
Sciatica lumbar first aid

Acute sciatica – a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the nerve roots of the spinal cord, which manifests as severe pain, muscle weakness and loss of sensation. This is one of the most common diseases of the lumbar region and most often is diagnosed in people older than 40 years.


Today, there are many reasons that cause an attack of sciatica. Most often it is a hernia that compresses the nerve roots, causing severe pain.

The second common cause is osteochondrosis of the spine. When this disease begins with the destruction of the intervertebral discs, which is several times reduces the hole from which the roots emerge. In turn, this causes compression that causes pain.

The third reason – spinal injuries, scarring and other changes in the bone tissue.

To the other not less common causes include:

  1. Of the tumor.
  2. The inflammatory processes.
  3. Swelling of tissues of the spine that occurs as a result of various infections, viral and bacterial.
  4. Rheumatic diseases – arthritis, spondylarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.
  5. Malnutrition of spine due to lesions of the blood vessels, what happens in diabetes or vasculitis.

But to understand what was the cause of the sciatica, you must consult your doctor who will conduct all necessary examination and prescribe treatment in accordance with the cause of the disease.

Clinical manifestations

First aid for sciatica based on clinical manifestations. The first important symptom is pain. She wears a burning, acute the person cannot sit, stand and make any movement. To ease the pain, it is necessary to take an emergency position when the pressure on the nerve is minimal.

The second symptom is weakness of the back muscles, reducing their tone, feeling of heaviness and discomfort. And, finally, the numbness, pins and needles, tingling, and total loss of tactile and pain sensitivity of the skin.

These symptoms are characteristic for almost all types of sciatica. During the attack the person is not able to straighten up and the pains are aggravated by coughing and sneezing.

What can be done

First aid for sciatica lumbar, is based on fixation of the lumbar region with the help of bondage. If no brace, it can be done using sheets or any other material at hand.

After this man need to be laid on a hard surface. If it’s the bed, under the mattress it is desirable to enclose the shield. Under the knees, preferably rolled from the blanket roller. Bed rest should be observed throughout the attack.

After that, be sure to take an anti-inflammatory and pain medications can help relieve pain. The first is to choose the medications from the group of NSAIDs in the form of injections. It can be ibuprofen, Nurofen, diclofenac, nimesulide, meloxicam, indometacin.

If the shot at the moment, you can’t do any of these drugs can be taken in tablet form. However, before starting such treatment, you should remember that these medications are contraindicated in all diseases of the stomach – then you may use painkillers.

With a mild severe attack, you can use the patch – this can be either in nanoplast. Use should be strictly according to instructions.

If the patient is in the excited state, should take a sedative. It may be Valerian, the Persians, or any other drug. This is also included in the first aid in acute sciatica.

Painful place the drug can be applied in the form of an ointment or gel, where the active substance are also NSAIDs. These creams and gels can contain diclofenac, ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, nimesulide. Such drugs must possess a warming effect to improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and irritation.

The most famous and applicable in this case, the drugs include:

  1. Dolobene.
  2. Vitamine.
  3. Finalgon.
  4. Capsicum.
  5. Nurofen.
  6. First days without.
  7. Festungen.
  8. Bystrumgel’.
  9. Nise.
  10. Voltaren.

First aid for sciatica includes all of the above activities – the use of anti-inflammatory and pain medications, warm place cross, bed rest. After that, the patient must be hospitalized in the hospital for further treatment.

Hospital assistance in case of lumbar sciatica can be supplemented with procaine blockade, physiotherapy. As for the massage, or therapeutic exercise, then they can be used only when the acute phase of the disease will be passed.

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