Osteoarthritis of the hands is approximately one fifth of all cases of osteoarthrosis – disease of joints, characterized by primary changes in the cartilage degenerative nature.
If arthritis of the hands compared with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joints, it can be called a relatively rare pathology. More often this disease affects women who are experiencing menopause, or are genetically predisposed to his people.
Osteoarthritis of the hands refers to the primary pathologies, since its occurrence does not need a visible reason. Such patients have a defect in the synthesis and maturation of collagen. Why there is such a violation, is not clarified so far.
Forms of the disease
Osteoarthritis of the hands depending on the localization process can be divided into two forms:
- Nodular. This pathology is characterized by formation of nodular thickening with bone density at the interphalangeal joints of the fingers (distal and proximal). The defeat of the distal joints has received the name of Heberden nodules, and proximal nodules Bouchard.
- Resorters, which affects the base of the thumb. The reason for this form of the disease is the defeat of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb, and the metacarpophalangeal.
You may also see osteoarthritis of the wrist joint, however, this phenomenon in clinical practice is quite rare. In most cases it leads to injury (dislocation or fracture).
Signs of the disease
Depending on the nature of the disease can be divided into three stages, each of which is characterized by their symptoms:
- Stage 1. Characterized by recurrent aching pain, often occurring at night and accompanied by muscle tension and the formation of a slight swelling in the affected area. Finger movement at the initial stage is not difficult.
- Stage 2. The pain begin to bother the patient not only at night, they become especially pronounced during the load on the fingers. Finger movements difficult, there is a characteristic crunch. Gradually begin to atrophy of the muscles of the affected fingers or the entire hand, the joints increase in volume.
- Stage 3. The symptoms of this stage are: limited mobility of the affected finger; destruction of articular cartilage and connected them bones, the appearance in this region of the nodules. The formation of nodules of Heberden when symmetrically affected rear or side of the distal surface of the joints between the phalanges of the fingers, accompanied by redness of the affected joints, pain and burning sensation. The development of nodules Bouchard affecting the middle joints of the fingers, is slow, increasing not typical for them. Progression in both cases, arthrosis of the small joints leading to their deformation and the development of stiffness.
Regardless of the total deformation of the brush, this pathology has no effect on the function of internal organs, General condition of the body also does not change.
Folk remedies in fight against osteoarthritis
Usually osteoarthritis of the hands are asymptomatic, therefore, the special treatment this disease does not require. Experts recommend in this situation to avoid excessive physical exertion on the brush. In any case, before to use any treatment that you need to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis, as there are many types of joint damage, and without the help of a specialist can easily make a mistake.
In the presence of pain treatment is done using local drug therapy. In addition to drugs to deal with pain and swelling of the hands also help and folk remedies.
To cope with inflammation complicating the course of the disease the hands, maybe a compress of honey and salt for cooking that you need to mix honey with salt in equal proportions, spread the mixture on a linen cloth and apply to the brush, from the top properly insulated. These packs can be done at night, leaving them until the morning.
Useful in osteoarthritis brushes make application of clay (pharmacy), apply fresh cabbage leaves. Well help compresses of pre-grated on a small grater potatoes with greenish areas. Such tubers are not recommended for use during cooking, but to eliminate the pain in osteoarthritis contained the poison will be very helpful. The compresses hot potato should also be applied to the affected areas at night.
Good reviews patients give compresses, made with mashed fresh onion, mixed with chalk and yogurt. It is also useful to introduce into the diet herbal diuretic teas and nettle.
Exercises for osteoarthritis of hands
Recommended in the pathology of the joints of the hands exercise is very easy.
The most effective ones include the following:
- put your hands on the table and gently hit the table top with your fingers, thereby mimicking the piano;
- stretch the arm so that the distance between the thumb and the middle was greatest, and do, as if pacing, transitions on the table;
- put both hands in front of him, then quickly connect your thumbs and forefinger, then large and medium, and so on.
In addition to the above-described methods, to increase the effect of treatment using the observance of special diets, as well as making percussion massage. If you treat their health responsibly and to start timely treatment, it can pass quickly and painlessly.
Nodular. This pathology is characterized by formation of nodular thickening with bone density at the interphalangeal joints of the fingers (distal and proximal). The defeat of the distal joints has received the name of Heberden nodules, and proximal nodules Bouchard.