
Causes of development, symptoms, and treatment of spontaneous deforming spondylosis

Spondylosis is a fairly common disease that happens when the edges of the vertebrae started growing bone tissue. And one of the varieties of the disease is considered to be spontaneous spondylosis deformans, which is diagnosed most often in older people as a result of wear of the intervertebral discs.

However, in rare cases, the symptoms of wear of the discs can occur in people of young age.

That can be a precipitating factor for the spontaneous development of deforming spondylosis?

Risk factors

First and foremost, is the age, as that age changes are most characteristic for this species.

Also risk factors can be attributed to prolonged fixed position of the body, for example, when working at the computer. That is why it is recommended that each hour of such work to take a break, which should last at least 15 minutes.

Other risk factors include spinal cord injury, and even if immediately after any change in the vertebrae did not happen, it can affect the development of spondylosis in the future.

Finally, a genetic predisposition, which is based on the fact that close relatives are often diagnosed the same lesion of the back.

When to consult a doctor

Spontaneous spondylosis deformans – a disease that initially almost does not have any specific symptoms. So often a patient comes to the doctor when the disease is in full swing, and when to correct the pathology is almost impossible.

To avoid this, be sure to pay attention to the condition of your body and symptoms such as:

  1. Numbness in the hands or feet.
  2. Tingling in the hands or feet.
  3. Weakness in the muscles.
  4. The movement disorder.
  5. Rude gait disturbance.
  6. Loss of bladder control.
  7. Loss of control over rectum.

All of this suggests that as a result of the disease begin to suffer the nerve endings that Innervate the various organs and systems.

The spondylosis occurs in three stages. In the first stage, no noticeable changes are observed. To identify the disease at this stage is not always possible because bony growths, which are called osteophytes, do not extend beyond the area of the vertebra.

In the second stage osteophytes gradually begin to go beyond the vertebrae, and they develop in several vertebrae. This contributes to the fact that the osteophytes tend gradually to communicate with each other. At this stage the spine is so mobile and flexible as it was before.

And finally, the third stage is a complete coalescing osteophytes that completely disrupts the function of the spine. It becomes almost one long bone which does not contain more joints, which means fully lost mobility.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of spontaneous deforming spondylosis should be performed only by an individual plan drawn up by the doctor after a thorough diagnostic examination of the patient. And the treatment will depend only on the degree of manifestation of spondylosis.

If this is the first stage, the main treatment is pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of NSAIDs and physical therapy. In addition to drugs, the patient must complete a full course of physical therapy, which helps to strengthen the muscle corset of the spine.

In the treatment of disease at the second stage in the course of therapy necessarily include muscle relaxants, which allow you to get rid of muscle spasm, and anticonvulsant drugs to help get rid of pain during compression of the nerve.

Also required to wear corsets. But their choice depends on exactly which back started breaking – the back, chest or lower back. Choose a corset should only after consulting a doctor and wearing it need to have the whole treatment

Surgery is indicated only at the last stage of the disease. Thus freed from the compression of nerve roots, and also performed removal of osteophytes protruding disc or part of the affected vertebra.

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