
Manifestations and features torgovanov scoliosis

“Scoliosis” is a group of consistent lateral curvatures of the vertebral column of different Genesis, location, difficulty level. Scoliosis of the thoracic spine Department (eRecovery, scoliosis) is a common curvature of the spine.

This abnormality has a close relationship with posture, as posture is bad is a causal factor in the formation of habitual scoliosis of the acquired type.

Every person has their own usual position, which is formed of his constitutional and anatomical characteristics. But the innate posture is correctable, forcing the body to adapt to a certain position. As a result, may develop bad posture, leading to bending of the vertebral axis, and, conversely, to the ideal posture.

Normal or correct posture is the one, when for all the visceral organs are provided with optimal conditions and equal distribution of the load on the spine.

Normal posture has the following manifestations (standing position):

  • the symmetrical arrangement of the parts of the body, and the spine is the axis of symmetry;
  • direct localization of several heads;
  • the brachial astroelite divorced, the abdomen retracted, the lower limbs straight;
  • the absence of the projections and depressions of the thoracic Department;
  • the absence of pathological curves of the spine.

The easiest method of self-control of the correctness of the posture is to get up the dorsal surface to the wall, leaning against the latter. Occipital, scapular, and gluteal calcaneal surface tightly close to the wall and in the waist there is a gap through which to squeeze his hand. In the case of impaired posture greatly increased risk of degeneration curvatures and transformations in the spine, the development of pain in the back, development of deformirovanii and pathology of other visceral organs due to unbalanced load.


Incorrect bends are formed usually in the child’s body and recorded approximately 65-70% of children. In some cases, ecofactory may be masked in congenital anomalies, pathologies early age and the injuries of the muscular-skeletal system. Incorrect posture can be formed under the action of external factors in the form of uncomfortable, not the corresponding growth rates of baby furniture, loose myotonus due geodinamicheskogo lifestyle, the constant emotional stress.

In children may develop this kind of pathological types of curves of the spine (the back):

The first option is formed as a result of the weakness of the joint and ligamentous systems, carry heavy items (bags etc.) on the same shoulder, a wrong sitting position for the training table. Weak thisactivity, a bad habit to be in stoop-shouldered condition leads to the development round back. Time is not diagnosed and not subjected to therapy disorders of posture can cause permanent curvature of the spine.

Lateral curvature (koliosnaya pathology) leads to organic damage to the spinal axis, asymmetries of trunk compression syndrome.

Abnormal posture is one of the many causes of scoliosis of the thoracic part of the spine.


There are four degrees of pathology, which describes the angle of curvature.

The most informative method of diagnosis of the disease acts rentgenografiya. On renthenznimky the vertebral column is measurement of the Cobb angle, which is obtained by the intersection of the lines passing through the body of the vertebrae parallel to the vertebral plates:

  • I St. – to 10⁰;
  • Article II – 10-25⁰;
  • III St – 26-40⁰;
  • Article IV – 40⁰ more.
  1. The asymmetry of the shoulder joint, the scapular bones, which are pathognomonic manifestation of scoliosis in first degree is almost imperceptible. In case of suspicion should confirm the diagnosis radiographically. Warning sign also acts as a pain sensation in the spine in the interscapular area. Often the initial stage in children is uncertain and is diagnosed only by routine examination of children in the institution.

The diagnosis is measuring height in a standing position and in sitting, patient survey, pre-bent in a forward direction and lowered upper extremities.

  1. At the second degree the symptoms are not particularly pronounced, however, the deviation of the vertebral axis in the direction can be noticeable during the inspection.
  2. The disease in the late stages (III and IV grade) is easily visualized. It is characterized by deviation of the head from the Central axis, the location of the ears at different heights.

In the case of curvatures in the cervical and thoracic divisions is not symmetrical contour of the shoulders. On renthenznimky in addition to dislocation of the spine is visualized torsion (rotation of the vertebrae relative to the vertical axis). Severe disease is accompanied by pathologies of other organs.


Difficult performs timely diagnosis of scoliosis of the thoracic Department. This localization of the pathological curves is rendered difficult in the first degree, and pain and fast vexation masquerading as other pathology.

At the second degree the waist and neck contour neck has become strong in its asymmetry.

The third degree occurs with weakness of the abdominal muscles and the protrusion of the front rib.

Extreme deformities of the spine at the fourth degree represented by the development of the hump and adversely affects the pulmonary and cardiac system, formed as a result of cardio-respiratory failure (the”scoliosis of the heart”).

Often torecognise the progression of scoliosis leads to the formation of kyphoscoliosis, which is accompanied by protrusion of the spine in the scapular region.

Latest combines two of the pathology of the spine – scoliosis and kyphosis, i.e. the curvature of its left or right, and slouching.

He mainly develops in 12-15 years, during the rapid growth of the child.

In accordance with the vertebrae, where it begins, divided into:

  • breast (VIII-IX);
  • thoracolumbar (X –XI);
  • combo has two arcs (VIII-IX thoracic and I-II lumbar).

Accordingly, the direction of pathology is divided into left and right, and the second option is fixed to 80% of cases and requires immediate therapy, even in the initial stages.

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