
Causes and treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra

Constant pain in back and region of the thoracic spine is the first alarm bell on the way to a more serious problem. Later, they can spread and the head, causing her feeling of gravity.

Will gradually appear numb or tingling in the shoulders and arms. The diagnosis is not very comforting: thus, begins to show itself, osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae are serious and require treatment, the disease.

Why does this disease affect the cervical spine? The neck really is the Achilles heel of our skeleton: in comparison with other departments of a vertebrae is very shallow, and muscles is expressed very weakly.

That is why the pain often begins here, and later may spread to the shoulders, collarbone, chest or limbs. But by this time the vertebrae can have serious deformation.

The causes of disease

Previously it has been suggested that such changes are senile in nature, but they have not found practical confirmation. In fact, the disease becomes younger before our very eyes: it is found even in children and adolescents.

There are the following factors that may contribute to the development of diseases of the spine:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • sedentary work that involves strain on the neck;
  • weight;
  • violation of blood circulation in the neck region;
  • postural defects;
  • scoliosis;
  • sleep on uncomfortable mattresses or pillows;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • disorders of metabolism.
The development of the disease

In fact, the first signs of the disease – this is not the limit of what can happen to a person.

That is why even at the slightest suspicion of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae definitely need to get special treatment from the respective doctor (neurologist and orthopedist). Otherwise, the disease threatens to go to the following degree:

In the first stage will be a slight violation intervertebral discs. In this case, people still can not realize that are already ill and need treatment.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the second degree will be reflected in protrusion of the discs.

This means that will crack the annulus and narrow intervertebral spaces. It is from this period and start to feel pain – they appear as a result of pinched nerve endings.

In the third degree of the fibrous ring is already damaged. It is already beginning to develop disc herniation.

If you look at photos of this period, the naked eye can see, that there is a deformity of the spine and even of the thoracic.

In its final stage the patient will be difficult to make even the slightest movement will be so strong coursing through his pain.

To this extent it is likely bone growth in the spine that can lead a person in a wheelchair.

How does intervertebral cervical osteochondrosis?

Besides the already mentioned headaches and quite likely tooth. Not surprisingly, if there is sore throat or neck. Symptoms can be reported and constant dizziness, as well as the deterioration of hearing and vision.

Fixed loss of consciousness and poor coordination of their own movements. If the patient does not receive proper treatment, you can even change his voice.

By the way, snoring can also be a manifestation of the fact that malfunctions of the intervertebral disk.

The pain may be localized in the anterior part of the thoracic. In this case, it is often paroxysmal. It happens that simultaneously with the turning of the head occurs coughing and sneezing.

Often as symptoms manifest extrasystoles and tachycardia. In this case, it is difficult to determine true cause and prescribe the correct treatment. That is why great importance is the correct diagnosis.

Methods for the determination of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine

Most often, before prescribe treatment, the doctor will conduct the following procedures:

  • primary inspection;
  • appointment for an x-ray study;
  • possible computer tomography;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • ultrasonic dopplerography.

Each of these methods helps to determine the localization of the disease (cervical or thoracic) and the extent of his defeat, and, then, to start timely treatment, the aim of which is relief from pain and the causes of it.

Treatments for osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae

Most often the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease involves conservative methods. These include anti-inflammatory and pain medications and those medications which help to relieve muscle tension.

But all these methods are intended to remove only a very strong pain. To get rid of it forever (or even for a long time), need to resort to physical therapy component.

Physiotherapy treatment involves the following methods:

  • medical massage of the cervical;
  • acupuncture (acupuncture);
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • manual therapy.

Usually any of these courses lasts at least two weeks. However, all the above methods are effective if treatment is started when the disease is still in its first degree.


All this insidious disease of the cervical spine is that in its first stage, it flows almost without symptoms.

But already reaching the second degree, the disease will make themselves felt severe pain (if she is breast character, it could easily be confused with heart).

In this case, medical assistance will be to stop pain and restore normal activity of the vertebrae.

Under this medicinal treatment may include the use of the following drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, indometacin);
  • the anesthetics pain (spazmalgon, Ketanov or analgin);
  • relaxing medications (sirdalud, or trental);
  • mandatory vitamin complex (group);
  • external products irritant (finalgon);
  • external funds regenerating properties (Trammel).

More detailed treatment should be a doctor, focusing on the localization of the pain experienced by the patient and the degree, which is now a disease.

An integrated approach

Attentive person should not ignore the neurological component of the disease of the spine. Actually, it is very relevant, because the result of the fact that the vertebral artery can be bent, broken and the blood supply to the brain.

And this is, in turn, will affect the dizziness with sharp bends, after sleep, and even with a simple turning of the head.

The issue becomes very serious if simultaneously markedly reduced acuity of hearing and vision.

To a certain extent to enhance the blood flow to the cervical and thoracic will help effective nootropic agents, as well as those that improve microcirculation and relieve vasospasm.

But that’s not all – be sure to following a special diet, which will be excluded spicy and salty foods, and hard liquor – the alcohol and coffee. The only way to minimize the risks of destruction of this part of the neck.

Treatment folk methods

In the early stages of the disease allowed the use of folk remedies that will help to improve blood circulation. Usually these include compresses.

They carry different properties: irritant prepared from the leaves of horseradish, anti-inflammatory made from cabbage and burdock, but the warming include those that can be made from a mixture of dry mustard and propolis.

They are all very good in the treatment of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis. But these measures are appropriate if the disease is in the first degree of its development.

Prevention of damage to the cervical spine

Ignoring these symptoms and inconsistent attitude to treatment carries with it very serious consequences, up to disability. It is therefore important to move more and to minimise the static load.

This is due to from the anatomical point of view: on the x-ray photo clearly that the intervertebral disc does not have its own vessels – it is powered by the vertebral bodies.

Because spinal health is very important to lead an active and healthy lifestyle will not only improve the blood flow and circulation in the body, but will award the person a huge boost of energy and strength.

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