
Rheumatism of the back – symptoms, treatment, prevention

Rheumatism is a disease that is formed imperceptibly and gradually. The emergence of this disease in people of Mature age precedes the earlier infectious Streptococcus.

Rheumatism is characterized by inflammation of the connective tissue that exists throughout the human body. Original pathology was exposed by the organs of the cardiovascular and muscular-articular systems.

Often this disease can be confused with rheumatoid arthritis. In this paper, we consider rheumatism of the back is the main symptoms, treatment options and preventive procedures.

How does rheumatism
  1. If a person contracted an infection of Streptococcus. Rheumatism is formed only under the influence of streptococci on human body, moreover, with repeated impact. As a result, a decrease in the immune ability of the biological system, resulting in the formation of various diseases. For example, rheumatism and a look at the primary signs of rheumatoid arthritis joints.
  2. In case of improper treatment of colds it appears chronic (running) form, resulting in the proliferation of the bacterial source. He at any time could easily cause the formation of such diseases as rheumatic fever and other severe diseases of an inflammatory nature.
  3. The manifestation of Allergy. It can occur after the influence of the Streptococcus or the allocated substances. The cycle of blood circulation activator allergies overcomes the whole body, a result, there is damage to the articular joints and heart (often). The long form of the illness is irrelevant to the effect of the virus. Medical research has not discovered Streptococcus and antibodies thereto.
  4. Hereditary susceptibility. Medical practice shows that arthritis is not inherited. It can be mentioned only the predisposition to the disease.
Characteristics of the disease
  • The disease appears gradually, usually after the formation of the level of the lesion Streptococcus.
  • Indicator of pathological processes. The disease can provoke antibody of lymphocytes and toxins, as well as some enzymes.
  • Signs of relapse. After a sharp progress of the disease is manifested prolonged form of the disease with increased occurrence of recurrence.
  • Comorbidities. In other words, we can say that this form of rheumatism, but the occurrence of these pathologies is noted not in all situations. They may not be.
  • The difficulty in diagnosing the disease. Rheumatism often confused with other processes of pathology. Of course the similarity may be, for example, with this disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments of the joints.
Rheumatism of the spine

The development of the pathology of the spine, more precisely, of rheumatic fever, is characterized as the most common phenomenon in modern medicine. What is the root cause of the origin of this development is not fully understood. The process of spine could easily appear after the transferred reactive arthritis.

The initial symptoms of the disease is sufficiently pronounced. Patient are worried about the pain and feeling of stiffness of the lower back. After a certain period of time in the development of this disease there is increase pain, causing a painful coverage of the spinal Department. In certain cases there are lesions of the joints of the hands, inflammation in the eyes and swelling in the knees.

Also, there is often the appearance of pain in the thoracic spine. Chest pain and other symptoms may subside and occur after a certain period of time.

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Diagnosis of rheumatism

In order to correctly determine the presence of rheumatic fever, carried out x-ray examination in the sacral region of the spine or other departments, where there is likely patchy education. If the disease has a more severe form, between the vertebrae are visible the so-called bony bridges. Also be sure is a blood test. If the disease progresses, the analyses identified high indicators of inflammation, and a fairly low hemoglobin.

There are situations in which use of blood tests revealed no inflammation, in this case, the specialist assigns a special study on the presence of antigen HLA-B27.

What doctors need to visit to determine the rheumatism? For true confirmation of the disease should be addressed to:

  • the therapist’s place of residence;
  • neurologist;
  • the traumatologist;
  • the rheumatologist.

Found effective remedy for pains and for the treatment of joints:

  • natural composition,
  • with no side effects
  • efficiency, proven expert,
  • a quick result.

Actually,only these specialists will help accurately diagnose rheumatism.

To confirm the correct diagnosis usually, doctors prescribe these tests:

  • laboratory blood and urine of the patient;
  • tests for the presence of glucose;
  • biochemical analysis of blood;
  • a study on the presence of immunoglobulins in the blood serum;
  • rheumatologic samples;
  • fluoroscopy of the spine;
  • computer tomography of the spinal unit;
  • magnetic resonance imaging in different projections;
  • ultrasound.

Only after the implementation of all diagnostics, research over, and the doctor establishes a definitive diagnosis. If studies have shown that a person discovered the rheumatism, which, in turn, struck the system of the spine, and prescribed a proper treatment. It must be comprehensive and systematic.

Arthritis hip joint symptoms and causes

The disease is formed fairly quickly, much depends on the personal features of the human body and the causes of rheumatism of the hip joint. Young people, the inflammatory process develops faster than people age. In the initial stage of the disease there is a feeling fairly quick fatigue of the joint, stiffness of movements in the morning, muscle pain, pain in the joint and in the groin area. With the development of the inflammatory process, the kinematics of the joints is reduced even more, attached Cox tissue and inside, as a rule, accumulate exudate, which causes the appearance of a large tumor and redness. In most running situations, the joint may lose mobility.

In certain situations, it may occur the formation of acute inflammatory process, the symptoms of which initially similar to the flu or a standard cold.

It is possible to observe phenomena such as:

  • increased body temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • fever;
  • lethargy;
  • aching of the body;

After all of the above manifested symptoms of the affected joint. These symptoms typically appear in purulent arthritis of the hip joint.


More common causes of the emergence and formation of rheumatism of the hip joint include:

  • The patient’s condition in which the immune system directs its influence against human body.
  • Violations in the process of metabolism.
  • A complication of infectious diseases (exacerbated and prolonged). This reason is most prevalent.
  • The condition of pathologic fatigue of the joints that caused by physical exercise.
Rheumatism of the back: symptoms and treatment

Quite often, arthritis is accompanied by other diseases. Initial symptoms are not distinct symptoms that prevent you from establishing a correct and definitive diagnosis. To notice symptoms, usually only after several weeks after the onset of rheumatic fever, namely, after the secondary diseases of the upper respiratory system of the person affected by strep.

The symptoms of rheumatic fever include:

  1. the pain in the spinal division, cervical, thoracic or lumbar;
  2. the paucity of movements of the musculoskeletal system (difficulty in turning, the tilt of the head or the whole body);
  3. feeling the squeeze system of the spine;
  4. loss of consciousness, and a regular pain in the head, usually only when damaged cervical;
  5. shortness of breath;
  6. high body temperature;
  7. feeling pain while breathing;
  8. numbness of fingers and tingling, usually in the case when the affected thoracic;
  9. is swelling of the joints;
  10. disturbed urination.

As a rule, the diagnosis of the disease will take much more time than diagnosing any other disease. Rheumatism of the spine are difficult to detect, since spinal pain is disturbed in many people on the planet, and in the modern world is quite common.

How to treat rheumatism

During the turbulent formation of rheumatism the treatment is performed in the hospital. If the patient does not want to go to the hospital, then at home he is obliged to stay in bed in order not to worsen the situation. When the disease will recede a little and the pain subsides, you are allowed to start a small motor mode. For the most part, the patients cease to feel pain after several weeks in bed.

In the active stage are allowed to spend the patient a massage. This will help to promote blood circulation and remove the paucity of movements. Food in rheumatoid arthritis should be enriched with proteins.

Rheumatism used the following drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances;
  • immunosuppressants.

The doctor prescribes the ancillary medicinal substance in the presence of severe disease. In the event of severe inflammation of the joints is assigned to the intra-articular enter medicine. But medicines can also be treated rheumatism with the help of physiotherapy techniques. They represent a special comprehensive treatment, which is necessary as recovery of the patient’s health.

In the inactive stage of rheumatoid arthritis and regular joint pain apply any forms of therapy:

  • ultraviolet light;
  • warming up with infrared rays;
  • conducting electrophoresis;
  • paraffin baths.

If the patient will adhere to all orders of treatment, the rheumatism will go.

Rheumatism treatment of folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies at home on the basis of different plants is most secure methods of cure of the disease, as well as preparation of various drugs in the home will help to significantly reduce the pain.

We can distinguish several of such medicines:

  1. You need 40 of finely chopped cloves of garlic, pour 100 ml of vodka. The resulting tool should insist week in a dark room at a temperature 20-25⁰, besides sometimes shake. The resulting drug must filter and use 10 drops several times a day before meals.
  2. You need to take 1 teaspoon of corn silk and pour 1 Cup of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink 2 tablespoons every day for 2 months.
  3. Crushed Laurel leaves pour 200 g of sunflower or olive oil. It is necessary to insist at least 6-7 days, then to filter and RUB into the places of pain.
  4. Should take 20 grams of burdock dried root and pour 200 g of water, then boil on low heat. Consume this decoction should before a meal and 1 tablespoon.
  5. Need a good wash and steaming the leaves of the birch, then put in a disturbing place, tie the top with a bandage and close the plastic wrap. Keep requires several hours. To do this compress need once a day for 7-8 days.
  6. From pain as well helps the oats. It should fill in a fabric pouch, immerse in water and boil 2 minutes. After all, the bag must be carefully wring out and apply hot to the affected part of the body.
Prevention of rheumatism

Primary preventive methods put further tasks:

  • Professionals necessarily have to inspect all firms, schools and other various organizations to detect the presence or absence of expression of such infections like strep. Besides, it is necessary to identify those people who are infection of a chronic nature with allergies.
  • Experts examine these people using cutting-edge biochemical and immunological method.
  • Doctors are required to carry out the rehabilitation of foci of infection.
  • The doctor needs to put these people on record in the clinic in order to monitor and plan treatments.

To prevent the secondary formation of rheumatism, you need to focus on several tasks: to protect your body from future infections infections of Streptococcus and strengthen the immune system. So, that means what’s best for all who were ill with rheumatism to go in a designated resort. After that will be taken remedial measures, you need at least a few years to go on vacation in remote areas of climate, limiting its edges.

Due to the fact that this illness includes a comprehensive treatment should take into account the circumstances that can create a prosperous stop for the formation of rheumatism. In that case, if the person has previously suffered from rheumatism will go into the zone with other climatic conditions, he will surely encounter acclimatization, which, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on health.

Those people who survived rheumatic fever, better take it easy with a dip in the cool water and long tan. To overdo it with the exercise also not necessary, since a heart that was weakened by disease are not yet ready for intense physical activity.

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