Problems, pathologies, pain of the spine affects people of all ages. The instability of vertebrae, offset, changes in the structure often is the cause of pain and neurological disorders.
One of the many such disease of the spine refers to degenerative dystrophic changes of the lumbar spine.
The development of these changes of the spine contributes to a number of factors: high load, sessile, sedentary lifestyle, overweight.
The most common cause of pain in the lumbar gives degenerative degenerative disease of spine (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylosis). It is characterized by changes of vertebral tissues, the transformation of the intervertebral discs, joints, bone, ligaments.
Change of the intervertebral discs because of the complex of degenerative disorders leading to degenerative disc disease. There is a progressive deformation – reducing disc height, separation, and stratification.
The most common degenerative change is the degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. This is due to the heavy load on the Department.
The exacerbation and development of this problem is facilitated by:
- injuries of spine (fractures, bruises);
- overload;
- predisposition;
- age-related changes;
- vibration and much more.
Due to functional overload of the vertebral segments of the trunk suffers most lumbar.
People suffering from low back pain, complain of dull, aching pain in the lumbar spine, muscle spasms, aching and numbness of the limbs.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar requires intensive, long-term, comprehensive treatment.
Chronic diseases of the spine, which is accompanied by degenerative dystrophic disorders of fibrous tissue of the intervertebral disc and formation of osteophytes called spondylosis.
Often ill elderly people. Spondylosis can develop in any division of the dorsal trunk, but often suffer lumbar.
Causes: static overload, microtrauma, dynamic load, metabolic disorders, age. The pain may be in the buttocks, legs, thighs.
Possible limitation. Occurs when walking, the vertical static load. The pain continues until such time as the person is not lean forward.
Spondylosis of the lumbar progressing for a long time and is chronic.
Spondiloarthrosis – degenerative disease of the facet joints of the spine. Dysfunction of the facet joints leads to severe pain in the lower back.
Can develop independently and simultaneously with osteochondrosis.
Causes can include congenital anomalies of the spine, trauma, chronic microtrauma of the spine. Most often, the pain occurs in the transition from rest to movement.
Intensifies when bending and turning the body back. Has a localized character.
Degenerative changes can occur due to injury or the natural aging process of the body.
Cause of degenerative of degenerative disorders of the lumbar spine is either inflammation or a pathological instability of micro-movements. Or both.
In the formation of intervertebral hernia proteins in the disc space irritate the nerve roots.
And the fibrous ring of the void, can not withstand the load on the spine, which leads to greater mobility in the affected area of the spine. All of this gives a huge constant back pain.
Complication of degenerative dystrophic changes is the formation of intervertebral hernia. When there is a herniated disc, plus mechanical compression of the neurovascular bundle, as a result, the pain increases, is constant.
People who have degenerative degenerative changes in the lumbar spine, you feel constant pain, which sometimes increases. Simptomi can appear on the progression of processes.
Symptoms can be many, but often it is:
- discomfort with certain movements (turning, bending, lifting);
- numbness, tingling in the legs;
- a dull, aching pain in the lower back;
- prolonged discomfort of the lumbar;
- neurological disorders;
- more discomfort when sitting than standing, walking or lying down.
There are several stages of manifestations of degenerative dystrophic changes:
The first stage, when a person is pronounced low back pain. The discomfort is so huge that the person has to restrict movement. Which makes it difficult to lead a normal lifestyle.
The second stage is characterized by limitation, backache, tingling in the legs.
The next stage leads to poor circulation. Appear cramps, numbness of the lower extremities.
And the very severe stage, when paralysis or paresis.
It is crucial to get a decent treatment to avoid serious consequences.
Degenerative dystrophic changes in the trunk sections of the spine primarily develop as a result of chronic and acute overloads under the effect of microtrauma.
Degenerative lesions of the vertebral bodies can move in different directions.
Treatment, diagnosis
When the patient goes to the doctor with lower back pain, diagnosing the disease is difficult, as it can be many diseases.
Usually use several ways:
- X-ray examination.
- CT.
- Magnetic resonance imaging.
- A comprehensive neurological examination.
To ignore the pain in the lumbar desirable. By itself, this problem will not work. And self-treatment can further worsen the condition. When treatment is prescribed, the physician should uchityvat all the features of the patient’s body and to make it comprehensive.
Methods of treatment:
- physiotherapy;
- medication;
- physiotherapy;
- pool;
- traditional methods;
- acupuncture;
- surgical treatment ( rare cases);
- massage.
This treatment stops the pain, strengthens the muscles, removes muscle tension, increases blood flow to the spine.
At the moment it has become possible to cope with the cause of such problems. Taking into account the seriousness of the consequences, treatment and diagnosis should be performed in a timely manner and by qualified personnel.