The inversion table is a machine that is designed for practicing inversion therapy. The meaning of this technique is that the exercises are performed in the position of hanging upside down.
This leads to better health, eliminates back pain, improves immunity, increases efficiency and has on the body other positive effects.
This is especially useful the facility for back problems, and also in diseases which are associated with intervertebral discs.
Intervertebral discs
Compression and reducing the size of the intervertebral discs is one of the most frequent pathologies. The spine becomes less flexible, and hence more exposed to various traumas.
In addition, the vertebrae that are close to each other, you can just pinch the nerves that pass between them, and this leads to severe pain.
Another common problem is a herniated spine. And all of this will help to solve the inversion table, however to do it regularly and for a long time. But the effect will exceed all possible expectations.
Reducing pain
Inversion is not just an opportunity to alleviate the diseases of the spine. In this position each vertebra begins to stretch and it happens without any effort on the part of man. The human body weight presses down and up, which helps to really feel the lightness.
In this position, the vertebrae of a person getting a little to disperse, that is, to move away from each other. In this free space between them is much greater than it was before. This leads to the fact that there is a release of nerve endings, which ultimately had a significant positive impact.
Another positive impact of the equipment – size reduction or even complete disappearance of the herniated disc. However, it should be remembered that a good effect can be obtained only in the case if the hernia is of small size and the person does not have any other abnormalities.
When you can’t use
Despite the fact that this simulator helps to get rid of many diseases, it also has its contraindications, which must be taken into account before the procedure. Therefore, to use the inversion table only after specialist advice.
For example, the main contraindications include:
- Glaucoma.
- Hypertension of 2 degrees or more.
- Arrhythmia.
- Aneurysm of the brain.
- Tserebroskleroz.
- Chronic connective tissue disease;
- Coronary artery disease in paroxysmal period.
- Senile dementia.
- Ventral hernia.
- Prosthetic joints.
- Inventatorii.
Also do inversion therapy is contraindicated at all stages of pregnancy. With regard to children, in this case, the issue is resolved strictly individually, but all children under 15 years on this therapy are not allowed.
Many people wonder, is it possible to make a table with their hands. Yes, indeed, nothing tricky in this adaptation is not, however this device is best to buy from a retailer – only in this case it is possible to obtain all the desired effect.
By the way, the treatment head down still practiced in the time of Hippocrates. His contemporaries repeatedly described the procedure in which the famous doctor had tied the patient to a special ladder, and then turned her so that the man was hanging upside down.
Other readings
In addition to treatment of spinal disorders, including disc herniation, this table can be used for therapy of other diseases and pathological conditions.
In addition, it has a considerable positive effect:
- Improves posture.
- Relieves tension in the muscles.
- Prevents varicose veins in the legs.
- Strengthens ligaments.
- Increases the flexibility of the body.
- Increases the range of motion of the body.
- Helps to relax.
- Relieves stress.
- Stimulates blood circulation.
- Stimulates lymph circulation.
As for the other indications for use, there is a need to consult with a specialist.
One of the most popular models of inversion table is a Body Sculpture b2100 i E. And to do it can a man with any height and any weight. In this respect, some significant contraindication exists.