
Symptoms and treatment of giant cell tumors of the spine

Giant cell tumor of the spine are benign tumors. The second name for this disease – osteoblastoclastoma, and it belongs to the category of the most popular bone tumours.

Unfortunately, it still remains unclear what is the cause of this neoplasm, however, there is reliable information that in the majority of cases they are benign in nature. But without treatment, and in some other circumstances it can degenerate into a sarcoma.

Osteoblastoclastoma, in distinction from a dystrophic process, has all the symptoms and peculiarities of tumor process, in particular, this Autonomous growth, growth of specific cells, causing destruction of healthy tissue. In some circumstances, there may be relapses, as well as zlokacestvennoe even a few years from diagnosis. And, of course, then appear and metastasis.


The clinical picture in two different forms that education takes place not in the same way. Tumors of the first group for a long time does not manifest itself, and most often are diagnosed only in the presence of pathological fracture, which happens very often.

If the fracture does not happen, then the main complaint is the presence of the swelling that is due to the spread of the pathological process inside the bones of the vertebrae. It is also noted the expansion of the cutaneous veins and limitation of movement in the area of the back.

The second type of tumor grows very quickly. It causes severe pain, which in its manifestations resembles a sarcoma. However, contracture of the joints of the spine occurs very rarely.

In children the most common affected humerus and femur, in adults it is most often the tibia and the fibula. But the spine is affected in relatively rare. The peculiarity of the disease that the cartilage remains intact and the joints are therefore usually not affected.

Basically, the pathology is diagnosed in children. In this case, the tumor may grow so much that causes such destruction of bone tissue, to fight that is almost impossible. Appeared about the joint, extensive deformity of the bones and considerable pain, not allow movement.

Malignant for flows by type of sarcoma. There is a rapid and fast growth of tumors with widespread destruction of tissue. To distinguish this disease from true sarcoma is possible only with histological examination. Moreover, the prognosis is very bad in both cases, and the treatment is exactly the same as in the treatment of sarcoma.


If it detects this type of tumor requires differential diagnosis with these disorders:

  1. Fibrous dysplasia.
  2. Lytic form of osteosarcoma.
  3. Parathyroid osteodystrophy.
  4. Customercountry hearth.
  5. Aneurysmal cyst.

Especially when diagnostic errors occur with bone tuberculosis. However, a large destruction of bone tissue, which continues to progress despite all the efforts and specific therapy, points exactly to the giant cell form.

To identify the tumor, you want to use such studies as CT or MRI, and MRI is more preferred. The study reveals the presence of neoplasm, presence of fractures, presence of radicular syndrome. Also, when complaints of pain in a specific area of the back can be found metastases.


Treatment of benign forms operational. It will all depend on what kind of a, what is its location and age of the patient.

If diagnosed lytic form, then resection with removal of the periosteum and installation of the graft, as this species is prone to recurrence.

If the disease has a benign course, then it only removes the wart. In this case, rehabilitation is leaking pretty quickly.

Radiation therapy in this pathology is not being used – this can cause a shift giant cell tumor of the spine from benign forms to malignant.

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