Radiculitis belongs to the category of fairly serious diseases, in which the nerve roots of the vertebral openings become inflamed. The manifestation of this disease is observed suddenly.
In this case, the person is very much in pain. The causes of pathology can be very different and depend on the person’s wrong lifestyle or associated pathologies.
Since radiculitis does not belong to the category of individual diseases, but is only a symptom, the reasons for its occurrence can be varied. The spine is characterized by the presence of the spinal cord, from which a large number of endings depart, which coordinate and control the movement of the human body. If the nerve endings are damaged or inflamed, the development of radiculitis is observed.
Why there is a pathology
According to statistics in more than 90% of cases, the appearance of radiculitis is diagnosed against the background of osteochondrosis. Also, the cause of the pathology may be an old trauma. Often the pathology appears with the intervertebral hernia. The cause of osteochondrosis is dystrophic changes in the vertebral column. Most often it is observed in patients who move little or have a sedentary job. Incorrect distribution of physical activity can also lead to the onset of the disease. If untimely treatment of osteochondrosis can occur not only radiculitis, but also more serious diseases.
The causes of lumbar radiculitis may be in the intervertebral hernia, often a pathological process develops with osteophytes. These are bone growths on the vertebrae, which must be surgically removed. Lumbar radiculitis occurs with stenosis of the spinal canal. If a person is diagnosed with a tumor, this can lead to the development of radiculitis. Experts say that pathology can develop against the background of arthritis. With diseases of the genitourinary system, this pathological process can also be diagnosed. Changes in the spine are caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system.
The causes of the disease may depend on various factors. Therefore, in order to avoid this pathological process, the patient needs to lead a healthy lifestyle.
The provoking factors
There are a large number of provoking factors that can accelerate the development of radiculitis. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed against a background of stressful situations or frequent depressions. The flow of the infectious process can become a provoking factor of pathology. Sometimes radiculitis occurs in the period of disturbance of the metabolic process in the human body. It is often enough to diagnose pathology in men, which is explained by the specificity of their work and constant lifting of weights.
Radiculitis can occur in absolutely healthy people with excessive physical exertion. This disease often affects athletes. If there is excessive pressure on the vertebrae, it leads to the fact that the nerves are jammed, which is why the inflammatory process develops.
In the fairer sex, sciatica can be observed during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a woman during pregnancy is gaining weight. Its unprepared organism can not cope with the additional load, which leads to the appearance of a pathological process.
If the body is diagnosed with inflammatory and infectious processes, it can lead to inflammation of the nerve roots. Radiculitis often develops after severe hypothermia. The cause of this pathology may become SARS or cold. With malnutrition, the development of radiculitis can also be observed, since when eating salt in large quantities, it is observed that it is deposited in the cervical spine. It squeezes the nerve fibers, which leads to the development of the disease.
Features of cervical radiculitis
Disease in the cervical spine often occurs during the course of the inflammatory process in the nerve root, the pathology is quite common. Symptoms of the disease are pronounced, that any person can notice them. When a pathology occurs, the patient experiences severe pain in the neck and neck. In some cases, it can give to areas such as shoulder blade, forearm, shoulder, heart. If the patient tilts or turns his head, it leads to increased pain.
The patients claim that with the cervical radiculitis the movements with the hands are very painful. When a person sneezes or coughs, the pain intensifies. When there is a sharp pain in the neck, the spasm is diagnosed, as a result of which the spinal artery is being squeezed, which feeds the brain. With cervical radiculitis, people often complain of a headache or dizziness.
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Symptom of cervical radiculitis in patients is also impaired vision. Coordination of patient movements is impaired. The patient’s walk is shaky and uncertain. People claim that with the development of this disease they feel noise and ringing in the ears. This disease can be accompanied by numbness of the hand. Some people complain of a coma in the throat. Cervical radiculitis can be accompanied by hiccough, and frequent symptoms of the illness are unpleasant sensations and pain in the upper abdomen.
Cervical radiculitis is a dangerous disease that can lead to serious consequences. That is why it is necessary to conduct timely treatment of the pathological process.
Lumbar radiculitis
The most common types of radicular syndrome are the lumbosacral and lumbar radiculitis. The cause of this type of pathology is pinching and the onset of the inflammatory process in the spinal nerves.
This disease in most cases is accompanied by acute pain, which has a shooting character. People claim that with lumbar radiculitis pain gives in the buttock. Soreness can spread to the back of the thigh and lower leg. In most cases, people complain of tingling and feeling goose bumps. In some cases, the toes may be numb. When a pathology occurs, muscle weakness in the legs is diagnosed.
The appearance of the above symptomatology is explained by the fact that the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed and pinched. This pathology is called sciatica.
The same symptoms occur with sacral radiculitis. Lumbosacral sciatica is accompanied by an intense and acute attack of pain. The duration of such attacks can range from several hours to several days. This pain is called lumbulgia.
When lumbosacral radiculitis appears, the patient’s movement is limited, which is why he needs to seek help from a doctor.
Features of thoracic radiculitis
The cause of the onset of thoracic radiculitis is a pinched nerve root in the thoracic region. The disease is accompanied by pain in the chest area. It can be stitching, shooting or burning. If a person coughs or sneezes, it leads to increased pain.
By its nature, the pain in the left side of the chest is similar to angina. But, it is possible to distinguish between these diseases according to certain signs.
With thoracic radiculitis the pain is long and persistent, it can give back. It is a kind of painful lumbago. Some patients claim that the pain is felt in the form of a stake in the chest.
With thoracic radiculitis, a large number of symptoms are often diagnosed, which manifest themselves as:
- numbness of the skin;
- increased blood pressure;
- high sensitivity;
- heartburn;
- muscle weakness of the hands.
Thoracic radiculitis brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort to a person. That’s why when you have the first symptomatology you need to start treatment.
Therapeutic methods
To facilitate the patient’s condition, appropriate treatment should be used. The most effective methods include:
Vacuum treatment. With the help of this method, relaxation of the back muscles, improvement of metabolic processes in the body, elimination of toxins and toxins are carried out.
The effect of this therapeutic method is aimed at rapid elimination of muscle spasms, elimination of muscle hypertonicity, unloading of the spine, improvement of blood circulation.
- Acupuncture. Thanks to this method of treatment, tension in the muscles and edema are removed, as well as the elimination of the inflammatory process. A universal method of treatment of the disease can eliminate muscle weakness. With its help, a long-term anesthetic effect is achieved, normalization of innervation and working capacity of internal organs.
- Manual therapy. The method is based on stretching the spine, which leads to an increase in the height of the gaps between the vertebrae. This leads to the release of nerve roots and the improvement of the patient’s condition.
- Moxotherapy. The method has an excellent analgesic effect. With its help, inflammation and edema are eliminated, as well as stimulation of tissue healing and renewal processes.
Hirudotherapy. It is an integral component of complex treatment. With the help of this method, the causes of pathology are eliminated. - Radiculitis is a fairly serious disease that occurs against the backdrop of other diseases or in the wrong way of life. When the first symptoms of the pathology appear, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Otherwise, a variety of negative consequences can develop which are difficult to treat.
People whose profession is associated with increased stress on the spine are most susceptible to radiculitis. These include stevedores, miners, dentists, professional athletes. In addition, the risk group is also truckers and office workers who spend the whole day at the computer. Such people may suffer from severe osteochondrosis for years, drink anesthetics and destroy their spine, but if you go for yoga or qigong, maintain your body with physical exertion, then you can be warned against sciatica. Work complete with lifting weights, with stress, hypothermia, metabolic disorders – this is a direct road to radiculitis.