Osteochondrosis – a disease of terrible, with many unpleasant consequences. The most severe manifestation of the disease is osteochondrosis of 3 degrees. If the disease has reached such an extent, then, the patient neglected her even on the first stage, are not addressed to the specialist in time, and the pathology relapsed.
Low back pain very quickly shifts from one stage to another. Most worryingly, low back pain grade 3 can not be cured with ointments and gymnastics, as it could have been done in the first stage. Here, as a rule, surgery is indicated.
Regardless of which area of evolving pathology, degenerative disc disease grade 3 has a number of common features. These include:
Thoracic. Occurs because of increased stress on the spine. Lifting weights, bad posture while working at the computer, sooner or later makes itself felt.
The composition of the intervertebral disc includes the annulus. It is a kind of shell for the nucleus pulposus, which has a semi-liquid state. Due to the development of degenerative disc disease, the annulus collapses and the core begins to dry and lose protective properties. When you do this, the nerve roots begin to inflame and causes severe pain. Progressive disease completely destroys the intervertebral disks, ligaments and joints.
Thoracic osteochondrosis has two definitions:
- Dorigo. Is characterized by a very strong instant short-term pain in the chest. This phenomenon is also called “lumbago”. Typically, this pain occurs with a long stay in one position. The attack is characterized by increased pain when moving torso at the top. The patient also complains of shortness of breath.
- Dorsalgia. This symptom, in contrast, is characterized by a monotonous constant pain that occurs gradually and persists for several weeks. It is localized in the affected areas of the spine. Strengthening of pain is observed when you try to take a deep breath and bend over. The patient complains of shortness of breath and painful sensations pass after a short movements in the form of a leisurely walk.
Symptoms of thoracic degenerative disc disease
Compared to other parts of the spine thoracic osteochondrosis is less pronounced its symptoms.
However, there are a number of grounds on which to judge the development of the disease in this Department:
- sharp chest pain tends to worsen at night, if the person long time does not change position;
- the pain also appears when hypothermia, sudden movements and stress;
- pain in the area between the shoulder blades, especially when lifting the right or left hand, as well as when bending to the side;
- with a deep breath the pain increased;
- pain when walking;
- constant feeling of lack of air due to the fact that breathe in the impossible;
- sometimes back pain radiates to the stomach.
In the period of exacerbation of degenerative disc disease pain symptoms can disturb a few weeks. In addition to the basic signs of thoracic disease, there are also additional.
These include:
- in some parts of the body numbness of skin, with the subsequent emergence of tingling;
- the legs have such feelings as burning, itching, tingling and cold;
- the nails become brittle;
- the skin peels off;
- pain in the esophagus;
- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Lumbar degenerative disc disease grade 3 – this is a disease that progresses and destroys the spine and its components. This is due to the long physical exertion, injury and various processes which can occur malnutrition vertebral discs. As a result, purposee shifting the core away from the fibrous ring, ligaments torn and the hernia is formed.
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Osteochondrosis of the lumbar develops slower than other types of this disease, and generally asymptomatic. That is why the patient gets to the doctor only when the disease reaches 2 degrees.
The exacerbation of the disease occurs in two possible phases: acute and subacute. It can occur for a number of reasons.
These include:
- being in a stressful situation;
- hypothermia;
- frequent lifting and different exercise;
- the finding of the body for a long time in an uncomfortable position.
In the acute phase, severe pain can occur when sudden movement, sneezing or coughing. When the muscles seize spasm in the lumbar region, not allowing the patient to move, protecting the spine from unnecessary injuries and movements, and the patient is forced to take a certain posture in which the pain is felt the least. This muscular spasm is called “lumbago”.
Usually the pain subsides when the patient takes a horizontal position. While the leg bent in the knee region. The pain may be felt for several weeks. Subside, only when the muscles gradually relax.
The subacute phase is characterised by dull constant pain that radiates to the leg or buttocks. This symptom is called sciatica. Physical activity is not quenched, but should move with extreme caution.
The main symptoms of the developing degenerative disc disease in the lumbar think:
- pain in the lumbar region and the sacrum, radiating to the legs, sometimes in the gluteal region;
- numbness and tingling of lower extremities;
- reduced skin sensitivity in the departments affected;
- muscles weaken;
- the torso leans to the healthy side, why is the imbalance of the whole body;
- disturbed urogenital system.
Disease of the neck provokes the lifestyle of modern man. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine diagnosed in almost 25% of patients. The reasons for its occurrence are many. This extra weight and sluggishness during the day, as well as heredity. As a rule, patients complain of frequent headache.
The intensity of the pain depends on of the syndrome, which prevails in a particular place. For example, vertebral artery syndrome is characterized by compression of the arteries and veins, radicular syndrome the symptoms are pain in the neck that radiates to the arms and neck. The same happens when syndrome migraine neck.
Low back pain grade 3 cervical manifested by the following symptoms:
- the spine is curved;
- keep the head straight is becoming increasingly difficult;
- appear hernia between the cervical vertebrae;
- acute severe pain in the head, arms, shoulders;
- sometimes the pain experienced in the heart;
- the muscles of the arms almost spasmatic;
- reduced sensitivity of the skin.
Diagnostic procedures
The first thing to do when pain in any area of the spine is to see a specialist. After hearing all the complaints, it will make a medical report and plan further treatment. To correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the study of the body and spine.
These include:
- x-rays;
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
- CT (computed tomography).
With the help of these studies, the doctor establishes the presence of a hernia, determines the state of the intervertebral discs and their components, after which the specialist able to diagnose and prescribe an effective treatment.
MRI and CT scans help the doctor to identify hernias and various tumors in the spinal column, if any, or to exclude their presence. Imaging helps to get a detailed picture of the disease and to understand how the reduced distance of one intervertebral disc to the other, whether there is inflammation in the affected area, and whether there is an increase in the joints.
For thoracic degenerative disc disease is ECG (electrocardiography). This procedure is indicated when breast osteochondrosis, since this type of disease difficult to be diagnosed due to its similarity with the problems of the heart. ECG is needed to rule out heart pathology in the diagnosis “osteochondrosis of the thoracic 3 degrees”.
Sonography (ultrasound) is another efficient method to determine intervertebral hernia and the presence of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the spine. Ultrasonography is indicated for those patients who complain of pain in the spine or chest.
When the diagnosis “osteochondrosis of 3 degrees” to start treatment as soon as possible. The illness progresses very quickly, and the condition may even worsen. However, the most simple treatments, such as creams and massages will not help. The disease has reached a critical situation where no operation is almost impossible to imagine. Stage 3 disease affects the internal organs. Treatment of degenerative disc disease grade 3 any part of the spine is approximately the same, but there are some differences.
Turning to a specialist, he will diagnose, prescribe treatments that will restore and strengthen the spine.
These include:
- physiotherapy;
- reflexology;
- the use of drugs, they are used in conjunction with reflexology;
- physiotherapy;
- massage.
In combination with common restorative procedures used:
- Manual therapy. Of course, it will not restore the state of the vertebrae, but will help to adjust the blood flow in the inflamed area of the spine, and help prevent the development of the disease in the next stage 4.
- Novocaine blockade. Through this therapy the patient for a long time can forget about the pain. The drug is injected into the joint, turns off the receptors and nerve endings, resulting in pain recedes. In addition, procaine has a positive influence on tissues of the spine, nourishing them, improves muscle tone and is opposed to the development of inflammation.
- Underwater traction. This procedure is available only to highly qualified specialists because the error in the technique of the procedure may lead to the deterioration and the emergence of intervertebral hernia. But if everything is done correctly and qualified, the distance between the vertebrae increases markedly, and entrapment are.
All these therapeutic measures aimed at reducing muscle tone, elimination of pain and activation of blood flow in the area where the disease develops. As a rule, all these procedures are used together, otherwise the proper effect of the treatment will not.
If surveys showed that there is a disc herniation, surgery is performed
If surveys showed that there is a disc herniation, surgery is performed. It is accompanied by the installation of special metal plates in order to lock in place spinous processes of the spine.
A total discectomy is another type of surgical intervention, which is able to restore height of the intervertebral disc.
There is a surgery that is less traumatic and blood loss when it is minimal. This minimally invasive endoscopic microdiscectomy.
As a rule, operations are performed only on the thoracic and lumbar spine.
Preventive measures
If there are pains in various parts of the spine, it is a signal that we must begin to do gymnastics. At home workout is very easy, because now produces a large number of various devices, which are performing basic exercises. And you don’t have to spend your time at the gym.
In addition to gymnastics, it is necessary to choose a comfortable bed and the right mattress. If there are problems with the spine, the mattresses should be hard, and under the head it is better to put a cushion or orthopedic pillow. These products are made from a special “smart” materials that adjust to the shape of your body, fasteners are tight and effectively support the body in the most physiological position. Because of them people Wake up in the morning sleep, headaches and pain will cease to bother him.
For maximum fixation and position correction of the spine using specialized corsets and bandages. They are especially effective in the postoperative periods and in the restoration of the spine after injury. To use corsets too, need to properly. Wear them only when you have loads or weight lifting, and not more than 4 hours a day. Constant wearing of the corset contributes to the weakening of muscles, which has a detrimental effect on the spinal column.
It helps to keep different massagers, which you can massage the neck, waist and back.