the formulation of more accurate diagnosis and forecast of the possible development of the disease. Deciphering the result of magnetic resonance imaging of the spine and tailbone, the doctor will be able to build a strategic plan for future treatment.
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Contraindications magnetic resonance imaging
Unlike x-rays, MRI does not have a large number of contraindications and does not harm the patient.
There is only a small list of restrictions of application of this method of diagnosis:
- the presence of any device in the patient’s body, for example, a pacemaker or insulin pump;
- susceptibility to claustrophobia;
- early pregnancy (first trimester);
- the age of seven years;
- the presence of disease, excluding the possibility of the patient not to move;
- the presence in the body of the diagnosed objects made of metal.
Contraindications for the procedure MRI of the coccyx and lumbosacral for the most part associated with the impact of the magnet. For example, a magnetic effect can displace a metal implant in the body and damage internal organs.
Also during the diagnosis of this type it is necessary to maintain a fixed pose that is difficult for children under the age of seven.
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If you still want to carry out this procedure a small child, used sedative. The claustrophobia the patient is possible if the device is used closed.
The types of magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbosacral
The development of the technology of resonant plants contributed to the development of open-sided MRI systems. A new setting is made in the form of a plane, which uses two powerful magnets, providing a constant magnetic field. This technology is used instead of closed chambers in the form of a cylinder, and can diagnose even patients prone to claustrophobia.
The patient is placed on the table between the planes. The free space between the body and the diagnosed height of the chamber is about forty inches. This prevents discomfort and panic, because the camera is not perceived as a closed space.
In order to fully research the opportunity to conduct MRI of the spine and tailbone in two-dimensional and three-dimensional format and the various projections. Also, MRI of the open type gives the opportunity to make a angiography system of the vessels of the spinal cord. Using new technologies to successfully diagnose tumors, determine their nature.
If there is suspicion of the presence of tumors in the lumbar region, sacrum and coccyx, and also in the spread of metastases is appointed by magnetic resonance imaging using contrast liquids. Substances administered by intravenous infusion, the conclusion occurs naturally for 1.5 hours. This procedure there are contraindications, such as renal failure and allergic to certain kinds of medications.
Preparation for this procedure is straightforward. The day before diagnosis, this method imposes restrictions in food. Before the MRI intravenous contrast liquid is poured, without delay, the procedure is carried out. Due to the gradual distribution of the contrast through the circulatory system, it is possible to observe the manifestation of the problem areas of even small size. These areas could subsequently be closed more extensive. Deciphering a result, a qualified technician will determine what the MRI shows, will develop a strategy for further action.
MRI of the coccyx spine
The coccyx consists of the vertebrae of a small size. This education is not fixed the whole system, and component parts can move. Quite often there are painful phenomena of this Department, called coccygodynia. These pains cause great discomfort and can hinder movement. They manifest themselves when trying to stand, when sitting or may be permanent.
The causes of such pain is little known, but MRI of the coccyx will allow you to diagnose cracks, fractures and other possible damage. Preparation for the procedure MRI of the tailbone is no different from preparing for MRI of the spine. Diagnosis this method will allow also to identify pathology adjacent to the coccyx tissues.
MRI of the coccyx and lumbosacral produced in state hospitals and private clinics. The procedure is diagnostic, it has no therapeutic effects, but allows a full examination with a view to establish the most accurate diagnosis and the development or adjustment of treatment. Recent advances in MRI allow the procedure without waiting for their turn in private clinics is relatively inexpensive.